Joseph Rudyard Kipling was born 150 years ago today in Bombay, India, to a cultivated English family of artists and academics. After an often unhappy childhood at school in England, he returned to his beloved India where he worked as a journalist, short story writer, and author of light verse (including the original Barrack-Room Ballads). (more…)
Tag: Rudyard Kipling
3,063 words
Nobel Prize-winning poet and novelist Rudyard Kipling was born on this day in 1865. For an introduction to his life and works, see the following articles on this site.
- William Pierce, “Rudyard Kipling: The White Man’s Poet” (French translation here)
- Andrew Hamilton, “Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The Burden of Jerusalem’“
- Margot Metroland, “The Conundrum of the Kipling: Rudyard Kipling, 1865–1936“
- William Solniger, “The White Man’s Burden, 2013“
1,402 words
Nobel Prize-winning poet and novelist Rudyard Kipling was born on this day in 1865. For an introduction to his life and works, see the following articles on this site.
- William Pierce, “Rudyard Kipling: The White Man’s Poet” (French translation here)
- Andrew Hamilton, “Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The Burden of Jerusalem’”
- William Solniger, “The White Man’s Burden, 2013”
1,401 words
Nobel Prize-winning poet and novelist Rudyard Kipling was born on this day in 1865. For an introduction to his life and works, see the following articles on this site.
- William Pierce, “Rudyard Kipling: The White Man’s Poet” (French translation here)
- Andrew Hamilton, “Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The Burden of Jerusalem’”
The Pierce article also contains a number of Kipling’s best poems. (more…)
Rudyard Kipling is out of favor, in large part because his work was so politically and racially incorrect. (more…)
Insofar as Fire and Ice’s music can be described as “folk” it is the folk music of the ancient skalds and scops, far antecedent to the recent folk revival even if elements of tradition are latently present in that revival. Insofar as it is “gothic” music it is so in the sense described by Edred Thorsson in “The Secret of the Gothick God of Darkness” — (more…)
2,835 words
Part 1 of 4
The life of Jack London, the extraordinarily popular turn-of-the-century American author, was every bit as fascinating as those of the fictional characters depicted in his stories. He was a man of action as well as of thought. (more…)
1,350 words
Editor’s Note:
This article is from National Vanguard, March 1984. The author is not credited, but it is almost certainly William Pierce. (more…)