Tag: Intermarium
November 27, 2015 Émile Durand
Навстречу Балто-Черноморскому Союзу:
“Междуморье” как жизнеспособная модель белого возрожденияEnglish original here
Последние два года события в Европе развиваются с огромной скоростью. Случилась Украинская революция, которая вызвала агрессивную реакцию России и обнаружила лежавшие под спудом антизападные, антибелые настроения ее руководства и большинства населения. Затем началось нашествие небелых оккупантов – нелепо именуемых антибелой властью и СМИ “беженцами” – которое происходит в доселе невиданных масштабах. (more…)
November 25, 2015 Tomasz Szczepański
L’autre Europe :
Une interview sur l’IntermariumInterview par Jarosław Ostrogniew; English original here
Tomasz Szczepański (Barnim Regalica) est né en 1964 à Szczecin (Pologne). Il est historien (doctorat en Lettres), écrivain, essayiste, et activiste. Défenseur du Zadruga (nationalisme païen polonais) et de la foi slave indigène.
Il a été un activiste anti-communiste depuis 1984, un membre du Parti Socialiste polonais illégal, et un membre de la Confédération de la Pologne Indépendante depuis 1987. De 1987 à 1989 il a dirigé le bulletin clandestin Intermarium. (more…)
Interview and translation by Jarosław Ostrogniew; French translation here
Tomasz Szczepański (Barnim Regalica) was born in 1964 in Szczecin (Poland). He is a historian (Ph.D. in humanities), writer, essayist, and activist, and an advocate of Zadruga (Polish pagan nationalism) and indigenous Slavic faith.
He was an anti-communist activist beginning in 1984, (more…)
5,073 words
“No illusions, gentlemen, no illusions!”
—Tsar Alexander II Romanov, addressing his Polish subjects
The recent Polish parliamentary elections of 2015 can be seen as a part of a broader European trend, (more…)
Russian translation here
Events in Europe have been developing at great speed in the last couple of years. There was the Ukrainian Revolution, which induced an aggressive Russian response, revealing the dormant anti-western, anti-white feelings in its leadership and the majority of its populace. Then came the onslaught of non-white invaders, ludicrously referred to as “refugees” by the anti-white establishment and media, which is taking place at hitherto unprecedented proportions. (more…)