Tag: guerrilla warfare
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
Resident Bidet has said on at least two occasions that you need planes and tanks to fight the government. These remarks didn’t age so well; the Commander-in-Cheat had his ass handed to him by cave-dwelling Afghan zealots with room-temperature IQs. For the most part, they were armed with AK-47s manufactured back when disco was still a thing. (more…)
November 7, 2022 Steven Clark
Johnny Whistletrigger Music of the Civil War in Missouri
“I’ve just got a new record of Civil War music,” my brother recently bragged over the telephone.
He wanted some snappy tunes to listen to, and mentioned that the Nazi marches he is so fond of have been banned from YouTube. “I’ve discovered Italian Fascist marches,” he said. “They’re very melodic and . . . so operatic.” He referred to a long-ago record cover. “They’re so warm.” (more…)
Jesse James was a man
He was known throughout the land
He was bold, he was bad, but he was brave;
But that dirty little coward
That shot down Mr. Howard
Has gone and laid poor Jesse in his grave . . .T. J. Stiles
Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War
New York: Chelsea House, 1993 (more…) -
HapaPerspective was the guest on the latest episode of The Writers’ Bloc hosted by Nick Jeelvy, where they discussed the resurgence of the militia in modern warfare and the importance of an armed population, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
The fall of Kabul was a serious and somber moment, one of those historic moments that great authors write about. But like real historic events, it was not without its moments of levity. Here’s a video of the newly-victorious Taliban playing around with the gym equipment in Kabul’s presidential palace. It even elicited responses from greatly esteemed Twitter users such as Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who criticized them for not trying to deadlift. This might be a good moment to look at the nature of physical fitness and our relationship to it. (more…)
3,239 words
Part 2 of 3 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here)
Whiggery vs. Abrahamism
First of all, let’s say that there’s been no systematic exposition of Propertarian philosophy, either from Curt Doolittle or John Mark. There’s no book to read and precious few online resources to peruse, and so we’re left with trying to discover the philosophy from Curt’s many Facebook updates and online interviews. (more…)
1,902 words
Part 1 of 3 (Part 2 here)
Anyone involved in Dissident Rightist politics has probably heard of Propertarianism, which purports to be a system of law that will ensure a society immune to the various pathologies of modernity by redefining property to include those intangibles which are earned, built, and protected (homesteaded in the Lockean sense), and thus protecting such property – especially property common to a community of people. (more…)
January 25, 2018 Greg Johnson
Politický voják:
Teorie partyzána Carla Schmitta3,579 slov
English original here
Civilizující génius evropského člověka byl tak mocný, že se mu na čas podařilo zkrotit dokonce i válku samotnou. Ne každou válku lze ale vybojovat civilizovaně – jen ty mezi civilizovanými evropskými státy. Pravidla svazující válku se nevztahovala na války proti nestátním subjektům, jako v případě koloniálních válek proti divochům, občanské války a revoluce, v nichž se ocitá v sázce samotný stát, či nepravidelná válka proti partyzánům a guerillám, kterým se zabývá Schmittovo dílko Teorie partyzána (1962). 1] (more…)
Czech version here
So powerful is the civilizing genius of European man that, for a brief time, we even managed to tame war itself. But not all wars could be civilized, only those between civilized European states. The rules of war did not apply to wars against non-state actors, such as colonial wars against savages, civil wars and revolutions in which the state is up for grabs, and irregular warfare against partisans or guerrillas, (more…)