Tag: Globalvirus
September 9, 2022 Greg Johnson
Koronavirus a jak změní svět
Alain de Benoist
Alain de Benoist
888 words
Translated by Greg Johnson
Now that things seem to be on the mend, can we say that the government, even if manifestly taken aback, has done too much, too little, or just enough in the face of the epidemic?
There is no other word for it: the reaction of the authorities to Covid-19 has been truly calamitous. Five months after the start of the epidemic, we still have not reached the screening capacity that we should have had when the first deaths appeared. (more…)
1,420 words
1,420 words
The coronavirus pandemic is a complex and changing phenomenon, and so are my thoughts about it.
I can sympathize with the ecologists who think that the Earth has far too many humans and would welcome a pandemic to dramatically reduce our numbers. But not yet. This is not the time, because coronavirus isn’t the killer they’ve been hoping for, and as a member of a race that is already on the path to extinction— (more…)
141 words / 72:56
141 words / 72:56
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Greg Johnson and Fróði Midjord talk about how the coronavirus outbreak has revealed the intellectual bankruptcy, corruption, and incompetence of the current system and how it creates an opening for sensible nationalist policies.