Tag: Geert Wilders
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American media strategies: the Knavs case
From the very outset, President Trump’s brave attempt at draining the bureaucratic-kleptocratic “Washington swamp” of establishment politics brought out the poisonous snakes of the American mainstream media. Headed by the spin doctors and “fake news” masters of CNN, President Trump has come under sustained attack: vicious attempts at character assassination, with backbiting scandal-mongering and deep-state political intrigue being amplified coast-to-coast, along with round-the-clock journalistic mockery and taunting of the most infantile and malicious kind. (more…)
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Since the American Alt Right fell apart, many commentators and outlets which formerly identified as “Alt Right” have started pointing towards European populism as an example to follow, and are often heard to say that the nationalist cause is much further ahead in Europe. As a European, I would like to comment on this, based on the Dutch populist movement, which is relatively strong for a Western European country. (more…)
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The Turkish Context
Would you rather be a member of the world’s most exclusive club of oligarchs or an Oriental potentate? Only one person in the twenty-first century has had to struggle with that question so far, and his name is Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey. As the hurdles to becoming a Bilderberger in good standing grew higher and the misbehavior of his predecessor’s former subjects became international in scale, the choice has been made for him. (more…)
January 25, 2017 Greg Johnson
Greg Johnson Interviewed on Radio Evropa
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I recorded a 90-minute interview with Radio Evropa in the Netherlands. Topics include civic nationalism, ethnonationalism, Dutch politics, and the Dutch reaction to Trump’s election. You can listen here. (Only the opening and closing words are in Dutch.) I want to thank Constant and the Erkenbrand team for making this possible. (more…)
[jwplayer file=”https://counter-currents.com/radio/CCR-The_Stark_Truth-20121019-William_van_Nostrand.mp3″ streamer=”rtmp://s3cxt7hxkp9tvh.cloudfront.net/cfx/st” provider=”rtmp” duration=”3645″]
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“Islamophobia” has made the news again. Thanks to Fitna—the anti-Islam film by Dutch politician Geert Wilders—the usual suspects are wringing their hands about “intolerance,” “xenophobia,” and “racism” directed at Muslim immigrants. (more…)
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Editor’s Note:
The following MP3 podcast is a recording of the first of two talks given by Kevin MacDonald in the greater San Francisco Bay Area on February 19th and 20th, 2011. To preserve the privacy of the hosts and guests, I have edited out voices other than Kevin MacDonald’s. I also kept my own brief introduction. The running time is just over 34 minutes. So, without further ado, I give you Kevin MacDonald . . .