Tim Pool is always predicting “civil war.” So it is no surprise that on a recent podcast, Tim brought on guests Rudyard Lynch (aka, Whatifalthist) and Scott Greer to discuss the possibility of a civil war in modern America. Anyone familiar with these three knows why this conversation made for an entertaining discussion. (more…)
Tag: game theory
A revelation which I had in prison (in some ways a relatively high-strung, low-trust, violent environment) is that violence is transactional. This lesson from prison politics is especially relevant to real world politics. (more…)
English original here
Už tak velice nízká porodnost v Jižní Koreji se v roce 2023 dále propadla na pouhých 0,72 dítěte na ženu, což je přibližně jen třetina hodnoty nutné pro zachování velikosti populace (2,1). Na webu BBC se dokonce objevil článek, jehož autorka si klade otázky, proč se tolik Korejek rozhodlo zůstat bezdětných. (more…)
3,828 words
Czech version here
South Korea’s birth rate per woman, which was already low, fell even lower in 2023 to 0.72, which is roughly a mere third of the country’s replacement level of 2.1. The BBC even published an article exploring why women in South Korea are choosing not to have children. (more…)
Part 1 here
Those who want a quick refresher on the basics of game theory may wish to review my first article on the subject, which applied game theory to race relations. Game theory is even better suited for describing international relations, and can be used to make sense of the complicated border crisis between Poland and Belarus and how it fits into a broader geopolitical conflict. (more…)
Part 2 here
I wish to give a crash course in basic game theory as I understand it, and then discuss its practical applications. This first article will introduce game theory, and then discuss race relations in America from a game theory perspective. A second article will explore the ongoing border crisis between Poland and Belarus, and how it fits into a broader geopolitical game. (more…)
There’s a kind of conservative article which is by now very predictable.
Leftists are doing something outrageous. Where before they did it in the shadows, they are now doing it with impunity, which is causing dissatisfaction not only among conservatives, but also among normal, law-abiding, hard-working, and otherwise platitudinal people. (more…)