La Nouvelle Librairie has begun publishing Les Carnets Rebelles (The Rebel’s Notebooks) by Dominique Venner. The first volume, which was published at the end of 2021 and is an anthology of observations and autobiographical anecdotes, reveals the passions and lucidity of this unique historian. The editorial staff offers its readers an extract, probably dating from the beginning of the 1990s, in which Dominique Venner underlines the real issue of the fall of Communism in the East: “This emerging movement, which has no name yet, repudiates liberalism as well as socialism. It is a return to the sources of the peoples.” (more…)
Tag: European Union
Czech version here, French version here
In my debate with E. Michael Jones on the Ukraine War, my opening statement argued that nationalists in the West — and indeed, around the world — should support Ukraine against its invader, Russia. E. Michael Jones argued that Westerners should not support Ukraine.
Jones began with the history of Jews in Ukraine, apparently assuming that if Jews are involved with anything, it can’t be good. Then he argued that the war is really not between Russia and Ukraine but between Russia and America. (more…)
2,257 words
Czech version here
As I related in my previous article explaining the background to yesterday’s national election in Hungary, expectations on the Right were modest going into it. While the polls indicated that Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz party would most likely win a fourth consecutive term in office (his fifth overall), polls are often wrong. Many feared that the Left-liberal opposition, which for the first time was acting as a united bloc, could unseat him, or at the very least reduce Fidesz’s support and deny them a supermajority in Parliament, as they have enjoyed continuously since 2010. (more…)
This Sunday, April 3, Hungarian voters will go to the polls to decide whether or not to give Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz party a fourth consecutive term in office (which would be Orbán’s fifth term overall counting his first in 1998-2002; his present term has made him the longest-serving Prime Minister in Hungary’s history). (more…)
“There can be no Russian networks in Europe that split the EU from within, those that are trying to help Russia make as much money as possible even now. Everyone knows very well who in the European Union opposes humanity and common sense, and who does nothing at all to help establish peace in Ukraine. (more…)
This latest episode of Counter-Currents Radio features Greg Johnson answering reader questions about any topics and discussing aspects of the Russo-Ukrainian war, and the broadcast is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
2,660 words
Late to the party
There seems to be a political axiom whereby it is clear that a party or its leaders are in trouble when they start doing things, or at least start talking about doing things, which the majority of people actually want done. Thus, we see Angela Rayner, the blowsy Deputy Shadow Prime Minister, “talking tough” (translated from politico, that means horse-shitting) on crime. Ms. Rayner recently called Tories “scum” on social media. I don’t know where she thinks these mythical Tories are, but they certainly aren’t in the Conservative Party. (more…)
Part 1 here
Those who want a quick refresher on the basics of game theory may wish to review my first article on the subject, which applied game theory to race relations. Game theory is even better suited for describing international relations, and can be used to make sense of the complicated border crisis between Poland and Belarus and how it fits into a broader geopolitical conflict. (more…)
Übersetzt aus dem italienischen Original: “Sui presupposti spirituali e strutturali dell’unità europea.” Veröffentlicht in: Filippo Anfuso (Hrsg.): “Europa Nazione.” Rivista Mensile, Rom. 1. Jahrgang, Nr. 1, Januar 1951, Seiten 48–54.
Durch die Macht der Gegebenheiten ist heute auf unserem Kontinent das Verlangen nach europäischer Einheit lebendig geworden. (more…)
3,375 words
Long ago, one of my friends in college was trying to convince me of the benefits of universal race-mixing. Back then, normal people were well aware that was deviant and that they should stick with their own kind. The problem was that in just a few months, the campus ideological undertow had pulled him far to the Left. Meanwhile, the propaganda deluge only had strengthened my resistance. “It will destroy nations,” he explained, his expression making it clear that he was convinced this was a desirable outcome. (more…)
Arguing the case for nationalism is a thankless endeavor. The powers-that-be provide instant gratification, while the negative externalities take years or decades to materialize. “Free trade” and “open borders” are the dogmata of our times; international capitalism and Left-liberalism are the two faces of the same globalist beast. Last year, it was threatened like never before. (more…)
This week’s episode of The Writers’ Bloc features two men from the nations of the former Yugoslavia, host Nick Jeelvy with guest Dr. Tomislav Sunić, discussing the breakup of the country and the lessons today’s dissidents can learn from it, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
November 29, 2021 Alain de Benoist
A Friendship of Differences: A Conversation with Alain de Benoist
2,337 words
Translated by György Balázs Kun
The following interview was published in Hungarian in the autumn 2021 issue of the journal Kommentár.
The best-known Hungarian conservative author, the greatest contemporary counter-revolutionary thinker, and the most productive Catholic philosopher of the twentieth century, Thomas Molnar, was born a hundred years ago this year. Béla Király, who is one of Alain de Benoist’s comrades-in-arms and discussion partners, conducted and translated an interview with him which reveals the two Right-wing thinkers’ parallel careers that lasted for decades. (more…)