Editor’s Note:
“Deep Ecology” or “Radical Naturalism” is a way of thinking and living that has always been a part of the Counter-Currents project. (more…)
Editor’s Note:
“Deep Ecology” or “Radical Naturalism” is a way of thinking and living that has always been a part of the Counter-Currents project. (more…)
French translation here
Farnham O’Reilly
Hyperborean Home
Xlibris, 2011
Hyperborean Home pioneers a new and absolutely necessary genre: racial nationalist fantasy literature, specifically Traditionalist, deep ecological, esoteric “Nature’s Witnessist,” “Natural Selectionist” fantasy literature. (more…)
Pentti Linkola
Can Life Prevail? A Radical Approach to the Environmental Crisis
Trans. Eetu Rautio and Olli S.
London: Arktos, 2009
Years ago, “deep ecologist” Andrew McLaughlin (a follower of Arne Naess) produced an essay titled “For a Radical Ecocentrism.” It’s an explicitly political piece, arguing for how the principles of deep ecology are compatible with left wing progressivism. (more…)
8,018 words
Translated by R. G. Fowler
“Enochia, monstrous City of the Manly,
Den of the Violent, Citadel of the Strong,
Who have never known fear or remorse . . .”
—Leconte de Lisle (“Cain,” Barbaric Poems)
If I had to choose a motto for myself, I would take this one—“pure, dure, sûre,” [pure, hard, certain]—in other words: unalterable. (more…)
German translation here
Once upon a time, the captain and the mates of a ship grew so vain of their seamanship, so full of hubris and so impressed with themselves, that they went mad. They turned the ship north and sailed until they met with icebergs and dangerous floes, and they kept sailing north into more and more perilous waters, solely in order to give themselves opportunities to perform ever-more-brilliant feats of seamanship.