MAGA was a movement of great energy and hope in 2016. It was the hope that the globalists can be defeated, that sovereignty shall return to international relations, and that the inexorable movement towards ever-closer global interconnectedness can be halted. (more…)
Tag: Conservatism Inc.
Courtesy of Stonetoss
Courtesy of Stonetoss
1,422 words
It is interesting that the Left considers the populist Right to be its ultimate enemy. While libertarians and bargain-bin conservatives are also seen as enemies, they are considered a secondary threat. If you believe the establishment narrative — as most Left-wingers do despite their claims to being unorthodox and outside the mainstream –, it should actually be the establishment conservatives who are their greatest threat. (more…)
He advanced to the council-table:
And, “Please your honors,” said he, “I’m able,
By means of a secret charm, to draw
All creatures living beneath the sun,
(more…) -
Los Angeles, Sunday, November 10, 2019: Charlie Kirk’s Talking Points USA (TPUSA) organized an event at UCLA to promote Donald Trump Jr.’s new book, Triggered. But the event was cut short when the younger Trump, his homewrecker girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Charlie Kirk were heckled offstage – not by Left-wing protesters, but by America First populists. It was glorious.
938 words
Judaism has its dual morality; Islam has its Taqqiya. Christianity, on the other hand, is distinguished by the belief that Christ is truth, and that knowing the truth is necessary for salvation. Christians, therefore, are theologically enjoined to seek the truth, and it is not difficult to see that this preoccupation with the pursuit of truth is one of the bases for the high-trust society that used to permeate what was formally called Christendom. (more…)
1,592 words
Republican Iowa Rep. Steve King is in serious trouble again. This time, it has nothing to do with race or immigration; it’s over sex and abortion. Like most of King’s comments, it revealed an uncomfortable truth, but it upheld a foolish position that the Right should avoid.
You may recall King as the Congressman who often makes BASED Boomer comments. (more…)
Racial nationalists were banned from attending Yoram Hazony’s National Conservatism Conference, which aimed to offer a race-free nationalism (except for Jewish ethnonationalists, of course). The opening speech delivered by David Brog, the non-Christian former head of Christians United for Israel, declared racialists were unwelcome. Hazony spent weeks before the conference arguing with identitarians that nationalism has nothing to do with race. The Israeli scholar boasted that racialists would suffer a crushing defeat from the success of his conference.
“The Old Believer, who is the quintessential modern conservative because he is the quintessential classical liberal, is probably the most effective of all Americans in keeping the Majority in the deep freeze of racial apathy.” – Wilmot Robertson, The Dispossessed Majority
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Another CPAC has come and gone, and national populism was almost non-existent at this year’s conservative gala.
Even though Donald Trump became president on a national populist agenda that challenged conservative orthodoxy on immigration, foreign policy, trade, and state power, CPAC 2019 offered the impression he won on the stale conservatism of Ronald Reagan.
The major themes of CPAC 2019 were the evils of socialism (but no mention of why it’s becoming popular), the sheer awesomeness of Israel, (more…)
Part of being a member of a dissident political movement, I’m sure, is to know how to pick your battles. (more…)
Going to the movie theater is a religious ritual of sorts for me. My soda is my wine, and the dehydrated corn kernels accented with sludge are my wafers. They are a debauched communion. The largely Jewish-controlled entertainment industry is my church, and on this occasion, D’Souza was my minister. (more…)
It’s tempting to say Donald Trump is just making it up as he goes along. But according to Rush Limbaugh, Trump has been planning this for years.