Lee Bollinger, the President of Columbia University who owns an $11.7 million apartment in New York City, thinks that affirmative action needs to continue for “generations” and that Hillary Clinton is “exceptional.”
2,636 words
“A fish rots from the head down.”
Perhaps an old Turkish proverb; it has also been attributed to Erasmus, written in a Greek text.
A literal translation of it would be an encouragement to point the long, boney finger of accusation at the leadership of an organization or society when it begins to stink of incompetence, corruption, and degeneracy.
If one were to take a deep breath, it would be difficult in this post-George Floyd era of mandatory black-people worship not to inhale the pungent odors of institutional rot and decomposition. So, then, where to look to find the head of the rotting fish? (more…)