The latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio was a cozy New Year’s Eve livestream Ask Me Anything hosted by Greg Johnson, and with special guests Tim Murdock (Horus the Avenger), Jim Goad, Sam Dickson, Cyan Quinn, Nick Jeelvy, and Stephen Paul Foster, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Tag: collapse scenarios
High-Rise (2015)
Directed by Ben Wheatley
Screenplay by Amy Jump, based on the novel by J. G. Ballard
Starring Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy Irons, Sienna Miller, Luke Evans, & Elisabeth MossThe numbers are never consistent, but there is a general consensus that given a complete, Venezuelan-style financial collapse and the subsequent loss of order and infrastructure, any Western society is just a few days from anarchy. (more…)
Guillaume Faye
Archeofuturism 2.0
London: Arktos, 2016Guillaume Faye’s new novel begins in the last few days before the outbreak of the First World War. A fashionable and rather aristocratic group of young people (nowadays we would call them “privileged”) consult a clairvoyant who gives an astonishingly accurate series of descriptions of increasingly distant futures. (more…)
1,772 words
A recent report on the BBC carries the horrifying news that the German birth rate has now fallen below that of Japan, which at least still has a policy of not accepting massive amounts of refugees and other immigrants.
Apparently an average of 8.2 children per 1,000 people were born annually in Germany over the last five years, presumably with a large part of that being generated by non-White immigrants already there. The same report mentions the low birth rates of other European countries: (more…)
July 17, 2014 Guillaume Faye
Now in Stock!
Convergence of CatastrophesGuillaume Faye
Convergence of Catastrophes
Foreword by Jared Taylor
Translated by E. Christian Kopff
London: Arktos, 2012
216 pagesThe thesis of this book is a terrifying one: our present global civilisation will collapse within twenty years, and it is too late to stop it. (more…)
December 27, 2012 Marc Rousset
Estamos presenciando el fin del Imperio Romano
1,864 palabras
English version here
Esta es la pregunta: “¿Estamos viviendo en el año 370 dC, 40 años antes de que Alarico saquease Roma?” O “¿Vivimos en el año 270 dC, poco antes de las drásticas medidas correctivas de los emperadores ilirios, que se apartan de la catástrofe, para prolongar la vida del imperio durante otros dos siglos? ”
January 28, 2011 Marc Rousset
Wir erleben das Ende des Römischen Reiches
1,666 words
Übersetzung dieser englischen Fassung ins Deutsche: Deep Roots.
Dies ist die Frage: „Leben wir im Jahr 370 n. Chr., 40 Jahre bevor Alarich Rom plünderte?“ oder „Leben wir im Jahr 270 n. Chr., kurz vor den drastischen Korrekturmaßnahmen der illyrischen Kaiser, die die Katastrophe abwendeten, um das Leben des Imperiums um weitere zwei Jahrhunderte zu verlängern?“
1,683 words
Translated by Michael O’Meara
Here’s the question: “Are we living in 370 AD, 40 years before Alaric sacked Rome?,” or: “Are we living in 270 AD, just before the drastic redressment of the Illyrian emperors, who staved off catastrophe to prolong the empire’s life for another two centuries?”
The demise of the United States as the global superpower could come far more quickly than anyone imagines.