I’ve often said that to most Americans history begins with Elvis Presley. TV especially is the land of the magic kingdom; not of Disney, but ephemera. It’s noteworthy that in 2022 HBO presented The Gilded Age, a series set in 1880 when America, having been massively industrialized during the Civil War, now projected that technological and economic power in both politics and culture. (more…)
Tag: class in America
I contend that John Hughes’ 1985 film The Breakfast Club is a pro-white classic and fascist masterpiece.
The film takes place in a high school library in suburban Chicago although upon release, a lot of people liked to think of it as taking place in Anytown, USA.
The premise is that five white teenagers show up to school for Saturday detention and each one represents a different teen social archetype or high school clique that would have been familiar to viewers at the time. (more…)
The new upper-class culture is different from mainstream American culture in all sorts of ways. — Charles Murray, Coming Apart
And you may ask yourself, well, how did I get here? — Talking Heads, “Once in a Lifetime”
Charles Murray
Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010
New York: Crown Forum, 2012 (more…)