Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “The Last Boy Scout,” on the imminent end of the Boy Scouts. (more…)
Tag: Boy Scouts
May 12, 2024 Jim Goad
The Last Boy Scout
It’s official: There will be no more Boy Scouts.
Don’t panic: There will still be Scouts who are boys. There will also be Scouts who are girls.
There will also continue to be Girl Scouts who are boys, so long as they identify as girls. And there will still be Girl Scouts who are biological girls.
Just no more Boy Scouts. (more…)
3,874 words
The first day of August is one of the four cross-quarter solar holidays. It’s known as either Lammas or Lughnasadh, depending on whether you’re of the Saxon or the Celtic persuasion. (If “Blessed be!” is a common greeting for you, then you get it. If not, I’ll just say welcome to the hottest part of the year — and this year’s been a doozy.) It’s one of the traditional harvest festivals, which of course has a secondary meaning: death.
Things often get pretty wonky for me on August 1; if it’s not the Grim Reaper dropping by for a social call, then it’s some other fine mess. Also, the day falls on a Full Moon this year. (more…)