Millennial Woes and I joined YouTubers Roaming Millennial (half-Asian) and That Guy T (black American) to talk about the case for White Nationalism.
Millennial Woes and I joined YouTubers Roaming Millennial (half-Asian) and That Guy T (black American) to talk about the case for White Nationalism.
Sharing books, in my opinion, does more than almost anything to keep cultures vibrant. Thanks in part to the ascendancy of Donald Trump, we on the Alt Right are at present experiencing an uptick of culture which is both exciting and a bit daunting. Several years ago, I had written off many of the goals of white nationalism, but now, I am not so sure. It’s a good time to be on the Alt Right. (more…)
One of the more precious stories that has become part of American Christmas folklore over the years involves a little girl named Virginia O’Hanlon. Her circumstances are so well known that most educated Americans will be familiar with her without knowing anything about her, including her last name.
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This essay begins my introduction to one of the single most treacherous topics in modern political life.
That topic is essentially a scientific one, rather than a political one—although in order to see this we may have to put some very prevalent philosophical and political misconceptions aside. As such, this series is going to be somewhat more dry in tone than some of my other writing—certainly much more than many of the other essays collected at Counter-Currents. (more…)
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I was interviewed for more than two hours by Darryl Cooper on his The Decline of the West podcast. To listen, click here. I want to thank Darryl for having me on, and I hope this is just first of many conversations. (more…)
“Black lives matter, Blue Lives Matter, All lives matter” — Bang! Bang! Bang! Splatter splatter splatter!”
Right now, the media — both the old desiccated mainstream version and the snarky shitposty memey new version, powered by the autistic and lonely — has a glint in its eye, a bounce in its step, and a tremulous quaver in its voice. In other words it has something to bang on about — a bit like the sniper(s) and other assorted thugs in Dallas, (more…)
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I want to run my household one way. My friends Travis and Kyle each want to run their household a different way. For example, I may prefer to wash my dishes immediately after I’ve finished eating, and resent ever seeing a dish left in the sink; Travis might prefer to leave one set of dishes in the sink, and wash them again immediately before each use; and Kyle might like to let the dishes pile up for a week, and then wash them all at once on the weekend when he’s done with work. (more…)
Dear Ace,
I’ve been a big follower of yours for years. Through your profane wit, your probing and forceful reasoning, and your fierce independence, I think you’ve established a unique conservative voice on the internet. It’s gotten to the point that if either you or your co-bloggers don’t comment on something, nine times out of ten I don’t consider it newsworthy anyway. (more…)
June 29 is the birthday of T. (for Theodore) Lothrop Stoddard (1883-1950)—scholar, lecturer, geopolitical and racial theorist, and author of perhaps eighteen books.
For a century now, anyone with an interest in geopolitical and racial matters was bound, sooner or later, to come across Stoddard’s name and work. Although he held three degrees, including a doctorate from Harvard, in his career he was always foremost a journalist and popular lecturer rather than an academic scholar. (more…)
Thomas C. Leonard
Illiberal Reformers: Race, Eugenics & American Economics in the Progressive Era
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016
In many ways the Progressive Era embodies the best of white America. It was a period of compassion, community concern, attempts to raise the living standard of average Americans, a desire to achieve class harmony, to end (or at least reduce) capitalist corruption, (more…)
Leo Strauss, in his 1952 book, Persecution and the Art of Writing, argues that great writers tend to write with multiple levels of meaning. Often writers have an exoteric message to avoid displeasing the king, censors, or fashion of the times. At the same time, they maintain an esoteric message concealed within irony, paradoxes, and even deliberate self-contradiction. (more…)