This is a response to Asier Abadroa’s “Is Ethnonationalism Compatible with Genetic Interests in Practice?” His answer is, on balance, no. He argues that ethnonationalism is often connected with romantic ideas about faraway oppressed peoples that are not based on fact, that peoplehood is hard to define, that ethnonationalism is often connected to bad ideas such as chauvinism and Marxism, (more…)
Tag: assimilationism
August 28, 2023 Asier Abadroa
La Nación es un grupo biológico
English version: Part 1, Part 2
Después de haber discutido la diferenciación entre Identidad y cultura, y de haber explicado por qué la cultura no es lo que crea las naciones ―son las naciones las que crean cultura―, veamos ahora lo que sí es una Nación. (more…)
2,961 words
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
Spanish version here
Certainly in the past the birth rate in our countries was much higher than it is now, but it was also higher in the countries of other races, so this gap is not something new and it has been maintained over time. Only the lack of medicine and aid from whites and so on kept the population of Africa at a stable level, at the price of an exorbitant mortality rate. (more…)
January 16, 2023 Alain de Benoist
The Populist Moment, Chapter 10, Part 2
The Ambiguity of “Communitarianism”Introduction here, Chapter 10 Part 1 here, Chapter 11 Part 1 here
Translated by F. Roger Devlin
In most Western countries, all discussion of immigration today immediately results in a debate about “multiculturalism.” In England, the United States, and Germany, to cite only three countries, if one is against immigration, one is also against multiculturalism[1] — and the converse is also true: It is generally in the name of multiculturalism that immigration is justified. (more…)
1,858 words
Lipton Matthews over at Taki’s Magazine is giving White Nationalists some advice, and I think we’d better sit up and listen. In his essay “Cultural Whiteness,” he tells us we should stop being White Nationalists and instead view whiteness as a “philosophy of progress.” In other words, we should push for a society that is “culturally white,” but racially not so much. (more…)
Edward Alsworth Ross (1866-1951) was a prominent professor and eugenicist. He wasn’t a man of the Right in the strictest sense — he argued that the United States should recognize the Soviet Union after the Bolshevik Revolution and he supported Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. However, one could fairly call him a white advocate. He focused on preserving America’s founding Nordic stock. He eventually became chairman of the American Civil Liberties Union. (more…)
Michael Anton is one of a handful of American conservative intellectuals who is pro-Trump, pro-nationalist, and pro-populist. He is the author of the much-discussed 2016 essay “The Flight 93 Election.” For a time, he was a national security official in the Trump administration. His new book, The Stakes: America at the Point of No Return is a powerful case for re-electing Donald Trump as the last chance to avoid America’s decline into a one-party Leftist banana republic like California. (more…)
In the last week, we have received 16 donations totaling $2,605 for which we are enormously grateful. Our goal this year is to raise $70,000. So far, we have received 125 donations totaling $19,152.27. (more…)
August 10, 2018 Greg Johnson
Ґреґ Джонсон: «білість»
English original here
Ґреґ Джонсон – фігура непересічна в рамках сучасної американської правиці. Один з найвизначніших ідеологів інтелектуального «білого націоналізму», головний редактор рупору американських «нових правих» Counter-Currents, чий внесок у формування метаполітичної повістки дня у США набагато відчутніший, ніж може здатися на перший погляд. Пропонуємо вашій увазі одну зі статей, в якій автор зачіпає важливість поняття «білості» і роль расового фактору не лише для мультирасових США, але й для Європи. (more…)
August 9, 2018 Greg Johnson
Suomentanut Timo Hännikäinen; English original here
Yksi ilmeinen tapa hyökätä valkoista nationalismia vastaan on väittää, että itse valkoisuuden käsite on ongelmallinen. Käsittelen nyt neljää sellaista vastaväitettä. Ensiksi, valkoisuuden käsitettä pidetään poliittisesti tarpeettomana. Toiseksi, valkoisuuden oletetaan kumoavan etnisen identiteetin. Kolmanneksi, valkoisuuden väitetään olevan sosiaalinen konstruktio, ei luonnollinen kategoria. (more…)
Translation: Finnish, Ukrainian
An obvious line of attack against White Nationalism is the claim that the very concept of whiteness is problematic. I wish to deal with four such objections. First, the concept of whiteness is supposed to be politically unnecessary. Second, whiteness is alleged to be subversive of ethnic identity. Third, whiteness is said to be a social construct, not a real natural kind. Fourth, the viability of White Nationalism is said to depend on an airtight definition of whiteness, which is elusive. (more…)
11,108 words
11,108 words
Editor’s Note:
This is the transcript by V.S. of Greg Johnson’s interview with Vox Day on his new book Cuckservative: How “Conservatives” Betrayed America co-authored with John Red Eagle. To listen to the audio in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to our podcasts, click here.