Well, it looks like the honeymoon is over for the Dirtbag Left. And as Counter-Currents’ official Dirtbag Left correspondent, I’m here to tell you about it. (more…)
Tag: anti-fascism
3,955 words
New Zealand is in a state of mass hysteria in the wake of the Christchurch mosque shootings, which even a few mainstream media pundits are starting to question, and some are calling for calm reason. A few honest liberals are also questioning the demand for the introduction of “hate speech laws.” (more…)
2,045 words
“No gods, no masters” is an old anarchist slogan, dating back to the nineteenth century. It envisions a cosmos marked by an absence of hierarchy. There is no God above us, and there should be no masters in this world to boss us about. Since this small world is our only world, we have an obligation to rid it of all forms of subordination. We won’t get a second chance in some sacred afterlife, where injustice and hierarchy could be divinely dissolved. (more…)
The faces of European populism today: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. Photo Joe Klamar/Getty Images
8,406 words
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Alain de Benoist
Le Moment Populiste: Droite-Gauche c’est Fini!
Paris: Pierre-Guillaume de Roux, 2017 (more…)