On April 10, 1955 — Easter Sunday — Pierre Teilhard de Chardin collapsed and died of a heart attack in a friend’s Manhattan apartment. He was 74 and had done nothing more strenuous that day than take a stroll through Central Park. (more…)
Tag: anthropology
C. R. Hallpike
Ship of Fools: An Anthology of Learned Nonsense about Primitive Society
Kouvola, Finland: Castalia House, 2018C. R. Hallpike’s Ship of Fools should prove to be an embarrassment to the scientific community — the most fascinating, righteous, and gratifying embarrassment there could possibly be.
Armed with his many years of hands-on experience as an anthropologist, Hallpike thoroughly refutes a number of popular scientific theories about primitive societies. (more…)
December 10, 2021 Morris van de Camp
بروفيسور كارلتون كون
English original here
بروفيسور كارلتون كون
عرف كارلتون ستيفنز كون (1904-1981) كيفية استخدام قبضتيه. فعندما كان صبياً قام بضرب عين طفل آخر، كان من أوائل الكاثوليك الأيرلنديين الذين عاشوا في بلدته. وفي وقت لاحق، قام بطرد شخص ألباني من الشقة بينما كان يجري بحثاً أنثروبولوجياً في البلقان. وخلال الحرب العالمية الثانية، سارع بمساعدة ضابط فرنسي كان يهاجمه أحد سكان كورسيكا. في مناسبة أخرى ، قام بلكم رجل آخر بسبب تفسيراتهم المختلفة لحرب عام 1812. هذه الروح القتالية ساعدت كون أثناء مسيرته المهنية في مجال مثير للجدل للغاية: الدراسة الجسدية والثقافية الإنسانية. (more…)
3,027 words
Arabic version here
Carleton Stevens Coon (1904-1981) knew how to use his fists. As a boy, he knocked out the eye of another kid, who had been one of the first Irish Catholics to live in his town. He later laid an Albanian out flat while he was carrying out anthropological research in the Balkans. During the Second World War, he rushed to the aid of a French officer who was being attacked by a Corsican. (more…)
8,709 words
On June 13, 2020, the French explorer and novelist Jean Raspail died in Paris at the age of 94. Many were the nationalists, identitarians, and traditional Catholics who paid tribute at his passing. Former European MP and co-founder of the European identity movement Iliade, Jean-Yves Gallou, stated that Raspail was “the man who foretold the destructive impact of blame culture and anti-racism on our civilization back in 1973.” (more…)
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According to The Narrative, sub-Saharan Africa once was a thriving, peace-loving, technological society. Then, Western imperialists stole all their scientific achievements (meanwhile apparently casting a magic spell to make the Africans forget their high technology, (more…)
2,069 words
2,069 words
The essence of liberalism is individualism, and the primordial evolutionary fact of individualism is the “the cutting-off from the wider kinship group,” and the origins of this cutting-off can be traced back to Northern hunter-gatherers in Europe during the last glacial age in the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic periods. (more…)
Geoffrey Blainey
Triumph of the Nomads: A History of Aboriginal Australia
Woodstock, N.Y.: Overlook Press, 1976Is it possible to romanticize aboriginal peoples and still tell the truth about them?
Geoffrey Blainey did his best to find out with his absorbing study, Triumph of the Nomads. Despite being subtitled A History of Aboriginal Australia, it really is nothing of the sort. (more…)
November 8, 2015 Giuliano Adriano Malvicini
Dugin sur l’Ethnicité contre la Race
English original here
Puisque le libéralisme, en tant qu’idéologie fondée sur les droits de l’individu, appelle à « la libération vis-à-vis de toutes les formes d’identité collective en général, [et est donc] entièrement incompatible avec l’ethnos et l’ethnocentrisme, et est l’expression d’un ethnocide théorique et technologique systématique », l’« ethnocentrisme » et l’affirmation positive de l’identité « ethnique » sont vues par Dugin comme une base potentielle pour la résistance au libéralisme. (more…)
December 11, 2014 Mark Dyal
Greg Johnson Interviews Mark Dyal, Part 2
Editor’s Note:
This is the transcript by Lee and Donna Hancock of Part 2 of Greg Johnson’s interview of Mark Dyal, which you can listen to here. Please post any corrections below as comments.
GJ: So Mark, you did your doctoral dissertation on the Ultras. Can you tell me a bit about the basic thesis of the dissertation and the things that you’ve studied, the things that you discovered? (more…)
Editor’s Note:
This is the transcript by L. and D.H. of Part 1 of Greg Johnson’s interview of Mark Dyal, which you can listen to here. Please post any corrections below as comments.
GJ: I’m Greg Johnson. This is Counter-Currents Radio and our guest today is Dr. Mark Dyal. Mark Dyal has a PhD in anthropology and he has written several articles for Counter-Currents/North American New Right. (more…)
1,748 words
Francis Fukuyama
The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution
New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012There’s so much meat in Francis Fukuyama’s The Origins of Political Order that someone could teach a college class on it, and someone should. It’s an expansive study of different political systems that attempts to develop a general theory of political development, and explain why different societies have formed different kinds of states — or none at all. (more…)
October 16, 2014 Irmin Vinson
Nacionalismo racial y los Arios