Tag: animal cruelty
Hiding Behind Your Blackness to Torture Cats
Rashad Gober is a 31-year-old black man who has dreadlocks, wears rainbow-colored headbands, and sports T-shirts with messages such as “WHY BE RACIST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC, OR TRANSPHOBIC WHEN YOU COULD JUST BE QUIET?” (more…)
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Black Woman Livestreams Two-Hour “Fuck Tha Police” Rant, Then Kills Rather Than Fucks a White Policeman
Jessica Beauvais is a 32-year-old black New Yorker whose major accomplishments up to last week were receiving four separate citations for driving with a suspended license. (more…)
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I think that dogs should be allowed to vote.
In America’s courageous fight for universal suffrage, the franchise has been extended to all those we believe are stakeholders in our nation’s future. (more…)
While Americans tend to talk up their country — “We’re Number One!” etc. — Canadians are all too willing to throw Canada under the bus and assert their personal superiority to both. “Yeah, it’s really lame around here, eh, but the neighbourhood [Canadian spelling!] where my cousin lives in T-O[ronto], it’s really happening!”
Jonathan Safran Foer
Eating Animals
New York: Little, Brown and Company 2009Why do we behave morally? There’s reciprocity and looking out for our genes. For many (most, I hope) of us there’s a natural dislike of cruelty. We try not to be responsible for any extra suffering in the world. Humans also desire approval from others and usually being a scoundrel isn’t good for your reputation.