Apart from hatred, politicians don’t provoke feelings of great passion in me. There is nothing inspiring about managers with comb-overs; men who never fought in battle, who never led from the front, who don’t write their own speeches and rely on teleprompters to recite them, who come from law schools and Goldman Sachs, who make promises that they have no intention of keeping. (more…)
Tag: American nationalism
Purchase Not Viable: An Autobiography of an American Nationalist here
1,607 words
Purchase Not Viable: An Autobiography of an American Nationalist here
Part 3 of 3 (Part 1 here. Part 2 here.)
It is in general more profitable to reckon up our defects than to boast of our attainments.
Thomas CarlyleYoung Kim won the 2022 primary election for the 40th District with ease and would go on to win the general election. Taurus lost the race with 1.2% of the vote which was almost 2,200 voters. Rather than gracelessly pouting as Hillary did when she lost to Trump, Taurus candidly analyzes why he lost so severely. (more…)
Purchase Not Viable: An Autobiography of an American Nationalist here
2,118 words
Purchase Not Viable: An Autobiography of an American Nationalist here
Nick Taurus
Not Viable: An Autobiography of an American Nationalist
Fulton Books, 2024Part 2 of 3
Nick Taurus ran on an America First agenda of opposing immigration, anti-white racism, and interventionism. Taurus aimed at being the most “active, accessible, and America First” candidate, so he held public barbecues at which ordinary citizens could meet him, in contrast to the GOP custom of charging their constituents money to meet candidates. (more…)
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What is America? What does it mean to be an American? Today it seems as though there are as many answers to these questions as there are people to provide them. This is especially pertinent for nationalists. One answer to this is it simply means possessing United States citizenship. (more…)
If there is a friendly divide within the dissident Right, it might very well be between White Nationalists and white advocates. The difference between the two groups should be plain: the former seek separation and self-determination, and the latter political advocacy in a multiracial country. (more…)
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I haven’t talked about movement drama in a while. That’s because there hasn’t been much drama in a while. But when it rains, it pours. Over the last month, there has been a series of scandals and controversies that kept the conversations lively around the White Nationalist water cooler. Among them: (more…)
821 words
Happy Independence Day! Like any other proud American on the Fourth of July, I’ll be grilling hot dogs and burgers with my neighbors before lighting up many kinds of explosions at dusk. (more…)
John G. Grove
John C. Calhoun’s Theory of Republicanism
Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2016Recognized as a brilliant political mind during his time, today John C. Calhoun is generally caricatured as an apologist for slavery and Southern secession. Comparatively little attention is given to his political philosophy. John G. Grove’s John C. Calhoun’s Theory of Republicanism is a long-overdue appraisal of Calhoun’s worldview and makes the case for why he should be recognized as one of America’s great political thinkers. (more…)
September 9, 2021 Greg Johnson
Qu’est-ce que le nationalisme américain ?
English original here
Le Nationalisme Blanc n’est pas du nationalisme pour des Blancs indifférenciés et génériques. De tels êtres n’existent pas. Chaque Blanc a une identité ethnique spécifique : une langue maternelle et une culture. Le Nationalisme Blanc est un nationalisme ethnique pour tous les peuples blancs.
Même dans les sociétés coloniales européennes, où différentes souches européennes se sont mélangées, nous n’avons pas de Blancs génériques. Si c’était vrai, il n’y aurait pas de différences entre les Américains et les Canadiens. (more…)
USS Saratoga, 1843
USS Saratoga, 1843
1,869 words
If there is one crisis that shows national populism and race realism were needed, this should have been it.
The coronavirus emerged from strange, disgusting foreign folkways. (Even Bill Maher is with me on wet markets.) Economic globalization allowed the virus’s spread. (more…)
Dennis Prager is all too happy to lecture whites on why combining race and nationalism is evil while supporting Israel, an ethnonationalist state.
2,714 words
Part 1 here
Among the secular diaspora Jews in the West, a useful distinction can be made. There are those who will give Right-wing whites some benefit of the doubt, and there are those who won’t. The former group we can call “pragers,” and the latter we can call “foxmans.”
Let’s assume that the vast majority of both pragers and foxmans are ethnocentric: that is, they identify ethnically as Jews and exist on the Right-wing side of their own politics. This ethnocentrism manifests itself in two ways: either honestly, by being pro-Jewish or pro-Israeli, or dishonestly, by being anti-white. (more…)
Racial nationalists were banned from attending Yoram Hazony’s National Conservatism Conference, which aimed to offer a race-free nationalism (except for Jewish ethnonationalists, of course). The opening speech delivered by David Brog, the non-Christian former head of Christians United for Israel, declared racialists were unwelcome. Hazony spent weeks before the conference arguing with identitarians that nationalism has nothing to do with race. The Israeli scholar boasted that racialists would suffer a crushing defeat from the success of his conference.
Lights out tonight
Trouble in the heartland . . .–“Badlands” (1978)
I was sold on Springsteen the moment I first heard the mournful wail of his harmonica as he began to sing “The River”: