Oswald Spengler (1880–1936) is one of the thinkers most admired by the Dissident Right, yet it is obvious that this admiration largely stems from Spengler’s portrayal of Western civilization as being “Faustian” in nature, that Western man (i.e., the white man) is a seeker of the infinite, which can be expressed by analytical mathematics, instrumental polyphony, perspective painting, etc. (more…)
Author: Quintilian
Anybody want to buy a used MAGA cap? Grilling season starts next month, and I hope that Ann Coulter takes me up on my offer to stop by with remaindered copies of In Trump We Trust. (more…)
Richard Wagner (1813-1883) was the most influential composer of the nineteenth century and one of the most influential composers in the history of Western art music. (more…)
Ezra Pound’s Guide to Kulchur (1938) is one of those unfortunate great books (think Spengler’s Decline of the West and any book by Henry Adams) that is often mentioned but seldom read. The book was meant as a guide to the essential philosophy, art, economics, history, and ethics from Confucius to the 20th century as uniquely interpreted by Pound.
This and the ABC of Reading (1934) constituted the core texts of the “Ezra-versity,” the informal seminars that Pound held before World War II for those acolytes who came to visit him in Rapallo, Italy. (more…)
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It is traditional around New Year’s Day to be reflective of the year past and to anticipate the events of the coming year. First of all, I would like to commend Spencer Quinn for his excellent article “No Goal More Noble: Thoughts for the New Year” that appeared yesterday on Counter-Currents. Mr. Quinn’s eschewal of the black pill at the end of this most blackpilling of years represents an act of moral will that is truly inspiring. (more…)
Christmas is a time of hope and good cheer, and nothing has lifted my spirits more than a recent article in Billboard entitled “’Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ Heats Up On Charts After Lyrics Controversy.” (more…)
It is a commonplace among White Nationalists to disparage Christianity. This is understandable inasmuch as most of the Christian denominations today have abandoned almost all of the tenets of Christianity. The typical Christian minister or priest is no longer a saver of souls but is instead an anti-white social justice warrior (SJW). “Is the Pope Catholic?” is no longer a self-evident joke but is now a serious question that must be answered in the negative. (more…)
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Last week was a very bad week for the globalists. First, Jair Bolsonaro won the Brazilian presidency in a landslide; then, Angela Merkel was forced to resign the chairmanship of the Christian Democratic Union after her party received another drubbing in regional elections. (more…)
The ravages of old age are mitigated by its consolations. Physical action is slowed, but one’s actions seem more purposeful than those of youth. It takes longer to learn things, but the things learned in old age seem more meaningful. (more…)
One of the great fallacies of historiography is the concept of the “Butterfly Effect,” that is, the idea that any little action – no matter how mundane or insignificant – can potentially alter the course of history. (more…)
Very few people today remember Colonel-General Gotthard Heinrici (1886–1971). Considered by many experts to be one of the greatest defensive military strategists of all time, General Heinrici was given the unenviable task in the closing months of World War II of organizing the retreat of German forces on the Eastern Front. (more…)
Yukio Mishima
My Friend Hitler and Other Plays of Yukio Mishima
Translated by Hiroaki Sato
New York: Columbia University Press, 2002Yukio Mishima (1925-1970) is best known as a novelist and Right-wing activist who famously and publicly committed ritual suicide in 1970 one day after he had finished his tetralogy The Sea of Fertility. He was, however, a very prolific playwright with more than sixty plays to his name, (more…)
Published pseudonymously in 1850 in the influential journal Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, “Judaism in Music” is both the most-often cited and least-often read of Richard Wagner’s voluminous prose works. Although commonly described as a vile work of hate speech or as a model for the breathless prose style of Der Stürmer, Wagner’s essay is actually rather mild and extremely clinical in its assessment of the mostly deleterious influence of Jews in German culture. (more…)