Author: Patrick Le Brun
1. Attackers had blue eyes.
This rumor would imply that the killers were in fact special forces and that the Kouachi Brothers were patsies. It’s only source seems to be with Caroline Fourest, a writer and television personality with a history of false reporting, defamation, and plagiarism. She often refers to anonymous sources who confirm her contentions that all religious people are evil, particularly white men. (more…)
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For most of my lifetime, the visual culture of France was not in dispute. It is not like in the United States, where nativity scenes were only recently ripped from the public square. Perhaps there was not a mutually accepted border, but for decades there has been a kind of line of control between all that was rooted in our culture and traditions and all garbage of the culture distorters. (more…)
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In the month of August the American press turned its spotlight on the suffering of two women. The attention they were given did not correspond to the depth of tragedy of each but rather to the priorities of the parasites occupying the positions of power.
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Like all of you, I was heartbroken and enraged by the unveiling of what has been going on for years in Rotherham. I was particularly moved by Andrew Hamilton’s article “Rotherham: The Product of a Diseased Ruling Class.” While it is true that no one outside the ruling elite could have definitively stopped this horror, any one of us could have acted to make the number of victims 1,390 instead of 1,400, for example. (more…)
Following the kidnapping and murder of three Jewish teenagers on a Jews-only road in the West Bank, the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza has heated up. The West Bank is administered by Fatah, an old-style secular, socialist, Arab nationalist party. Gaza is run by the Islamist group Hamas. Hamas transitioned from a minor militant/charitable group to the most popular group following the withdrawal of settlers and the simultaneous targeted killing of the cleric who founded Hamas. (more…)
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Part 4 of 4
This final installment of my review of From Dictatorship to Democracy, Gene Sharp’s seminal work on nonviolent strategy and tactics for regime change, also looks at how the opposition to Halal and Kosher slaughter that began with tiny groups of Identitarians and Animal Rights activists whose combined strengths became a transnational issue throughout Europe. The final three chapters of From Dictatorship to Democracy focus on Sharp’s three phases of nonviolent revolution: Selective Resistance, Mass Defiance, and Consolidation. (more…)
Part 3 of 4
Many of Gene Sharp’s principles of political change are exemplified by the French Identitarian movement, which offers many examples for Americans who wish to repeat their successes. The Identitarian Goal is to create a French ethno-state. Their Grand Strategy is to use a non-violent metapolitical cadre to move the public discourse and political will in that direction.
June 26, 2014 Patrick Le Brun
The Color Revolution Cook Book, Part 2:
Gene Sharp’s From Dictatorship to DemocracyPart 2 of 4
Continuing my summary of Gene Sharp’s seminal work on nonviolent strategy and tactics for regime change started in Part 1, the problem of exercising power from a position of weakness is addressed.
Acts of Political Defiance
Sharp breaks down the elements of “Political Defiance” as follows: (more…)
1,644 words
Special thanks to attentive readers of “Marine Le Pen and the Jews” who pointed out some other issues needing to be addressed with regard to the relationship between Marine Le Pen and the Tribe.
For the past few years Marine Le Pen has been romantically involved with a subordinate in the FN, Louis Aliot. Having first been opposed by traditionalist priests during the race to succeed her father as head of the FN for being divorced, (more…)