1,951 words
A Trumpeter, prisoner made,
Hoped his life would be spared when he said
He’d no part in the fight,
But they answered him “Right,
But what of the music you made? (more…)
1,951 words
A Trumpeter, prisoner made,
Hoped his life would be spared when he said
He’d no part in the fight,
But they answered him “Right,
But what of the music you made? (more…)
When we think of Jewish subversion of white cultures, or when we think of the proverbial culture of critique, we always imagine the Jew in the form of Grima Wormtongue, whispering evil and poison into the ear of white men to make them hate and doubt themselves, believing dangerous nonsense. We think of the Jew entering the halls of power and whispering in the King’s ear. (more…)
Several years ago, I was walking around town while listening to music or maybe a podcast on my phone earbuds when a friend recognized me from behind and approached me. (more…)
Nancy Pelosi’s flight landed in Taiwan on August 2 despite very loud and vigorous protests from the People’s Republic of China. For the time being, the Chinese have done little but whine impotently, rattle their sabers, and announce military exercises near and around Taiwan. They’ve declared a state of emergency in the coastal regions nearest to Taiwan, which is expected to last until August 7. Chinese sources are calling this the Fourth Taiwan Crisis. (more…)
2,283 words
In those cursed and difficult years when I still worked in an office (tfu tfu), the aspect I most hated was the forced socialization. (more…)
For the past two and a half years, the world has been gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic response. The disease itself, which broke out in China, turned out to be a bit of a nothingburger. Not exactly “just the flu, bro,” but not quite the doomsday plague many were hoping for. (more…)
We’re raising funds here at Counter-Currents. That’s why they call it a fundraiser, or so I’ve been told. — Some daft podcaster (more…)
4,696 words
Prologue: “I had no idea white people live like this”
It was ten or more years ago now, but I still vividly remember the first time I felt my class privilege.
I was visiting a friend — and it was my first time visiting a poor house in a poor neighborhood. (more…)
Every white identitarian nationalist thinker, writer, vlogger, and other type of content creator is familiar with the phenomenon of the Internet Man of Action,™ a comment-section alpha male who looks down on those who do “nothing but complain” on the Internet instead of “taking action” in the streets, in the political arena, or associated areas of Real Life.
Indeed, while these Internet Men of Action™ do not boast any achievements of their own, whether in the much-vaunted arena of Real Life or not, they’re the first to criticize and appeal to Rightists to “do something.” (more…)
Congratulations, folks. We are about a week into our second White Boy Summer and already things are, as the kids like to say, popping. Roe v. Wade has been overturned, hoes are mad, and we still have most of the summer ahead of us. I write these words and a pleasant laziness permeates my body, calling me to the inactivity of the shade and the self-satisfaction of summertime repose. (more…)
1,627 slov
English original here
Nedávno jsem s jedním ze svých přátel mluvil o rusko-ukrajinské válce, konkrétněji o jejích dopadech na západní nacionalistické milieu. Spousta lidí, kteří se donedávna bez váhání označovala za odpůrce imperialismu, nadšeně přijala za svůj imperiální projekt anexe Ukrajiny, likvidace její státnosti a pohlcení jejího lidu do širokého ruského imperiálního náručí. Jiní, kteří ještě „včera“ z plných plic brojili proti „bratrovražedným válkám“, momentálně s velkou chutí povzbuzují vzájemné krvavé pobíjení ruských a ukrajinských vojáků v bratrovražedné válce. (more…)
2,140 words
If you’re a regular in Dissident Right circles, you’ll probably have heard of Curtis Yarvin, also known as Mencius Moldbug, and his idea of the Cathedral as the decentralized system of control which rules the West today. The basic idea is that the media, academia, Hollywood, and that part of the United States government which Moldbug calls “the Blue government” form a decentralized and leaderless network which is the source of all — or most — of our woes. You can find a good summation of the concept here. (more…)
After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water-activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. (more…)