India, Nigeria, and Ghana are some developing countries known for the exploits of enterprising citizens. Due to the achievements of the smart fraction in poor countries, onlookers are puzzled by their relative poverty. Such an assessment is misguided, because the national IQ is more important than the intelligence of outliers. (more…)
Author: Lipton Matthews
1,230 words
Despite gaining currency, we are yet to understand the exasperation of the anti-colonialism movement. Frequently, activists denounce colonialism without giving just cause. (more…)
1,360 words
The tenacious Nathan Cofnas should be applauded for exposing Kevin MacDonald’s theory of Judaism as an evolutionary strategy to a popular audience. However, though his arguments appear insightful, it is evident that Cofnas has not succeeded in proposing a plausible alternative to MacDonald’s theory. According to the “default hypothesis” promulgated by Cofnas, Jewish involvement in influential movements that are not overtly anti-Semitic is explainable by higher IQ scores and concentration in urban areas. (more…)
Scholars recognize that the persistence of the black-white IQ gap transcends social class — but we cannot truly explore the subject without discussing dysgenics. The heritability of intelligence indicates that smart people produce brighter children. (more…)
Contrite acts can never endear the Republican Party to black Americans. For decades, Republicans have naively assumed that blacks will reward them with competitive support for their energetic pandering and they are yet to reap the fruits of their labor. Republicans are unwilling to accept that for black people, voting is an expression of group solidarity. (more…)