Author: Irmin Vinson
February 26, 2014 Irmin Vinson
Amy Biehl:
Une Blanche libérale sur le continent noir -
March 31, 2013 Irmin Vinson
Noen tanker omkring Hitler
English original here
“Hitler” som multikulturalist-propaganda
Argumentet som fremmes av enkelte rasebevisste nasjonalister, om at ethvert forsvar for Adolf Hitler, i lys av den fiendtlighet og sågar vemmelse som navnet hans nå vekker, risikerer å fremmedgjøre alminnelige hvite folk er ved første øyekast plausibelt og fortjener å bli tatt på alvor. (more…)
January 26, 2013 Irmin Vinson
Nacionalismo Racial e os Arianos
English original here
Quem eram os Arianos?
Os Arianos eram brancos nórdicos semi-nômades, talvez originalmente localizados nas estepes do sul da Rússia e Ásia Central, que falavam a língua paterna das várias línguas indoeuropeias.
Latim, grego, hitita, sânscrito, francês, alemão, letão, inglês, espanhol, russo, etc. são todas línguas indoeuropeias. (more…)
Excerpts from Jewish film critic Jonathan Foreman’s “The Nazis, er, the Redcoats are coming!,” a review of The Patriot:
The Patriot presents a deeply sentimental cult of the family, casts unusually Aryan-looking heroes. . . .
If the Nazis had won the war in Europe, and their propaganda ministry had decided to make a film about the American Revolution, The Patriot is exactly the movie you could expect to see. . . . (more…)
August 26, 2011 Irmin Vinson
Jewish Hypocrisy & the One-State Solution
1,581 words
Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), America’s leading anti-White organization, is once again suffering from one of his recurrent bouts of sanctimonious outrage. The cause of his most recent outrage is Michael Tarazi’s proposal for a “one-state solution” to the Arab-Israeli conflict, a proposal which Foxman says “exemplifies arrogance at its height.” (more…)
“The Holocaust has increasingly become, for the democratic world at least, a symbol of all the other Genocides, for racism, anti-Semitism, hatred of foreigners, ethnic cleansing, and mass destruction of humans by humans generally. (more…)
July 10, 2011 Irmin Vinson
14,358 words
Übersetzt von Deep Roots.
Das Original “Holocaust Commemoration” erschien am 9. Juni 2011 bei Counter-Currents Publishing/North American New Right. (Links innerhalb des Textes von mir eingefügt) (more…)
Norman Finkelstein
The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering
London: Verso, 2000Holocaust Guilt
We are now all so familiar with Holocaust rhetoric from Jewish organizations that its characteristic audacity can easily pass unnoticed: (more…)
Translations: French, Portuguese, Russia, Spanish
Who Were the Aryans?
The Aryans were semi-nomadic Nordic Whites, perhaps located originally on the steppes of southern Russia and Central Asia, who spoke the parent language of the various Indo-European languages. (more…)
June 19, 2011 Irmin Vinson
Les Aryens et le nationalisme racial
English original here
Qui etaient les Aryens ?
Les Aryens étaient des Blancs nordiques, semi-nomades, peut-être localisés à l’origine dans les steppes du sud de la Russie et de l’Asie centrale, et qui parlaient une langue qui est la langue-mère de toutes les langues indo-européennes actuelles. (more…)
14,168 words
Lessons in Tolerance
Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List concludes with a sentimental epigraph, labeled as a quotation from the Talmud: “Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.” (more…)
May 31, 2011 Irmin Vinson
Quelques réflexions sur Hitler
1,800 words English original here « Hitler » en tant qu’arme de propagande pour le multiracialisme L’argument avancé par certains nationalistes racialistes, selon lequel toute défense d’Adolf Hitler, au vu de l’hostilité et même de la révulsion que son nom provoque à présent, risque de nous aliéner la sympathie de la grande majorité des Blancs, est plausible à première vue et doit être reçu avec une oreille attentive. Mais la question n’est pas encore tranchée. (more…)