H. A. Covington
The Hill of the Ravens
Lincoln, Nebr.: 1stBooks Library, 2003
H. A. Covington
A Distant Thunder
Bloomington, Ind.: Authorhouse, 2004 (more…)
H. A. Covington
The Hill of the Ravens
Lincoln, Nebr.: 1stBooks Library, 2003
H. A. Covington
A Distant Thunder
Bloomington, Ind.: Authorhouse, 2004 (more…)
French translation here
I am a great admirer of Finnish composer Jean Sibelius, who along with Richard Strauss and Ralph Vaughan Williams, was one of the last generation (so far) of great European Romantic composers. Thus my attention was drawn to a November 29, 2009 article about Sibelius in the Chronicle of Higher Education, “A Composer’s Ties to Nazi Germany Come Under New Scrutiny,” by Peter Monaghan.
On January 26, 2010, a new campaign of intellectual and political persecution was launched against Kevin MacDonald, Professor of Psychology at California State University, Long Beach. The express goal of this campaign is to get Professor MacDonald fired from his job because of his research and political convictions.
GJ: In A Conversation About Race, you explain how you came to be a believer in “white guilt.” How did you come to be a disbeliever? How did you become racially-conscious?
Craig Bodeker: By traveling. From my early experiences in the American South and in Hawaii. I was able to see firsthand the differences between racially homogeneous areas — like Minnesota in the 1970s, and these more racially diverse areas. (more…)
More of . . . A Conversation About Race
A Film by Craig Bodeker
Denver: New Century Productions, 2010
I can’t praise Craig Bodeker’s path-breaking 58 minute documentary A Conversation About Race too highly. As I explained in my TOQ review, it is an excellent tool for getting white people to begin thinking about the most important issue of our time: the preservation of the white race.
In my review of A Conversation About Race, I suggested that Craig Bodeker make more of the raw interviews available. Bodeker’s new DVD More of . . . A Conversation About Race is pretty much what I had in mind.
3,131 words
“Those who talk too much about race no longer have it in them.” —Oswald Spengler
Recently I spent a good deal of time re-reading the great Oswald Spengler: for general enlightenment, but also with an eye to criticizing his teachings about race, which seemed at first reading confused, bizarre, and dangerous. (more…)
1,544 words
July 29, 2009
On July 16, 2009, Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. was arrested by officer James Crowley of the Cambridge, Mass. Police department. (more…)
May 11, 2008
French translation here
So there is a dirtier word than “nigger,” and that word is “white.”
How else to explain the political establishment’s consternation over Hillary Clinton’s statement in a USA Today interview that she is more electable than Barack Obama because she has more support from working-class white people?
November 5, 2008
The election of Barack Obama as president of the United States is a good thing for white nationalism.
Whites will regain control over our nation and our destiny only when we have a change of consciousness. First, we must again think of ourselves as a distinct ethnic group with distinct interests—interests that often conflict with those of other ethnic groups. (more…)
1,231 words
November 20, 2008
Free markets mean competition. Competition means winners and losers. Some losers even lose their shirts and go out of business. When a business fails, this should be regarded as a success for the capitalist system as a whole. That goes for really big businesses as well as small ones. In a capitalist system, nobody is “too big to fail.”