Author: Gregory Hood
Max Brooks
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War
New York: Broadway, 2006The dead walk. Civilization has collapsed. Casualties are in the billions. Humanity stands upon the brink of extinction. And upon the lips of the anguished survivors there is only one question — is it good for the Jews?
B movies are, in their own way, more revealing about a culture than blockbusters or independent critical favorites. A major Hollywood production can astonish viewers with special effects, star power, and explosions, so it doesn’t matter if the story makes no sense. Art house films compensate for their small budget with lots of exposition and explanation so you at least know what is going on, even if you are bored to tears by it.
“My principles are only those that, before the French Revolution, every well-born person considered sane and normal.” — Julius Evola, (more…)
1,670 words
Conservatism is Unrealistic
The Republican Party is useless as a political force. The key battle was not the presidential election of 2012 but the passage of Barack Obama’s health care plan. All of the disparate factions of the American Right joined together to oppose “Obamacare,” and they failed, miserably. (more…)
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The concept of “Revolution from the Periphery” is an important contribution to Traditionalist thought as once proud centers of culture sink ever further into decadence. The system of control deployed against whites is strengthening its grip, and “the Collapse” is still a dream. If anything, anarcho-tyranny is becoming more widespread, and the forces pushing radical egalitarianism are removing the velvet glove to reveal the mailed fist beneath.
Successful action films come twice – the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. Red Dawn is a classic of the Cold War, a near perfect encapsulation of the unique psyche of Conservativus Americanus during the long twilight struggle against Soviet Communism. Perhaps despite itself, it also contains Traditionalist themes that make it a true classic of the authentic Right.
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Simply to survive, whites require state power. The ways we obtain it, where it should take place, what ideas or culture it should be based on, and how exactly we are going to get there are all up for debate. State power will be the last step of a political, metapolitical, cultural, economic, and military project that will last for many years. Nonetheless, it is a necessity.
This sounds like work, including work that is dangerous, work that is difficult, and work that is boring. So why bother? (more…)
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Lincoln is essentially Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter with bigger words. The latter said the Confederacy was the product of blood sucking monsters to be destroyed with stakes to the heart and decapitation. The former tells us Southerners simply exist to be killed with bayonet and cannonade. Far from being the “moral relativists” of conservative imagination, Hollywood has given us a version of American history characterized by absolute portrayals of good and evil, with shades of gray permitted to righteous egalitarians only divided by what tactics can best be used to exterminate their foes. (more…)
Worse is not necessarily better. Obama’s re-election is a defeat for white advocates. A successful black President will restructure the entire country along anti-white lines. And despite all of this—Mitt Romney must lose. (more…)
What exactly do they want?
You could understand if they were doing it for money. (more…)