LOQUITUR: En Bertrans de Born.
Dante Alighieri put this man in hell for that he was a stirrer up of strife.
Author: Ezra Pound
7,181 words
In memory of AURELIO BAISI
Translated by John Drummond
Editor’s Note:
The following text is surely the most compelling and clear of Ezra Pound’s economic writings. I want to thank Kerry Bolton for making a copy available for scanning. “Gombeen man” is Irish slang for a money-lender but it also refers to unethical businessmen in general. (more…)
2,483 words
April 1935, anno XIII, finally a foreword
The body of this ms. was written and left my hands in February 1933. 40 publishers have refused it. No typescript of mine has been read by so many people or brought me a more interesting correspondence. It is here printed verbatim, unaltered. I had not seen the ms. from the time it left Rapallo till it returned here with the galley proof. It is printed as record of what I saw in February 1933. The September preface (1933) indicated a flutter of hope, that has grown steadily more fluttery and less hopeful. (more…)
November 1, 2013 Ezra Pound
Jefferson &/or Mussolini, Part 5
October 31, 2013 Ezra Pound
Jefferson &/or Mussolini, Part 4
4,543 words
Part 4 of 5
ResistanceJEFFERSON writing to Adams (or vice versa) noted that before their time hardly anyone had bothered to think about political organization or the organization of government. (more…)
October 30, 2013 Ezra Pound
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, Part 1
760 words
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (1920) is a long, quasi-autobiographical poem consisting of 18 parts. The first part is reprinted below with some annotations. Written in the aftermath of the First World War, it is one of Pound’s most accessible and compelling creations, evoking the anguish of the war and the disillusionment that followed– (more…)
October 29, 2013 Ezra Pound
Jefferson &/or Mussolini, Part 2
Part 2 of 5
TAKING it by and large the Russian revolution seems to me fairly simple by comparison. If I am wrong it is probably because I haven’t been ten years in Russia.
At any rate, as I see it, the Russian revolution is the end of the Marxian cycle, (more…)
Part 1 of 5
Editor’s Note:
The end of October is one of my favorite times of the year, and not just because Halloween falls on the 31st. On the 30th, we celebrate the birthday of Ezra Pound, poet and prophet of a just social and economic system, and on November 1st, we commemorate his death. (more…)
time: 6:09 / 588 words
487 words
What is a god?
A god is an eternal state of mind.
What is a faun?
A faun is an elemental creature.
What is a nymph?
A nymph is an elemental creature.
When is a god manifest?
When the states of mind take form.
When does a man become a god?
When he enters one of these states of mind.
What is the nature of the forms whereby a god is manifest?
(more…) -
2,810 words
Chapter I
Minor Addenda and Varia
I have never met a gambler with an ounce of intelligence, but the prejudice against lotteries is in the category of superstitions, totemism and taboo. Lotteries can harm only the imbeciles who buy tickets, but these imbeciles appear to be wholly in their own right. (more…)
December 11, 2012 Ezra Pound
ABC of Economics, Part 4
4,781 words
Chapter I
Politics, A Necessary Digression
Science or no science an economic system or lack-of-system is bound to be affected by the political system in which or beside which it exists, and more especially by the preconceptions or prejudices or predispositions and attitudes implied in the political system. (more…)