Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 601
The British Rise Up
Counter-Currents Radio
On the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, Greg Johnson and Angelo Plume discussed the unrest and populist uprising in the United Kingdom, which was caused after an African stabbed three little girls to death. It is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
9:27 – England, of all places!
11:42 – The importance of solidarity
16:09 – The Lotus Eaters
20:05 – Anjem Choudary was recently sentenced for terrorism
22:06 – Multiculturalism is the root of the problem
25:24 – Hypocrisy of anti-whites
29:07 – Value of Twitter in catching hypocrisy
36:43 – On the “White Strike”
40:05 – Non-violent protest in India
41:13 – It’s convenient for this to happen so close to an election
43:11 – Keir Starmer’s comments on the riots
45:59 – Does the Anglo psyche crave dystopia?
50:41 – Red Herring responses to white protest
56:36 – Morocco emptying prisons into Spain
57:57 – On dealing white anti-whites
1:20:20 – Multiculturalism is a cult that demands human sacrifices
1:22:19 – The immune system as a metaphor for the state
1:26:06 – The violence will lead to a government clamp down
1:27:19 – What army conquered England?
1:31:43 – The riots have been useful for unmasking false friends
1:41:39 – When you hate jews more than you love whites
1:53:26 – How much of an influence is Musk having?
1:59:36 – Will the pro-white riots come to America?
2:03:21 – Nick Fuentes’ tweet on UK Riots
To listen in a player, click here or below. To download, right-click the link and click “save as.”
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“A riot is the language of the unheard.
And: a race war is part and parcel of living in a multi-racial society.”
Both have never been more true.
There’s three things which I like about the conflict:
The optics for the Starmer government are catastrophic. Due to its dogmatism, fanaticism and hubris, its psychopathy is on full display. It can no longer be denied that it is fighting a war against its own ethnic group. Representing the entire Western media-political establishment.
When confronting “the regime” it’s often like fighting against mist: What is it exactly that we are fighting against? Cultural Marxism, New Labor, Neo-Liberalism, Globalism, Big Capital, the Establishment, Islamization, Islamic terror and crime, Fabian Society, the Js, race traitors, corrupted and rotten institutions? Well, Sir(!) Starmer answers the question for us, because he embodies it all and then some. As a far left lawyer and activist who married a liberal Jewish woman and, while formally atheist himself, raises his children as Jews, is directly and personally responsible for the cover-up of crimes by the grooming gangs against young English girls and lobby work so illegals could claim benefits. He is also fully in-bed with the ruling and capital class, and in a one-front block, with its media. Be it left like The Guardian or conservative like the Daily Mail, The Sun and Telegraph. The phalanx of the regime of antifa-capital-muslim-cop-media-political-NGO-lawctivist couldn’t be made clearer. It is now undeniable who the enemy is. And whatever trust you may have had in the law and police post Covid and post Rotherham should be finally shattered.
We see signs of solidarity from the middle and upper classes which could move real change and systemic reform. “Clear them out!”, is mainstream now. And it’s not going away. We don’t have to live like this. We don’t want to live like this. And we will no longer tolerate living like this. New Labor is dead. And hopefully the Blair-Merkel Europe with it soon enough.
There is however one thing which I dislike, strongly:
This all took too long. Way too long. Pim Fortuyn was politically assassinated by a far left vegan animal rights killer for his opposition against Moroccan mass immigration. Twenty-two years ago!…
And there was only ever one reply by the socio-pathic Machiavellians masquerading as do-gooders: “We know better and we don’t care.” Over the corpses of our children. There never would have had to be a Tarrant or Anders Behring-Brevik. Just a peaceful, gentle, wealthy, secure homogeneous society. Well, maybe a bit less wealth for landlords and bankers. The horror! Today boring Japan still refuses to see that Kebabs and Curries are worth the weekly massacres of their children and daily rapes of their daughters. What bigots!
But our people are not free from responsibility. As the meme goes:
Every European poll results: “Roundhouse kick migrants back to Africa!”
Election time comes: “Hello, we are the roundhouse-kick-migrants-back-to-Africa Party, please vote for us!” – “No.”
After election: “Why is no-one roundhouse kicking migrants back to Africa??!”
As it is today. The broad British public gave Labor a landslide victory and in this most hostile of environments the white working class was forced to start the riot. It was just one massacre too much. And it is like that practically everywhere.
The reality is that millions of our own people just don’t care enough. Or are openly for it.
They must be convinced to care. And it must be made clear what the left supports. Massacres, terror, deaths, the wrecking of society, machete wielding Pakistani militias in the streets while arresting the white youth rebelling against it. People know now that the Starmers of the world are not just misguided and naive, they are evil and must be defeated.
Very well said. David Starkey recently emphasized, “What we’ve seen over the last few days is the end of the Labour Party’s relationship with the white working class.” I especially like how you describe Starmer and his government.
Obviously elections aren’t going to fix all of the UK’s problems, even if Reform become a powerhouse in Parliament, shed their squeamishness, and push for massive remigration. But the blatant two-tier policing and other anti-white policies will force more people to remove their blinders, and at least understand what kind of enemy they are up against. And around the world, people like Elon Musk have already expressed shock at how the Labour government is favoring and coddling its client groups like the Muslims, while acting harshly against whites.
Can we just give credit to the English for once without having to bring the Irish into it?
An Austrian painter once said “if reason remains silent, then violence has the last word”
Englishman here. Greetings from Airstrip One. Given the magnitude of events now taking place daily on the streets here, it is tempting to just prattle on and on aimlessly about them, if only to achieve some much-needed venting of the volcanic levels of pressure built up over years of living under these unendurable conditions. Instead, I will confine myself to three points:
[1] I think the Irish must take much of the credit for the fillip of these events. I have no hard evidence, but my gut instinct tells me that large sections of the English working class have been paying quiet attention to the Emerald Isle over the past year or so and, having seen Irishmen on the streets starting to exert real control over their country, they have found themselves thinking “Well, if the Irish can do it, so can we.” There is now almost no one left alive in England who remembers having to fight an existential battle against foreign invaders (in their own ‘lived experience’ that is), but the Irish are a very different proposition. The rights and wrongs of ‘the Troubles’ aside, and similarly any feelings around where you stood on it, within living memory the Irish felt themselves to be fighting against a hostile, occupying force and were willing to pay the price for resistance to it. The scars of that era are barely scabbed over, and it seems to me that the covert infrastructure of such resistance is now being repurposed to different ends. That infrastructure was only ever under a dust sheet, it was never dismantled, and it has now shown the English a possible model of challenge to the status quo.
More widely, it feels to me as though Ireland is KEY to the anti-mass migration movement, a genuine backstop against which to brace. The Irish are about as fireproof as it is possible for White people to be: they have traditionally represented the ‘oppressed’, they never had an Empire meaning they cannot be said to ‘deserve’ counter-colonisation, they are well liked across the world and, importantly, their independence and self-determination were once a sine qua non of the left (Ireland for the Irish!) The latter point needs to be raised and directed against every left winger again and again, particularly those of the older vintage, a holding of them to account for things which they espoused for decades. Greg, you’ve spoken in the past of the need for nationalists of all stripes to work together, well there is damn near it an Irish pub in every major city of the world, and the battle of Irishmen to keep control of their country, their borders and their people needs to be leveraged to gain understanding and sympathy in many nations. PR is important here, and the optics of the Irish resistance can be used to gain positive regard for similar movements across Europe. As a Gen X-er, seeing Union Jacks and Irish flags being held aloft side by side is as thrilling and joyful as it is jaw-dropping.
[2] Activists on the right need to think practically. For example, they need to swallow their bile and read Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’. I regard Alinsky as being scarcely one step removed from the Devil incarnate but, in that book, he distils so much useful and practical knowledge around organisation and the application of pressure to achieve change. The left has been using it for so many years, and it is wilful folly not to pick up and use those same tools. His means can be used to achieve our ends. The final point in [1] above, about holding the left to account for their former views around Ireland is straight from the Alinsky playbook.
[3] I very much agree with the point about joining IRL events to expand the numbers in order to help the movement perceive itself, and to contribute to the collective energy generated. But again, we have to use our noodles here and think about practical measures to help make this possible. For example, during the anti COVID shot / lockdown demonstrations here in London, I bought a pair of Reflectacles ( in order to be able to go unmasked (pardon the pun) and yet safe from facial recognition techniques. If you are going to attend IRL rallies, marches, demonstrations, events, excellent, but it doesn’t preclude making some preparation to keep yourself protected from the malign machinery of the state. BTW, I have no commercial interest in Reflectacles, other anti-facial recognition equipment is doubtless also available.
Sigh, I was trying not to prattle on, but I did. Chalk it up to some unexpectedly boisterous spirits.
My best regards to you my American brothers.
Oh…of course, they are inspired by the Irish. Excellent observations!
I like the idea of saying we have enough of our own crime in response to the leftist counter argument that native British commit crimes too, but I wish you could add something to the effect that nonwhite immigrants commit MUCH MORE crime, by factors of ten higher than whites. If their crime rates were similar or lower than native brits, as may be the case with certain easterners like Chinese, crime really wouldn’t be an argument, but the truth is their crime rates are much higher and, in European contexts, the crime mostly victimizes the native white population, as opposed to black crime in the US, which is mostly within their own communities. White crime really is negligible compared to minorities.
This podcast is so good I saved it to disc to replay it and review it. In doing so I filed it next to my files on Carl Schmitt. That raised the question of how well we are doing, judged by Clever Carl’s basic test of political competence: do you know your enemies?
We of the broadly pro-White and / or right-leaning movement are doing badly, aren’t we? All this based Christian nonsense, in alliance with our based Muslim brothers — it’s all about as bad as possible.
We need to hold fast to simple words and ideas like pro-White and antiwhite.
We’re not clever enough to indulge ourselves in dreams of being diplomatic geniuses. We’ve proven that.
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