1,071 words / 7:02
The tiny town of Mashpee, Massachusetts is nestled on the hook-shaped peninsula of Cape Cod, which was named by an English explorer way back in 1602. Mashpee lies about 39 miles south of Plymouth, Massachusetts, where English Pilgrim settlers first celebrated the distinctly American tradition of Thanksgiving in 1621. Mashpee lies about 30 miles north of Martha’s Vineyard, which is perhaps most famous as the setting for the 1975 film Jaws, in which a great white shark ate a series of great white people. According to the most recent US Census stats, Mashpee is 87.6% white and only 2.5% black.
Mashpee is not the sort of place where you’d expect to see a recently-arrived 15-year-old white girl go missing for a few days after a viral video showed a 13-year-old black girl smacking her, punching her, pulling her by the hair, and forcing her to lick a middle-school bathroom floor.
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Aliyah Konton is the white girl in question. Her surname is reputedly Scottish and English. Her first name is a Hebrew word that literally means “ascent” and is most often used to refer to members of the Jewish diaspora returning to Israel. I don’t know whether she is Jewish or not, but she looks white in all available photos and videos, and I’ll assume that she also looked white to the black girl who humiliated her in the bathroom of Mashpee Middle-High School on May 25.
According to one of her classmates, Aliyah was new to the school:
She just seems like she was trying to fit in and just trying to make friends with everybody. No student, no person, should ever be harmed in that way.
The 72-second video that was first uploaded to Snapchat and then blasted all over the Internet appears to have been filmed by an accomplice of the 13-year-old bully Negress. It begins in a school corridor in media res because it’s unclear exactly what prompted the altercation.
Aliyah is tall, plump, and wears a sweatshirt, pajama pants, and sandals with white socks. She is smiling inappropriately as if completely unaware of the danger she faces. Whoever uploaded the video captioned it “She high off dat perc,” which I will helpfully translate as “The smiling white girl is high on Percocet.”
The small Negress suddenly slaps Aliyah in the face as female onlookers gasp.
The video then cuts to a bathroom, where the videographer catches the smaller black girl dragging a howling Aliyah in by the hair and then shoving her past a row of stalls.
After the black female assailant smacks and punches the much larger Aliyah a few times, Aliyah still offers no resistance and has an oddly inappropriate and possibly special-needs smile, as if it’s all some giant misunderstanding.
A white-sounding female voice, probably belonging to the smart-phone videographer, says:
You said you want to beat her ass, so fucking beat her ass, then. You want to talk shit. No bitch, you say you want to talk shit, beat her ass, so fucking beat her ass.
The diminutive black female assailant, whose voice is deep enough to land her a job as a male sports announcer, then says: “Lick the ground. Lick the ground. Lick the ground. There. Lick the ground.”
When Aliyah hesitates to obey orders, her antagonist grabs her hair and forces her face down to the bathroom floor, where Aliyah finally licks whatever seamy mélange of germs, urine, feces, and menstrual juices await her tongue.
Mission accomplished, the black girl walks away and the video ends, only to be uploaded to Snapchat sometime later that day.
School officials notified the Mashpee Police Department about an assault in a school bathroom on May 25.
But parents — including Aliyah’s — weren’t notified about the filmed attack until eight days later, on June 2, when Aliyah suddenly went missing from her home. She disappeared only a day after Mashpee Middle-High School held a peaceful graduation ceremony.
Search teams were formed, “MISSING” flyers were distributed by the police department, and an electronic billboard showed Aliyah’s face outside Mashpee Public Schools.
The story gained some local traction but hardly any national steam because, as we all know, media outlets have been shamed into avoiding accusations of engaging in missing white woman syndrome.
Apparently in the interest of seeming equitable, even Mass Live called Aliyah’s filmed beatdown a “fight” eight times in one article and five more times in a linked article. I’ve seen many fights and have been in a few fights myself, but this didn’t look like a fight to me.
I’d only be speculating, but the most plausible explanation for Aliyah’s abrupt disappearance was her public humiliation not only in high school — where social status is a matter of life and death — but before the entire world thanks to social-media sadists who are so hungry for attention that they’ll even upload evidence of their complicity in a crime, as well as bloodthirsty smart-phone voyeurs who get their rocks off at the sight of people they’ve never met being bludgeoned and forced to lick bathroom floors.
I’ll also take the liberty of assuming that Aliyah was in the throes of near-suicidal agony as she perambulated for days through the Cape Cod peninsula, possibly wishing that she’d been eaten by a shark, because at least it’s over quickly.
On Wednesday, June 5 — three days after she went missing — two males who were visiting the Planet Fitness in Barnstable, Massachusetts, which is about 20 miles west of Mashpee on Cape Cod, told the manager that they thought they had spotted the girl whose face was on all those “MISSING” posters. Employees said that the girl had come in asking to use the bathroom and may have also used a locker-room shower.
On the same day, Mashpee police announced that they’d filed seven counts of assault and battery in the Falmouth District Court Juvenile Division against the unnamed 13-year-old black assailant. They said they were still looking into filing criminal charges against a 13-year-old accomplice who has since been charged.
In a video message, Mashpee Police Chief Scott W. Carline said, “I’m happy to announce our missing juvenile has been located safely in the town of Barnstable.”
Aliyah Konton, who’d been lost for three days, had been found.
But after what happened, how much of her will be lost forever?
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Any chance that the parents of the two negresses will face charges? They should have seen the signs.
It was only one Black girl, and it’s doubtful the parents will be charged. They wouldn’t care even if they were.
It looks like she outweighs the negress by at least 50lbs. If she just would’ve gone crazy and fought back. With a lot of blacks, when you come at them solid they’re shocked and don’t know how to handle it. I don’t know, maybe she was high on percocet, the dumb smile on her face suggests that. Blacks seem to get off on these humiliation rituals though huh?
If she just would’ve gone crazy and fought back….
…she would have made national headlines for committing a hate crime.
Had she done that, she would’ve been absolutely mobbed by every black kid in proximity and end up with a permanent target on her back.
You’re anti-White.
I thought you would say she has killed herself. I’m very glad to hear she is okay, physically at least.
As a female, after an assault like that part of you is gone forever. The illusion of safety is over.
The dumb smile isn’t all Percocet. It’s Black Lives Matter and DEI and white supremacy mashed into her guts by everything she has seen and heard for most of her life. Additionally, she likely has liberal parents with a 50% chance the parents are divorced and dad isn’t a constant presence. So where can she go and who will be on her side? Trying to run away was pure instinct.
Maybe that’s what is needed. If women start demanding safety from every close male figure in their life the dudes might finally grow a pair of balls and throw off their uber domestication.
The New Orleans coroner’s office has ceased operations, including autopsies, shortly after negress Mayor Latoya Cantrell just racked up 250k in traveling expenses on the city’s dime and declared it Back Dat Azz Up Day, just the other day. The Idiocracy is literally unraveling before our eyes. I place the blame on complacent capitalist individualist whites, more than any other demographic.
Yeah. Almost everyone just lives in their own bubble. If everyone got up and left the planet, this is what would happen. These people haven’t physically left the planet, but for all intents and purposes they have. I also blame police. People might be willing to fight back but they’re afraid of getting into legal trouble. Police also make everyone else complacent. They think they don’t have to do anything because the cops will handle it.
“Brainwashed philosemitic retards” are to blame
Homeschooling may be the only option now for white survival.
No responsible person would bring into a petting zoo feral animals like wolves (while insisting that wolves are just dogs) or bobcats (while claiming bobcats are just cuddly felines no different from a house cat). Those animals are wild and obviously dangerous to people, especially children. Thanks to segregation, White children in the South didn’t have to endure forced association with feral black bitches and bastards. The new society and culture we are striving for would strongly reassert the long-lost right of freedom of association, as well as freedom from unwanted associations, driving a stake through the heart of the liberal commandment for total racial integration. Civilized races should not be forced to endure mandatory associations with uncivilized races. It is an insult to a sane social order and the civility of advanced peoples.
Thanks to segregation, White children in the South didn’t have to endure forced association with feral black bitches and bastards.
Yes, coerced school integration has been a multi-generational crime of child abuse perpetrated on White children by “our own” government.
When I see videos like this it fills me with rage. The majority of Our People are so battered and defeated, especially younger Whites. The way she smiled made me think that she is probably a “special needs” kid like Jim said. So many kids today have mental conditions from either the newest incarnations of vaccines or perhaps chemicals in our food, I don’t pretend to know what is causing what seems to be a drastic rise in “special needs” cases. What I do know is that this poor girl will be forever scarred by this ritual humiliation at the hands of a feral sheboon and the groid’s possibly White sycophant accomplice.
Perfectly put.
I hope her parents have the good sense (and the money) to move her out of that hell whole, and that their extended family will help them and support them. There are actually places in the country that are mostly White, and maybe someone can post a list of them. It’s something we all need to know.
I live in a neighborhood in the San Gabriel Valley of L.A. where I have not viewed a Black face near me in the 8 years I’ve lived here. Hispanics and Asians, yes, but Blacks would be bored here. And of course, Los Angeles County is full of every sort of non-Whites, but you can find several square blocks that are decent, if you do some scouting.
I hope this young girl gets some serious counseling about this horrid episode in her life.
We ought to be looking into creating private enclaves that do not allow ‘different people’ to move in. I think that is now against the law, but it should be something we should work on changing. We need living spaces where our children are safe.
The town she lives in now is only 2.5% black. Sounds pretty nice to me. Why do we have to keep running? She just needs to be taught how to handle situations like that a lot differently.
“Then one day for no reason at all…..”
That poor girl. It might help lift her spirits if her school or neighborhood helped organize something in support of her.
I suspect the fact her attacker was black, and blacks make up only 2.5% of the town’s population is not discussed there at all. If it was, in a town like that, maybe the black animal that beat her might have been gotten the severe beating she deserved by white onlookers when she attacked the girl.
Teach your kids how to fight. Teach them about the greatness of their ancestors. Give them the strength to fight back. My kids were privileged to grow up in an overwhelmingly White suburb, but I sent them for martial arts training and encouraged them to stand up for themselves. Don’t sweat the “hate crime” bs. Be smart, teach the kids to be smart, don’t fight with words that’ll be used against you, use your fists and feet. Simple assault is usually pled down to nothing. No one should ever surrender without a fight.
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