4th Meeting of the Counter-Currents Book Club
April 6: Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism
269 words
There are some debates among those White Nationalists who wish to build a political movement that are best left until after our race is saved from the brink of extinction, such as:
- Christianity or paganism?
- Capitalism or socialism?
- Allow abortion or ban it?
Ethnonationalism versus Imperialism is not one of them, however. Ethnonationalists want a world in which every distinct people has the right to a sovereign homeland. Imperialists want a single white racial state. Wilmot Robertson makes the case for ethnonationalism in his book The Ethnostate, whereas Francis Parker Yockey presents the case for imperialism in Imperium. Other advocates of imperialism include Sir Oswald Mosley, Jean Thiriart, and Guillaume Faye.
Join the Counter-Currents Book Club with host Greg Johnson on Saturday, April 6 at noon PST/3 PM EST/9 PM CET to talk about our new release, Against Imperialism, which is currently on sale at a 20% discount through April 6.
In our meeting, we’ll discuss:
- Why is imperialism a core issue for White Nationalists?
- Why can’t we simply be “pro-white”?
- Is a coalition of white ethnostates possible without a uniting imperial power?
- Will globalization destroy the nation-state? Is there anything we can do to stop it?
Against Imperialism was inspired by a lively debate that was held between Greg Johnson and Gregory Hood at our Spring Retreat last year. Audience participation made it a lot of fun and intellectually stimulating for everyone there, so we can’t wait to hear your thoughts during the upcoming discussion! You can send in questions via Entropy here or live during the stream on Odysee and DLive.
We look forward to having you in the discussion!
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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 617
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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 581: Fourth Meeting of the Counter-Currents Book Club — Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism
Saturday’s Livestream: The Counter-Currents Book Club Discusses Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism
To Greg Johnson,
Did my $250 donation make it to Counter Currents via US Mail? It was a money order I mailed over a week ago.
I am hoping to get behind the Paywall.
Jaye Ryan
TPC Radio Show
Occidental Dissent Blog
Not yet
What do you think is the best historical book on the Roman Republic/Empire, other than the classic “Rise and Fall”?
IMO Gibbons “ The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire “ is way way too long – it s something like 6 volumes.
the few important points are lost on trying to remember all these names , tribes , religious splits etc,
these few points stick out ;
the alien (je#) , pacifist , universalists slave religion Judeo Christianity weakened Roman society , lessened the Roman martial spirit and made Rome unable to meet the barbarian invasions of the 5th century AD in the West . Most of these barbarian invasions were by White Germanic barbarian tribes – which were good in the long run for European gene pool. The Hun horde barbarian invasions were a different matter .
For just getting the whole Roman “ thing”, I highly recommend “ I Claudius “ by Robert Graves”
the BBC mini series of the same name was AMAZING
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