All-Star Thanksgiving Weekend Special!

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This Saturday, November 25th, Greg Johnson will host a special three-hour livestream with guests The Ayatollah [2] (Odysee [3]Telegram [4]), Sam Dickson [5], Jim Goad, Tim Murdock [6] (White Rabbit Radio [7]), Matt Parrott [8] (Telegram [9]Substack [10]), Karl Thorburn [11] (Telegram [12]), Keith Woods [13], and the Zman [14], plus many more Counter-Currents readers, writers, and staffers who will drop by. Cyan Quinn [15], Gaddius Maximus [16] (Telegram [17]), and David Zsutty [18] will co-host.

The stream will start at noon Pacific, 3pm Eastern Standard Time, 8pm UK time, and 9pm Central European Time on:

Odysee: [20]

DLive: [21]

Send questions & donations to Entropy: [22]

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