Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 555 Greg Johnson and Pox Populi on the Israel-Palestine Conflict and Other Current Things

[1]187 words / 1:53:20

Greg Johnson and Pox Populi [2] (Telegram [3]YouTube [4]) talked about the Israel-Palestine War and other Current Things on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download and online listening.

Topics discussed include:

00:03:35 The Israel-Palestine War
00:03:56 Summary of current White Nationalist arguments about the war
00:12:03 How the war demonstrates Israeli hypocrisy
00:19:28 Let’s blame Muslims and Jews
00:25:14 Supporting Palestine is like Leftists supporting Black Lives Matter
00:28:58 When White Nationalists hate Jews more than they love whites
00:32:13 On genocidal themes in Judaism
00:39:24 We should be making arguments for deportations
00:42:13 How Zionists have a history of sacrificing other Jews
00:44:17 How the “counter-jihad” movement may have been right
00:49:23 Was the attack a false flag?
00:54:06 Did Israel know about 9/11 [5]?
00:58:58 Is Alex Jones a White Nationalist now?
01:08:57 The person who saves us will be a God, so why aren’t there more takers?
01:19:21 On the Polish election
01:28:01 The West isn’t doing enough for Ukraine
01:29:09 On the Australian Indigenous Voice Referendum
01:32:11 Call for donations
01:39:43 Why aren’t there more public White Nationalists?
01:42:27 Armenia and Azerbaijan

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