Now in Audio Version by Jim Goad!
Despite All the Progress We’ve Made, There Is Still, for Some Strange Reason, a Ridiculous Amount of Work to Be Done
Jim Goad
1,157 words / 9:05
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Probably due to some traumatic event in the womb or early childhood, I have chosen an avocation which constantly forces me to expose myself to things that upset me.
Thus, the other day I smacked myself in the face with a headline from The Guardian that read, “Britain ‘not close to being a racially just society’, finds two-year research project.” Since I am far more masochistic than sadistic, I will kindly spare you most of the trauma I endured actually reading the article. The only direct passage I’ll quote is the allegation that there is “detailed evidence of discrimination and unfairness” plaguing the British Isles.
Imagine being so confused about the difference between the subjective and the objective that one can declare, under the rubric of a news story, that there is “detailed evidence” of “unfairness.”
As someone who’s almost of entirely English and Irish descent, I don’t think the following facts are remotely fair to those of us whose veins pulse with blood from the British Isles:
England, Scotland, and the Republic of Ireland have a combined estimated population of around 66.5 million people. Their governments are all currently headed by non-whites. England’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is a Hindu who was born “to parents of Punjabi descent who migrated to Britain from East Africa in the 1960s.” Humza Yousaf, First Minister of Scotland, also has foreign-born parents of Punjabi descent. Yousaf is a Muslim. Leo Varadkar, the Republic of Ireland’s Taoiseach, is openly gay. His father was born in Mumbai. Varadkar’s mother was born Miriam Howell and appears to be the only progenitor of the Three Brown Heads of State who is of British ancestry. But that is more than counterbalanced by the fact that London’s Mayor since 2016, Sadiq Khan, is a Muslim of Pakistani descent.
Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales, appears to be of genuine Welsh descent. He may be gone by the end of the year, possibly to be replaced by the Zambian-born Vaughan Gething. The current Minister of State for Northern Ireland is the English-born Steve Baker.
I find the fact that the effective heads of state for 93% of all residents in the British Isles have bloodlines from Asia rather than Europe to be tremendously unfair. Then again, unlike what at times seems like 99.9% of Earth’s inhabitants, I realize that the idea of “fairness,” like so many ideas, is entirely subjective.
The word “justice” is likewise in the eye of the beholder, and as luck would have it, the beholder usually thinks the world is savagely unjust, especially toward them.
Have you ever noticed that for all the talk of “justice,” no one ever bothers to define it? I’ve never heard anyone even attempt to describe what conditions will be like on that glorious day, which always seems to be far away in the future, when “justice” will have been achieved and they can all shut up and let the rest of us enjoy ourselves.
Again and again we’ve all heard something to the effect of, “Despite all the progress we’ve made, there is still much work to be done.”
Okay, how much work? They never get around to measuring exactly how much work we’ll all have to do, but it’s starting to sound exhausting.
I searched the phrase “there is still much work to do” on a website called Power Thesaurus, and it yielded a robust 37 synonymous phrases such as “still have a lot to do” and “there is a long way to go.” A search for “there is still much work to be done” resulted in 47 phrases, but at least it gave me a glimmer of optimism, because unlike “much work to do,” it at least implies that one day the fucking work will be done.
A Google search for “Despite all the progress we’ve made” shat back 25,300 results at me. As you might have guessed, we’ve apparently made a lot of progress addressing phantasms such as “racial inequality,” “homophobia,” “sexism,” and all the other mortal sins in the New Church Ladies’ catechism.

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But, inevitably, there is still work do be done. Much work.
In March 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. famously declared, “We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
Apparently, “justice” is going to take a long time and a lot of work.
A month later, MLK said, “I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land.”
Pardon me for sounding like a bit of a dick, but I think that if MLK actually saw the Promised Land, it was unfair of him not to at least take a picture.
Fifty-five years after his father’s death, MLK’s obese and charisma-free son, MLK III, declared, “We still have a long way to go.”
Has anyone bothered to hire a surveyor to determine, either in kilometers or miles, how long this “way” is that we still have to “go” before we “get there”?
By the way, who is this “we” that shall “overcome”? The word “overcome” sounds uncomfortably close to “overpower,” just as “justice” often seems like an overly polite way of saying “revenge.”
Is it possible that the whole justice game was always about power rather than equality?
With “racial justice,” first came desegregation. Then chitter-chatter about us all getting along. Then came endless Negro-worship, along with the ritual demonization of everything white.
Feminism used to be about treating women equally. Then it became a folk religion where women, no matter how maliciously vile their behavior, were presumed innocent and all men were inherently evil.
Regarding sexual kinks, it seems that once gay marriage was mainstreamed, the Trans Hydra reared its pathological head. Now that all mainstream media outlets, the educational-industrial complex, and the government have caved in and use “proper” (i.e., inaccurate) gender pronouns, things are lurching toward normalizing pedophilia, destigmatizing the sad spectacle of men in diapers, and encouraging sex between humans and livestock. If you think that’s crazy, they used to call it bonkers to think society would ever accept gay marriage or the idea that someone can literally change their sex.
It’s inaccurate to say they keep “moving the goalposts” when the exact location of the goalposts was never defined in the first place. There were never any goalposts, just as there was never any finish line.
Politics is like many businesses in that it’s a self-sustaining racket. If it actually solved the problems it purports to solve, it would render itself obsolete.
It’s all a scam, a grift, a con, a boondoggle. It’s kind of brilliant in a sick way.
These “justice” movements are insatiable. They never stop of their own accord. Like Pac-Man — sorry, Ms. Pac-Man — voraciously devouring Power Pellets, they gobble up everything in their path until they bump into a Ghost that stops them, and it’s GAME OVER.

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All non-white groups need to be dealt with in America, but blacks are probably, in many ways, the toughest case.
For one, about 80-90% of blacks who are in the country now do have historical ties here — whereas 90% or so of Asians and Hispanics do not. Most Asians and Hispanics “could” be repatriated if given the right incentives, or with brave enough leaders to call for it by actual force. I read a recent poll the other day that claimed 81% of Asians immigrants “are not happy with America” and are “scared of living here.” One could easily tap into that sentiment, and convince them that their relatively homogeneous homelands are better places for them. As for the Hispanics, we all know what needs to be done with them.
With blacks, this is tough. They’ve overwhelmingly proven over time that they cannot assimilate into the United States that was created, and they will forever be unable to. And despite nearly 70 years of free stuff, preferential treatment, and betraying whites in every fashion just to give blacks “a fair chance” at the American dream, they’re even worse today than they were in the 1940s. Now that they have actual political power in major cities, and increasing power in southern states, we’re also seeing firsthand what happens when they become Mayors, police chiefs, and state senators. It isn’t pretty. They’re simply a problem in this continent, period.
We could offer to build blacks a homeland here, they might Initially agree to it, but there’d be no way to maintain it in a long-term solution. 5-10 years after we build it for them and hand them the keys, when things break or get out of hand, they’d cry racism and demand help. If we offer a deal to always be available at the touch of a bat signal to help “when” stuff breaks in their homeland, they’d reply with “What, you think we can’t run things ourselves or without your help?” It would be damned if we do, and damned if we don’t.
Shy of getting a large number of blacks out of the USA entirely, such as Ghana’s “right of return” policy for African Americans, I don’t know if there’s any other formidable solution with blacks. All they’ve done, and are still doing, is continuing the grievance industry for as long as possible. And because they aren’t forward-thinking, they can’t connect the dots that the goodies and preferential treatment will run dry if they keep hurting whites or if they continue to not resist the Hispanic and Asian invasion. If they were smart, they would demand a stop to immigration, mass deportations, and letting whites regain control, because that’s how their bread is buttered.
My only other wonder if we can’t get a large number of blacks out of the country altogether, is if we can get a lot of the other non-white groups out — and therefore, the white population increases in dominance and blacks would be forced to behave even marginally better again.
This is difficult. No doubt.
“If they were smart…”
Uh-huh. They–the puppet masters–implant every thought into sub-Saharans’ hollow crania, and those thoughts (“a stop to immigration, mass deportations, and letting whites regain control”) aren’t among them.
It’s easy. Back to Africa.
In his 1821 autobiography, Thomas Jefferson wrote, concerning blacks: “nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate, than these people are to be free; nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion, have drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.” Unfortunately, for all his accurate insight, he did not offer a viable solution.
From various statements by Abraham Lincoln, it is not a stretch of the imagination to suppose that, had he lived, he would have been in favor of emigrating blacks to Africa or a Central American colony. Many of the blacks at the time had only very unpleasant associations with existence here, and also worried that the white man could change his mind and re-enslave them. They might have been easily persuaded to go. John Wilkes Booth rendered all those possibilities moot, and for good measure obliterated any feelings of magnanimity on the part of the victorious North. The severe regime of Reconstruction ensued.
That abated considerably from the 1880’s until the end of WWII, during which period, the South adopted the solution of segregation, which worked well enough for white people, and it might have been tolerable for blacks if it had included a welfare state like exists now for them. But the Southern whites either couldn’t or wouldn’t provide that and relied entirely on repression to keep the Negroes in their place. That in turn, reignited abolitionist zeal in the North, which legislatively and judicially reimposed Reconstruction, although the geographic order has been scrambled. It is highly doubtful that all the new Asians and Hispanics are going to willingly assume the burden of guilt, but the neo-abolitionists seem to want them here in the hopes that they will be allies against their old foes, the bad white revanchists. That might be true of the Asians, but not likely the Hispanics.
This state of affairs has a lot of momentum, so nothing short of a cataclysmic event will radically change it, but such events are not rare, and what will be the new order after a natural disaster, economic collapse, or war, is anybody’s guess.
The Guardian, you have to read it to believe it.
This is excellent, Jim. Shall I say ‘one of your best’? But there are so many! Do not regret ‘things that upset [you],’ that’s the fuel in your tank, and you’ve done it long enough to ride on 93 octane.
In my clumsy way, I often try to explain to people that it was the “love and equality” Trojan Horse of the old Civil Rights days that opened the doors to all the degeneracies since. You recap that well here.
In England they started forcing in the first Race Relations Act in the late 60s, with sanctions ever-more-stringent with each further iteration. Now they have to funnel their natural disdain into all kinds of outré and ineffectual protests.
Another good call, Jim. How is any sane person supposed to know what still needs to be done when the purveyors of this rubbish never detail what exactly has yet to be achieved only that “we still have a long way to go”? As you say it’s a big money generator for a select few and they will never set an acceptable goal causing them to leave just like the NRA.
I’d say the common clay have come a long way in that 94% of them approve of whites marrying negroids.
Unfairness? Propping up blacks and other minorities has been unfair from the beginning. Go home and see how real fairness feels. We’ll even pay the fare.
I think blacks will be finally satisfied when they’re on top of everything: making the most money, having the most power, driving the fanciest cars, schtupping the hottest women of all races, and having those of other races show them deference.
White liberals will be satisfied when all racial disparities (except perhaps those that disfavor whites and males) are eliminated, yielding perfect equality of outcome in a safe, happy, first-world country without any -ists or -phobes.
The black plan for happiness seems more realistic.
Your theory assumes they think and/or behave rationally at times, we have a small sample population to test your theory…Professional sports and professional athletes, blacks compose over 73% of the NBA, 60% of the NFL, Highest paid players in both sports are black yet I wouldn’t describe any of them as happy, satisfied or hell even content. Lebron James is worth $1 billion dollars yet he sounds off about racism on a weekly basis, even crying when claiming someone vandalized his home’s garage door with the N-word, oh the pain and humanity…..The NFL top payed player by tens of millions but has been suspended for a season and a half due to accusations of rape and sexual assault by 26 different women, > 48% of nfl players are charged with domestic violence, > 21% are charged with sexual assault in the NFL on average, and the NBA reports over >50% of their players have committed or been charged with a felony… they make the most money, playing a game they obsess over much more than reading and arithmetic yet all we hear is “there aren’t enough Black head coaches” or “there aren’t any black majority owners of NFL teams” They cry about this despite the fact they make up <13% of the us population but comprise well over 60% in nfl and over 73% of players in the NBA but somehow they’re still the victims of racism and white supremacy…..Does anyone truly believe that no matter what they’re given, reparations, affirmative action, now mandatory equity and diversity for every company doing business in the USA, but anyone believe they will ever stop the whining, the raping, the robbing, and killing??? They can’t they’re impulsive, irrational, quick to violence, low IQ, and project everyone of the issues facing their face onto whites. All the while self loathing white liberals train themselves to ignore patterns of violent criminal behavior, overwhelming crime statistics, shockingly violent behavior at the drop of a hat and they somehow assign the blame to whites for double secret voodoo white supremacy which permeates every area blacks happen to fail in, and Whitey is more than eager to excuse it all away, Cops Racist, Teachers Racist, Store employees Racist, Whites Racist……Blacks are just strong, soulful, peaceful fun loving ppl who were born from the Sun just ask Nick Cannon who was just given a day time talk show after making these very comments
Homosexual marriage was “normalized”, partly, because lawyers knew how high the divorce rate would be and how much they could make. Negroes were forced on us because they’d work for less and helped keep poor Whites in their place lest they get forced to live with the negro. The open door at the border keeps wages down and creates an underclass that’s less troublesome than blacks. The whole mess is going according to plan. We’re divided and conquered. We’ve reached the promised land.
Never read The Guardian for anything. Ever. Psychotic, anti-white, self-flagellating rag run by morons, for morons.
Today’s bit of pugilist madness to cheer you up a bit:
Is it possible that the whole justice game was always about power rather than equality?
Yeah, a lot of us have woke up of late to this reality.
If there wasn’t always ‘so much more to do,’ then a load of quarter-wits would be out of a job. If you have an ostensible ‘goal’ that can never be reached, you can ride that gravy train forever.
There is a date. Current calcuation are that August 12th, 2056 will be when Equity is achieved. Until then, there’s still a lot of work to be done. Now stop complaining and get to it.
“Then came endless Negro-worship….”
This has been widespread in mainstream media since the late 1960s. It has grown worse over the decades. I’m now convinced that the American power elite want to rub our faces in it. It is NONSTOP.
Americans who were patriotic for many years are finally losing their patriotism. They’re finally waking up. I lost my patriotism somewhere back in the 1980s. There is no end to the rabid negrophilia coming from the American ruling class. It has permeated all of our institutions and all areas of culture. I’m not going to fight and die for that.
Thanking Mr. Goad for his canny turn of phrase:
By the way, who is this “we” that shall “overcome”? The word “overcome” sounds uncomfortably close to “overpower,” just as “justice” often seems like an overly polite way of saying “revenge.”
I would add that even if the “overcoming” happens, the woke industrial complex will pronounce, “The Work Is Never Done” (1.2 million google hits). Google trends shows it increasing more than “Emmett Till”.
It was my understanding that the “Promised Land” was reached on election night 2008. Mobs of hysterically happy people were overjoyed to know that we had elected our first black president and were now passing through the dimensional portal known as our “post-racial” American future.
The TV showed a scene from Obama’s celebration in Chicago with a close-up of Jesse Jackson’s face with tears of joy trickling down his cheeks. Hey, if the Reverend Jesse is crying, you know it’s real!
Well, that was a nice warm fuzzy feeling while it lasted I guess. It lasted about two months. About when former black radical, and then very black Attorney General Eric Holder called American cowards for refusing to face their racism. Say whaaaaat? All that voting for a black chap was so much chopped liver to the professionally aggrieved Negroes like Holder.
It’s only gotten worse since then, and all the beer summits in the world won’t wash away the rage of our lessers. Hell, these people believe in voodoo fer crying out loud! If they can believe in zombie spells, why wouldn’t we expect them to believe in “white privilege” or any other incantation that will bring them the moolah. God knows at least those spells work like magic on all too many whiteys.
So no, white man. There ain’t no promised land for you. If you want a mythological reference, look at the torture of Sisyphus, condemned to an eternal labor that never stops!
Jim Goad has me in hysterics as usual with today’s rational retort to Woke idiocy “. . . has anyone bothered to hire a surveyor . . .” regarding our seeking out the way to the Promised Land. Tears are streaming!
There is no such thing as a promised land.
Everywhere has been already established, or colonized. The only place I can think of that is “promised land” is Antarctica and there’s zero chance you could build communities or neighborhoods on that continent.
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