Deplatforming Is Back

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On Monday, I looked at my phone and saw the message, “They got Tucker.” Apparently the whole world knew that Tucker Carlson had been fired from Fox just a few minutes after Tucker himself. We still don’t know the cause. It is probably complicated. Tucker made a lot of enemies telling uncomfortable truths about the Great Replacement, big pharma, the January 6th hoax, and countless other evils and follies. But we do know who benefits and who is gored. The victors are the globalist elites who control America. The victims are the American people. 

We also know who is crowing about it: 


In case you don’t know, Jonathan Greenblatt leads an anti-white, anti-American organization known as the Anti-Defamation League. Two years ago, the ADL called for Carlson’s firing because he challenged Greenblatt to defend the ADL’s double-standards on replacement level immigration in the US compared to Israel.

The ADL blog post he read on air is no longer accessible on the ADL’s website [3], but it’s preserved in this segment, somehow still available on YouTube, and now here too just in case they take it down tomorrow:

With historically high birth rates among the Palestinians, and a possible influx of Palestinian refugees and their descendants now living around the world, Jews would quickly be a minority within a bi-national state, thus likely ending any semblance of equal representation and protections. In this situation, the Jewish population would be increasingly politically – and potentially physically – vulnerable. It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory. [Fox News, “Tucker fires back at criticism over immigration, voting comments [4],” April 12, 2021]

This is a perfectly sensible position. Referring to the Democrats’ push to replace the electorate with immigrants who vote Democrat, he questioned why this same reasoning didn’t apply to the US:

Why would any democratic nation make its own citizens less powerful? Isn’t that the deepest betrayal of all? In the words of the ADL, why would a government subvert its own sovereign existence? Good question. Maybe ADL President Jonathan Greenblatt will join us sometime to explain, and tell us whether that same principle applies to the United States.

If you are angry about Tucker’s firing, take it up with Greenblatt. He clearly wants some of the credit, so he should take some of the blame.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is also taking credit:

If you are angry about Tucker’s firing, take it up with AOC. She clearly wants some of the credit, so she should take some of the blame.

No one should mistake Tucker’s defense of our national sovereignty as an endorsement of white identity politics. In fact, he opposed the idea of collective interests based on ethnicity in a recent interview, which I discussed here [7]. But nevertheless, Tucker Carlson told the truth about the Great Replacement, and truth tellers are rare and precious people, especially when they have a loyal audience of millions. 

[8]An Instagram post [9] that Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe shared on Tuesday quotes Carlson:

You see people you know revealed as cowards, saying things you know they don’t believe because they want to keep their jobs, and you’re so disappointing [sic] in people. You realize the herd instinct is maybe the strongest, to be like everybody else and to not be cast out of the group — and to not to be shunned. That’s a VERY strong impulse in all of us from birth and it takes over unfortunately in moments like this and it’s harnessed in fact by bad people in moments like this to produce uniformity. You see people going along with this, and you lose respect for them. I’m not mad at people. I’m just sad. How could you go along with this when you know it’s not true but you’re saying it anyway?

But it gets worse. Within 48 hours of Carlson’s ouster, Kevin McDonald, James Edwards, Tom Sunic, and Andrew Anglin were all purged from Elon Musk’s new “free speech” Twitter. I was purged late last year [10]. When Elon Musk announced that Twitter would allow free speech, the ADL led the way in bullying Musk to maintain Left-wing censorship. Until Musk screws up the courage to give the ADL a hard no, the best we can hope for on Twitter is basically the New York deli model: you can choose anything you like, as long as it is kosher.

Why does deplatforming happen? Because when you have built your power on lies, you can’t allow truth-tellers to come along and spoil it.

When Donald Trump was elected in 2016, the political establishment decided that free speech and fair elections were just too dangerous, so they did away with them, first through a long and mounting campaign to censor dissenting voices. Then they outright stole the 2020 Presidential election. Then, to cement the stolen election in place, Twitter deplatformed the President himself. Nationalism, populism, and anything that smacks of white identity politics are being repressed.

Tucker Carlson’s firing is a wakeup call. So was the attempt to silence Joe Rogan. So was the attempt to take down Alex Jones. But Tucker is worth more than $400 million dollars. He will bounce back and make Fox, AOC, the ADL, and the entire political establishment regret it. He could start his own platform. He could run for President. He could speak more freely about everything they fear the most.

If we have freedom of speech, we win. That’s why they deplatform us. But the good news is: deplatforming won’t stop the truth from getting out. It merely slows it down. Of course, every day victory is delayed means more white lives destroyed by multiculturalism and other reckless follies. We are in a race against time. Our rulers are simply out to replace us. Thus we have to replace them before they replace us.

We were never going to overthrow such an evil system on the system’s own platforms. To do that, we need to secure the platforms we have. Please visit our revamped Donate page today [11] to pledge your support for our work. Check out our Paywall incentives [12]. Consider becoming a sustaining member by committing to a monthly donation here [12]. We are only a quarter of the way to our $1,000 monthly goal. But I know we have the most generous, intelligent, and determined supporters. Please help today. Thank you for your readership and support.

Greg Johnson