Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 530 The Genealogy of Wokeism

[1]126 words / 1:02:05

Greg Johnson was joined by Pox Populi (Telegram [2]YouTube [3]) on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss the intellectual origins of wokeness, with special attention to Paul Gottfried’s recent Chronicles article “Marx Was Not Woke [4].” The recording of the stream is now available for download and online listening.

Topics discussed include:

01:33 Summary of Paul Gottfried’s “Marx Was Not Woke [4]
04:18 Gottfried’s counter-arguments
08:15 Is the article that controversial?
16:44 Are people defensive of liberalism because its European?
21:54 Is wokeism an outgrowth of capitalism?
27:08 How and why the Frankfurt school had to distort Marxism
30:13 How Marxists gave up on overthrowing capitalism
34:42 Individualism vs. collectivism as political strategies
42:30 Gottfried on liberalism
57:32 Final thoughts

To listen in a player, click here [5]. To download, right-click the link and click “save as.” [5]

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