The Foremost Threat to Life on Earth

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Elon Musk insinuates that investing in SpaceX is good because colonizing Mars [2] can be a hedge against something destroying life on Earth. This seems like far-sighted wisdom, but Musk often frames things as a forgone conclusion to induce people to invest in his businesses. For example, he has stated [3] that people should invest in Tesla because it is on the forefront of developing self-driving cars, which he claims will inevitably become the norm.

Before that, he claimed people should invest in Tesla’s electric cars because we’ll eventually run out of fossil fuels and need to run things on electricity.

He has also claimed that humans should get on board with transhumanism — specifically, nanotech endeavors to upgrade the human brain — because otherwise, according to him, machines will render human beings obsolete [4].

He’s always claiming people should invest in his business ventures because whatever his business is doing is either necessary to forestall doom or will become the norm someday, so we should give him millions of dollars (rather than another businessman) to oversee it. Of course, it is not necessarily true that Musk’s ventures are the best way to achieve these goals.

In Musk’s latest attempt to encourage investment in SpaceX, he suggests something could jeopardize life on Earth [2] — but doesn’t say what. Then he claims people should invest in SpaceX so he can build a colony on Mars to hedge against Earthling extinction.

This got me thinking as to what the biggest threat to life on Earth is. For me, the answer was immediate and obvious: Sub-Saharan Africans are doubling in number every 30 years. There’s a billion of them now; there will be another billion three decades from now, and four billion total by 2092. They’ll all be striving to enter Western nations. After enough decades or centuries of immigration, they may in fact transform them into something like modern South Africa and elect someone like Jacob Zuma, Julius Malema, or Robert Mugabe to be at the helm of a nuclear arsenal.

Mixed-race blacks such as we find in North America, Jamaica, and in Southern Africa (the last being mixed between Bantu and Khoisan people) have the highest murder rates [5] and among the highest rates of psychopathy [6]. Unlike Hispanics, they have among the lowest IQ [7]s. The sweet spot for misuse of guns is stupidity, rashness, and malice, and mixed-race Negroids excel in these categories more than other races. The same qualities that make a person misuse guns may make them misuse nukes. There’s probably a ten-fold increased risk of nuclear holocaust once such negroes inherit nukes given that this is the same multiple by which they’re more likely to commit homicide.

Pure black West Africans commit far fewer murders on average than mixed-race blacks. Most whites in America learn they are much kinder than African-Americans on average, but after they enter societies like the United States and the United States, they’ll interbreed with the locals and become mixed-race blacks. Then they’ll probably start murdering people at higher rates as well, as their sort of unstable hybrid DNA animates the Negroid form to its worst actions.

While the future, based on the current Negroid population trends, looks scary, the current situation isn’t all that reassuring, either. If all people currently in the US interbreed, they’ll be genetically on par with Puerto Rico or Colombia (equivocating East Asian DNA with Amerindian DNA). This is what North America will become without additional immigration. With more immigration, North America will continue to exchange white blood for black, Asian, and Amerindian blood. The US will thus transition from being the genetic equivalent of Puerto Rico to a blacker and more Amerindian Panama. Neither political party is offering a way to stop this. The only difference between the Republican and Democrat parties on this issue is not one of results, but only of timeframes. With Republican immigration policy, the US may not become like Panama until, say, 2080; whereas with Democrat policies, it will be racially equivalent to Panama by perhaps 2065. It’s not a question of whether the decay will happen, but of how fast.


You can buy Fenek Solère’s Resistance here. [9]

Mixing between whites, Asians, Jews, and Arabs may create a people I call “neo-Jews.” They will be smarter than the disproportionately Hispanic and black masses. They may act as an elite and retain control of America’s nuclear arsenal, but with enough centuries of black mass immigration, mixed-race negroes may depose them. Of course, blacks have let cities like Detroit fall into ruins, and perhaps before they can get control of nuclear weapons they’ll let them fall into disrepair as well — but there’s a chance a skeleton crew of neo-Jews will foolishly keep them going until a black dictator can use them. They may be stupid enough to preserve nuclear weapons for the brown people who will replace them.

If whites want to stay collectively white — which data shows 90% of them do in terms of choosing someone with whom to start a family — then they’ll need to retake the entire continents of Europe, Oceania, and North America. The reason is that seceding in only portions of these places will leave open other areas to be overrun with blacks, and history tells us that for genes to spread, people need not live side-by-side. They can instead radiate out incrementally in the form of mixed-race individuals between populations. Admixture may take millennia, but it usually happens. Modern travel methods make interaction easier and will speed it up. A continent of white nations is the best option for long-term survival. This doesn’t mean that breaking off incrementally isn’t a first step, but it shouldn’t be a final goal.

If there’s nothing to fear from negroes armed with nukes, then the status quo is fine. If there is something to fear, then we have two options. One is to promote nuclear disarmament in nations where negroes may immigrate — namely, the US, the UK, and France. This probably won’t happen, though, because their resident elites want to retain nukes as a deterrent against invasion from Russia or China. Still, if these nations disarm themselves, they can eliminate the risk of negroes ever being armed with their nukes in the first place.

The second option, which does not exclude the first, is to stop negroes from immigrating to the UK, the US, and France while stopping them from multiplying in Africa so there won’t be so many who try to immigrate.

There are a few steps we can take to ensure negroes never get control of nuclear weapons:

  1. Promote the development of robot technology in jobs negro immigrants are taking, wherever possible.
  2. Convince non-whites, including Hispanics, Asians, North Africans, and full-blooded black people such as Haitians and Africans, to oppose mass immigration to the US, UK, and France, because it may eventually lead to violent, low-IQ, mixed-race negroes getting control of nukes.
  3. Promote nuclear disarmament in the US, the UK, and France. Even though these nations’ Jewish and white elites and their probable Hispanic and Asian successors will probably never let that happen, it’s worth trying, because it’s good to hedge against mixed-race Negroids of the future inheriting them.
  4. Because all nations armed with nukes are either multi-racial or non-white, homogeneously white nations such as Poland cannot depend on having their allies’ nuclear weapons as a deterrent against invasion unless they develop their own weapons or else ally with another homogeneously white nation that does. Hence, if they want a guarantee of protection from invasion, and thus existence, they will need to develop their own weapons.
  5. Get the United Nations and other organizations to set aside billions of dollars for teaching Sub-Saharan Africans how to use birth control so that their fertility stays at or below replacement levels. If Afro-Caribbeans and African-Americans can figure out how to use birth control, there’s no reason Africans can’t.
  6. The final step is for good white people to outbreed bad ones. The 20% or so in the US who are amenable to white identity politics need to have an average of 4-6 kids each. Assuming that white couples who don’t care about white Identity have only 1.5 kids — which is what they’re doing now — then within 80-110 years, or by 2100 to 2130, their descendants will constitute four to five times more living whites than the descendants of other whites. Hopefully, by that point the tables will have turned and whites lacking ethnocentrism will be the 20% minority. My hope is that this new breed of whites in Western Europe, Oceania, and North America will be as sensible about mass non-white immigration as Eastern Europeans are now. They’ll probably have fewer traits related to factor 1 psychopathy and more related to higher intelligence and higher testosterone levels, and will be more introverted, as all these things correlate with higher levels of honesty — which is sort of the opposite of political correctness. What’s more, by selecting for these things they can ensure they don’t devolve into becoming as bad as negroes.

Negroes armed with nuclear weapons is the foremost threat to life on Earth. Because of their lack of intelligence, the only way they can get them is by flooding into nations that do and then voting themselves in power. We must therefore stop them from flooding into such nations and persuade them to stop multiplying, so there won’t be so many who want to immigrate.

Even if blacks never choose to blow up the world, they’re never going into space — at least not without some genetic edits, which are easier said than done. So before talking about going to Mars, we need to stop mass immigration of Africans throughout the world.

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