The Political Enemy of Europe


You can buy Francis Parker Yockey’s The Enemy of Europe here. [2]

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The following is a chapter from Francis Parker Yockey’s The Enemy of Europe [2], which is now available in a new translation from Counter-Currents.

“Today some people are prepared to transfer broad economic areas less amenable to speculation, such as the mining and railroad industries, to the care of a pseudo-state. But, of course, they intend to retain the behind-the-scenes prerogative of making this ‘state’ an executive organ of their own business interests through the democratic forms of parliamentarism, i.e., by paying for election campaigns and newspapers and thus controlling the opinions of voters and readers. Therein lies the frightful danger of an enslavement of the world by big business. Today its tool is the League of Nations, ostensibly a system of nations that have ‘self-government’ on the British model, but in reality a system of provinces and protectorates whose populations are being exploited by a business oligarchy with the aid of bribed parliaments and purchased laws, just as the Roman world was exploited by the bribery of senators, proconsuls, and tribunes of the people.” — Spengler, 1919[1] [3]

The conclusion of hostilities which ended the Second World War left Europe divided between the Washington régime and Russia. Russia received ten percent of Europe’s population; the Washington régime was allotted ninety percent. (By Europe is meant here, of course, Cultural Europe, viz., Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Spain, together with tiny provinces like Switzerland, and not the geographic “Europe” which has today become a worthless concept.)

It is only natural that the Washington régime which rules Europe would seek to convince its European subjects to identify the interests of America-Jewry with their own and therefore prepare Europe for war against Russia in alliance with it. The propaganda supporting this policy offers only two reasons for it: first, Russia is not a democracy and “enslaves” other peoples; second, a Russian invasion of Europe would result in the slaughter of the whole European population or a considerable part thereof.

The first point is politically meaningless, for it would be impossible to enslave 250 million people who are spiritually, ethically, scientifically, technically, militarily, and politically the most highly developed in the world. So far as Europeans can be enslaved at all, they are already enslaved by America-Jewry. Today the people of Europe work with every possible exertion for the enrichment and aggrandizement of the financiers, industrial barons, politicians, and generals of North America. Slavery no longer means the rattling of chains, but rather food rationing, shortages of currency and materials, unemployment, occupation soldiers and their families, puppet governments, rearmament, and military programs on a gigantic scale.

The second point seeks to frighten Europeans into a war to increase the power of the Washington régime and destroy its sole dynamic opponent, thus placing the masters of New York and Washington in control of the entire world. But once again, it is impossible to kill a considerable part of the European population through short-term violent measures. The well-planned and systematically executed starvation of Germany by the American-Jewish occupation during the period 1945–1948 killed approximately three million people. That is probably the largest number which could have been killed by such methods. Overheated brains which can be convinced Europe “killed six million Jews” can readily imagine the course a Russian massacre of hundreds of millions of human beings would take. People who believe in such nightmares lack a sense for exaggeration and have no psychological insight. No great number of men can be trained to kill, directly and systematically, as a daily performance, from morning till evening, over an extended period, unarmed men, women, and children. A mere sporadic killing of the kind involved in every military invasion could never reduce the population of Europe to any great extent.

If a selective killing should be the method in an attempt to decapitate the European organism, then Russia would be likewise incapable of that. This was the method of the American-Jewish war crimes program, the most extensive terror in the history of the world. America-Jewry attempted to isolate the élite and string up its members one by one; but here, too, it missed the mark. Russia, in spite of encouragement from America, did not practice any systematic war crimes terror, since it was more interested in the individual men as material for the future than in settling past scores according to Mosaic law. Furthermore, the American colonials and their exotic leaders understand much better than the barbarian how to go about isolating and exterminating superior individuals, for the Russian stands outside Western Culture, and its inner structure and cohesion are much less familiar to him and much less understood. A profound ignorance of the outside world goes hand in hand with Russian xenophobia.

In any case, Europe — meaning first of all its Culture-bearing stratum — will choose its own enemy, for the 250,000 men mysteriously charged with fulfilling Europe’s Destiny are essentially and internally free of Culturally alien influences. Enemy propaganda cannot thwart the Destiny of a High Culture, however great its extent, for this Destiny lies beyond Machiavellianism and technics; propaganda is only a means.

An enemy occupying Europe can probably round up herds of civilians by means of its puppet governments and call the result an army, but beyond that it cannot go. An army means, first, morale; second, an officer corps; third, a high command; and, fourth, the human material of the troops. A herd conscripted under foreign coercion would have no morale, no officer corps, and no high command. Without these, they would be only an armed mob, and, as such, could not deliver a victorious blow against the barbarians.

America-Jewry insists that Russia could overwhelm Europe — quite mechanically and automatically — were not American colonial troops here. Yet the fact remains that only America’s intervention in the Second World War prevented Europe from destroying Bolshevist Russia as a political unit. The present Russian power conglomerate was thus created by America-Jewry. Never in the five centuries of Russian history has Russia been able to make way into Europe unless supported by one or more European states. Against Frederick the Great, Russia received aid from France, Austria, and Sweden; against Napoleon, Russia received aid from Britain, Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Spain. In 1945, Russia penetrated into Germany only with America’s assistance. Before American intervention, Europe had hurled the barbarian back across the Volga.

Russia is a threat only to a divided Europe; a sovereign Europe could destroy the power of Bolshevist Russia at any moment of its choosing. It is a blatant lie that Europe needs America-Jewry to defend itself against Russia.

The Russian occupation of a small part of Europe only came about through American-Jewish policy. A Russian occupation of Europe as a whole could only come about in the same way.

We have seen that it belongs to the deepest necessity of America’s matriarchal soul — and must thus be respected by the ruling stratum, for a rider is limited by the abilities of his horse — to have many strong allies in a war. As we have seen, Europe is for this reason the basis of any war plans of America-Jewry against Russia. Europe can exploit this fact.

To secure the collaboration of Europe in the war it is planning against Russia, America would grant Europe huge concessions — regarding domestic autonomy, commerce, military affairs, and even administrative unification. But since America has the Michel stratum at its disposal, and this stratum holds office everywhere in Europe, no demands are put upon America. Thus, the Washington régime can treat Europeans as less valuable than peons, for peons must receive a wage. The Churchill governments of every country make no demands lest they disquiet the American bayonets upon which they depend. To expect pride and independence from the stratum of professional traitors is simply unrealistic.

The second way in which the American people’s spiritual need of allies might be exploited would be through an unswerving, voluntary neutralization of Europe vis-à-vis the projected war against Russia. If the Washington régime were forced to accept European neutrality as a fact, it would have to abandon its plans for a European theatre of war and evacuate Europe.


You can buy The World in Flames: The Shorter Writings of Francis Parker Yockey here. [5]

Either of these possibilities, if realized, could bring about the liberation of Europe before the Third World War. The first possibility could only be realized if the Michel stratum were removed from public life, for this stratum would hardly set Europe’s interests above its own class and personal interests, for the latter are only protected by hostile occupation.

There are two ways the policy of America-Jewry could abandon Europe to a Russian barbarian occupation: through a free donation, as we saw in 1947 with China, or through an unsuccessful American war against Russia launched from European bases. If the Third World War between America-Jewry and Russia takes place, Europe will not take part. That is an unconditional mystical certainty. Perhaps an unfortunate horde of recruits without morale, officers, or strategic command could be thrown onto the battlefield, but that would not amount to significant European participation. Only America can grant Russia access to Europe. This was true in 1945; it will remain just as true in 1965 or 1975.

All of this has long since answered the question: Who is the enemy? The enemy must be a political unit at whose expense power can be won. America-Jewry holds the power in Europe, and if Europe wants to win back its sovereignty, this can only happen at the expense of America-Jewry. Politics is concrete, and thus the threat that Russia wants to take power in Europe has little power. India might like to take such power as well, but Europe must reckon with facts and not threats. America has the power in Europe, and for this reason America is the enemy. Any remaining questions are of a merely tactical nature.

To be active, creatively and politically, one must begin with the right choice of enemy. If one chooses an enemy from whom no power can be won, the end result is suicide, as we saw with the self-destruction of the British Empire in the Second World War. If Europe were actually to fight for an enemy, that would be proof that it had in fact died. But the continuing mystical relation between the European Culture-bearing stratum and the population will prevent this.

Two facts dominate the politics of Europe in this historical period:

Europe will never fight for its enemy.

Europe will survive the Third World War and its aftermath, regardless of new weaponry.

These are metaphysical facts; they belong to Destiny and cannot be removed by human action or technics. They correspond to all Life-furthering, Life-affirming, power-increasing instincts of the European people and the superpersonal organism represented by Western Culture. In view of these facts, hostile propaganda about the Russian bogeyman is simply foolish. If America brings about a Russian occupation of all Europe, then Europe will remain alive and overcome the event. In the meantime, a barbarian occupation could only be brought about through the agreement of American-Jewish policy, for America is the sponsor of the Russian menace today, as in the Second World War. Should America be expelled from Europe before the Third World War, the form of the war would be completely different. Instead of America-Jewry against Russia, it would then be the European Imperium against Russia, and in that form the war would end in the destruction of Russia as a political unit. For the European Imperium, the result would be external security for the coming centuries. Should America-Jewry attempt to intervene, as before, this time its efforts would be of no avail, for the European Imperium would naturally include Britain and Iceland. It was only America’s fortuitous possession of those bases which enabled it to stab Europe in the back during the Second World War. From North America or Africa, America-Jewry could do little or nothing to help Russia.

The Age is mighty and its tasks enormous, but if Europe holds fast to its honor and pride, hearkens to its own instincts and inner imperative, it will gain the upper hand at every point. Although the formless opponents seem gigantic with their patchwork power-agglomerations, behind them lies a spiritual void which, like a vacuum, will draw back their dispersed forces. Neither America-Jewry nor Russia is a structure inwardly adapted to the Age of Absolute Politics. The American soul is matriarchal and isolationist, interested only in economic matters. When the power-adventures at the antipodes begin to cost too much money or demand real blood sacrifice, the Washington régime will no longer be able to force the people to stick to the false path of senseless World Wars. In the last War, Germany lost 139 generals, whereas America had the death of a single general to mourn. This fact merely symbolizes the truth that America enjoyed success without having to pay a price for it. When the adventures become costly, America will draw back, for its political successes have in any case no significance for the American soul. An apolitical unit cannot win a political victory, for it neither needs nor urgently wants one, or even knows how to use the power resulting from “victory.”

The Russian barbarian does not understand how to estimate power; he has no knowledge of the significance of this Age of Absolute Politics. Neither the half-Westernized Bolshevists nor the purely Asiatic masses below them possess the necessary qualities for building an empire. The unadulterated Russian soul, with its limited capabilities which are binding for the Moscow régime, is religious, hence inward. It is agricultural and land-hungry. There is no explicit aristocracy, no religion which looks after the needs of this soul. Marxism is a collection of dead and sterile phrases and can no more inspire the Russian than it can the European. This pan-Slavic religion does not seek an empire; from such material no empire can be built.

* * *

This is the Age of Absolute Politics, and its significance lies in the fulfilment of the Destiny of the Western Culture: the formation of a European Imperium and the realization of its world-mission. The power which would successfully impose its will must be endowed with the inner qualities which alone can establish and maintain a world-system — the qualities of Spanish Europe in the sixteenth century, British Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the ethical socialist Europe in our century — and which will survive the twenty-first century. The one, great, all-embracing inner quality absolutely necessary for such a task is the consciousness of a mission. That cannot come from human politics or resolve; it can only emanate from a superpersonal soul, the organ of a higher Destiny, a divinity. The American-Jewish and Russian ideas of negative world-conquest which imitate History on a world-stage are only vague caricatures of the true, Western European idea of the world-Imperium.

Europe recognizes its Cultural enemies and its sole political enemy. Thus, it sees the only path it can follow. The basis of Europe’s politics is faith in, but under no circumstances fear of, the future. If we follow the path prescribed by our instincts, our intelligence, and our inner imperative, whatever happens to us will be good. For us there is but one mistake, one dereliction, and one crime: to be untrue to ourselves, follow alien leaders, and hold alien ideals.

The inner enemy has also been defined: whosoever pursues any policy other than that of a sovereign Europe, whether it be that of America-Jewry or Russia, is the inner enemy. Petty statists and petty nationalists sink to the level of spies and foreign agents. Loyalty to Europe excludes every other political loyalty. No European owes the petty state of his birth any allegiance whatsoever, for all these tiny erstwhile states are now simply anti-European tools in the hands of the hostile Washington régime.

Europe is equal to its Historic task. Against the anti-spiritual, anti-Heroic ideals of America-Jewry, Europe pits its metaphysical doctrine of faith in its Destiny and its ethical principle of Heroism. Fearlessly, Europe enters the struggle, for it knows it is armed with the mightiest weapon ever forged by History: the superpersonal Destiny of the European organism. The European mission is creating the Cultural, political, national Imperium of the West, and as part of this Historical process we shall perform such deeds, carry out such projects, and so transform our world that our most distant posterity, when they behold the remnants of our buildings and ramparts, will tell their grandchildren that a race of gods once dwelt on the soil of Europe.

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[1] [8] Preußentum und Sozialismus, pp. 88–89; cf. Selected Essays, p. 118.