Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 484
New Ask Me Anything with Greg Johnson

[1]157 words / 1:02:12

Greg Johnson did a new solo Ask Me Anything on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download and online listening.

Topics discussed include:

01:52 On the universal immorality of population replacement
06:15 Do you have any updates on your court case related to your detainment in Norway?
08:14 What are your thoughts on the royal family?
27:49 What is your favorite British cuisine?
29:08 Should we propagate the idea that refugees spread disease?
30:53 Do you have any hobbies?
32:31 What European cities would you recommend for vacation, and have you been to South America?
35:54 Listener comments and commentary on white supremacy
43:02 Should we defend colonialism?
44:53 Listener comments
46:01 On the influence of Jewish people in the Republican Party
47:34 How do you red-pill people who won’t budge?
55:55 On interracial dating
58:52 On the psychology of black reproductive strategies
59:46 On interracial dating in media

To listen in a player, click here [2]. To download, right-click the link and click “save as.” [2]

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