When we think of Jewish subversion of white cultures, or when we think of the proverbial culture of critique, we always imagine the Jew in the form of Grima Wormtongue, whispering evil and poison into the ear of white men to make them hate and doubt themselves, believing dangerous nonsense. We think of the Jew entering the halls of power and whispering in the King’s ear. We think of the Jew bypassing the guards and parapets of our civilization’s defenses where the Mongol and Arab failed. Somehow he must have fooled them. Somehow he must have fooled the King.
We get the idea of crypsis from the notion that the Jew will pretend to be white. “My fellow white people” is a popular meme that riffs on this notion.
The idea of the Jew pretending to be white with any degree of success, however, simply fails to pass the sniff test. Jews are very visibly racial outsiders and their outward appearance marks them out as such. So, the initial reading of crypsis as mimicry is wrong and we need a more sophisticated conception of it. From my own observations, I find that crypsis is an adaptation to an already weakened European conception of the outsider as a tribal and sociobilogical category, which is itself contingent on the European propensity for forming moral rather than kin-based communities. The “my fellow whites” shtick cannot and will not work on people who have a functioning concept of the outsider, and the very notion of a Jew attempting it on such people is laughable. But a people who’ve lost their instinctive sense of friend-enemy, or outsider-insider, distinction and replaced it with a roundabout, morals-based means of determining it — insider is he who believes, outsider is he who denies — can more readily be deceived with words.
When we think of Jewish subversion of white cultures, we need to think of Franz Boas coming in with his little clique of gargoyles and spreading junk science in the field of physical anthropology. How did he do it? Why was he allowed to enter academia and then attain a position of great authority? Why did Western scientists believe him, even though his supposed findings were obvious fabrications? It’s obvious in retrospect what he was doing, but somehow I imagine that it was obvious even at the time that Boas was not arguing in good faith but rather promulgating an evil, anti-white, anti-scientific agenda for the benefit of his own ethnic group. The reason he was able to infiltrate the white institution of physical anthropology and then work from within to turn it into a junk science was because white people had already lost their ability to recognize outsiders.
In light of this and countless other subversions, we need to develop a procedure for defending white society’s institutions from these types of infiltration and attack. We won’t be able to impose this procedure on broader society until such a time that we attain political power, but for the time being we can use it to protect our own movement from infiltration and subversion.
Let’s propose a simple scenario: Someone asks you a question, a simple question, or poses a critique of a certain part of the white identitarian worldview. Being on average well-meaning, earnest, and fair-minded white people who slant toward idealism, our first instinct is to earnestly answer the question. This is noble and the right thing to do among friends, but we must remember that it’s a big world out there, full of people who are not friends. So, unless we know the person who asks the question is asking in good faith and is motivated by a desire to learn about or improve the cause, our first response should itself be a question: “Why are you asking me this?”
Let’s expand our scenario. Instead of a question, someone utters a critical comment of a part of White Nationalist ideology. Do we immediately engage in discourse with this person, or do we probe his motives for critique? I understand that the instinct of fair-minded white people, especially Northwest Europeans, is to immediately engage in discourse and let the argument stand on its own legs, but this is painfully wrong. The presumption is always that the person critiquing is doing so in good faith: out of genuine doubt in the tenet, out of concern for the integrity of the ideology or argumentation, or out of genuine lack of understanding, but more often than not, enemies and outsiders problematize aspects of White Nationalism for a very simple reason: They oppose the ideology and aim to deconstruct it as part of their own agenda.
By now we are familiar with the ostensibly “based” brown, black, Jewish, or Asian person sidling up to White Nationalists and rattling off a list of reasons why it is “ekshully” bad, Leftist, untenable, immoral, low-status, et cetera, et cetera, and we should therefore adopt this other “based” ideology, whether it’s Catholic Integralism, Neo-Bolshevik Nietzscheanism, Jewish-dominated multiracial authoritarian hypercapitalism, good old neoconservatism (but BASED!), or worse yet, no ideology at all, just a vague and ill-defined opposition to “the ruling regime” or “the Satanic pedophile elites.” I myself have been very vigorous in deconstructing these various narratives and ideologies meant to divert energy away from white identitarianism and into dead-end, multiracial fantasies, but I find that there is a much simpler and easier way to brush off these distractions: Just ask their overwhelmingly non-white proponents why are they trying to sell these ideologies to white people.
It’s very clear to me why Curtis Yarvin (Jew), Ben Shapiro (Jew), Neema Parvini (Iranian), Gonzalo Lira (mestizo), Laura Loomer (Jew), Maajid Nawaz (Pakistani), and Darren Beattie (Jew) oppose White Nationalism. If the White Nationalist program were implemented in the countries where they currently live, they’d be deported to their lands of origin, at the very least. I don’t begrudge them this position, as I understand that even “based” non-whites consider access to white people to be a human right and are trying their darnedest to retain their positions in white countries, even as they may oppose some of the latest excesses of the West’s ruling class. Whatever objections they may have to the White Nationalist project must be scrutinized in light of their obviously alien nature.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here.
We are ethnic nationalists, which means we believe that the basis of the friend-enemy, and more precisely, the insider-outsider distinction should be based on kinship and on blood relations between people, and as such we necessarily deem as outsiders all those who are not white. It’s important to note that this is a line drawn regardless of moral rectitude or fault. When I exclude a Jewish or Japanese man from my racial in-group, I do not do it because of anything he did, but because of what he is. In this sense, I can no more admit him into our political organization than I could enter the gigantic turtles of the Galapagos in a horse race.
Since our movement will, for better or worse, form the nascent political structure of the future white world order, the decisions we make now with regard to our organizational structure and methods of governance will in the future become the governing traditions and (small c) constitution of the regime to come. We must therefore think to the future and develop a procedural means of excluding non-white subverters from the tribal discourse. The tribal discourse here refers to the internal debates that a tribe, nation, or race (in the highest degree) holds about itself, the surrounding world, its place in the world, its past, its future, and its direction. Imagine the tribe gathering around the great campfire at night, or the tribal elders and headmen holding learned discussions in the grand council hall. Imagine the priests, shamans, and professors having their philosophers’ quarrels and the poets and dramatists delivering their verse to the gathered folk while the crafters, sculptors, painters, and filmmakers amaze the quivering crowd with their miraculous visions. The sum of all that and more is the tribal discourse in toto. And it is from that discourse that the outsider must be excluded, for the good of the tribe, lest the means by which signals travel from tribe to man are subverted and then become twisted into something evil and foreign.
Thus, when a racial outsider rudely barges into this discourse, the first thing that he must face is stern questioning as to what exactly he is hoping to accomplish by entering a conceptual space which is for white people only. “Why are you asking this?” “What are you trying to achieve?” Even if such discourse is on the Internet, among anonymous people who have no way of verifying each others’ racial identity, the notion itself must be brought forward whenever someone attacks White Nationalism or advances ideologies inimical to it: Why are you asking this? Are you white? What’s your definition of white? The last one is a good way to trip up Jews and mestizos online who’ll often claim to be as white as driven snow, according to a given (invalid) definition of white. We proceed, then, by excluding said non-white person from the discourse on procedural grounds. He has no place inserting himself into white people’s tribal discourse even if his stated concerns, if voiced by a white man, would be valid. We accept this because we are racial nationalists and we believe that rights and privileges are bound to the immutable facts of biology.
We can, of course, make provisions for those non-whites who’ve proven their utility and earnest intentions towards the white identitarian cause. They are usually the ones who will remain in their homelands, or if thrown into white lands by events outside of their control, recognize that their presence in white lands is an unnatural, extraordinary occurrence and thus make plans, or at least voice intentions, to return to their ancestral lands of origin. White Nationalists’ non-white allies will more often than not themselves be identitarian nationalists who recognize that their own race and nation suffers from the commixing of the Earth’s various human phenotypes into a single, featureless, and homogeneous brown goop. We do not oppose syncreticism here; indeed, we rather enjoy it. As an added precaution, the non-white allies we accept should primarily be from races and nations that have no historic animosity towards white people, or who’ve had their animosity beaten out of them.
In short, whenever we hear someone non-white objecting to White Nationalism, question his right to do so. White Nationalism is a white matter, to be discussed by white people. What could non-whites who stand to be ejected from white countries if the policies of White Nationalism are implemented possibly add to the discourse but subversion and lies? We must stop pretending that we live in a world of earnest men engaging in honest discourse and recognize that the swarthy hordes have no such conception of academic honesty as we do, and will shamelessly argue in bad faith in order to derail discourse and dampen our spirits. Instead of allowing their poison to drip in our ears, we should instead vigorously and unequivocally exclude them from the tribal discourse on the grounds that as non-whites, they have no right to participate in it. Just think how much time and effort could be saved if we simply dismiss their various lies and rhetorical tricks out of hand by pointing to their very obviously base motives and desire to continuing acting as parasites on white host nations.
Or, to put it as succinctly as possible, White Nationalists need to be more racist.
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A good essay about an important point. One which, I already operate under as far as screening motives for interlocutors. There is, though, a fine line between substantive exclusion (in order to accomplish meaningful inclusion) and militancy-mongering. If, as you say, the WINs of today are the core of the White governors of tomorrow, now is a good time to develop as prudent and broad-minded an attitude as possible about ‘the spectrum of Whiteness’. Now, ‘Whiteness’ isn’t the same thing as being White, it’s just that you won’t have Whiteness for very long unless you have Whites. Haiti is a good example of this maxim. We need a test that isn’t just racial but also accounts for race. Some kind of standard regarding ‘pro-White comportment’ that can form the basis for (a) assessment of an individual’s commitment to pro-White views and (b) a basis for training in our political and cultural ‘finishing schools’ for our best and brightest.
As for ‘The idea of the Jew pretending to be white with any degree of success, however, simply fails to pass the sniff test. Jews are very visibly racial outsiders and their outward appearance marks them out as such’, I always get a chuckle when folks on our side think Whites possess an infallible Jewdar.
Scarlett Johansson is a Jew.
Was that obvious to anyone?
Scarlet Johansen passes for white because whites in the past were open to mixing with Jews, their ability to distinguish between us and them already impaired by conceptual failings.
My current view is that things went sideways when Jews were ’emancipated’ in Europe and allowed to decide on their own how they interacted with Whites. This action by White leadership had the unfortunate effect of causing some gullible (or greedy) Whites to assume it was ‘okay’ to mix with Jews. This is one of the problems with ‘hierarchy’ as it appears to be articulated ‘on the right’. In an ‘authoritarian’ state, all our enemies had to do was corrupt the tiniest fraction of the population – the leaders – and the gates were opened to them. The resistance to the Jews as more ‘populist’ in Europe. This is the same as it is here in the US, where ‘American’ leadership is entirely entwined with the Jews and it’s been the ‘populists’ who have been the most resistant to Jewish rule (however much lip-service is paid to Jewish sensibilities and myth-making).
Getting back to today and the essay, WIN needs to develop a protocol for ‘dealing with’ Jews to are at the periphery of our movement (like Loomer) that makes the best of whatever assets they bring while attending to the obvious problems that any association with the Jews is likely to cause. For someone like Loomer, it’s a cost/benefit analysis, not ideological litmus tests that need to be applied.
One size does not fit all.
The standards we use to judge our own people need not be the standards we use to judge ‘affinity groups’ and their members.
My take is this. I’d be happy for whatever outside assistance that comes our way, as long as they’re staying on-message. We need every bit of help we can get, especially since so many Whites won’t lift a finger to save themselves. The point where we draw the line is that non-Whites and near-Whites are not eligible to be our leaders. As for Jews, I’ll be perfectly fine with them in our inner circles as soon as they elect me to a seat on the Knesset. It’s nothing personal; we set our own agenda, and everyone else will need to understand.
Johansson is half Jewish. I’ve found people of half Jewish descent can look either entirely Jewish or entirely nonjewish. My Jdar is not very good either. I usually go by the name. There are many more Jewish looking nonjews than
Sorry, I hit post accidentally.
in New Orleans where I live everyone looks ethnic. So you really have to go by the name.
Good point
Half-Jews, Quarter-Jews and other Mischlinge are difficult to define. When we speak about actors, then, well, Harrison Ford is partially Jewish. Looks not quite alike Woody Allen.
Just a thought, I think we need to include some penalties along with any measure of this kind. I mean nice words and appeals to their better nature haven’t worked so far, therefore we need something a tad stronger. And maybe we are owed some reparations, too, come to think of it.
And also rewards. Turning in a fellow non-white who tried to insert oneself in our discourse should be rewarded somehow. Let’s try some of the old carrot and stick for a change and see how it works.
If you’re going to do that then you really must institute a policy in which EVERYONE takes a DNA test.
I agree, it is impossible to institute such policies. Just expressing frustration at the way things are. What’s funny is that before the insane anti-white push of the last decade things were going along swimmingly. Most people, including myself, wouldn’t have noticed anything out of the ordinary before the replacement was complete, but I guess that would have sucked the fun out of things.
“or who’ve had their animosity beaten out of them.”
My immediate thoughts on this one jumped to Japan, rather than China. The Japanese although obviously non-white could potentially be our allies as they’ve apparently placed a priority on maintaining their own national and racial identity.
On the Jewish question, I believe there are some other WI (white identity) websites that treat Jews as whites and potential allies. The mentality here seems to be simply one of utility. On the other hand, Jews, or at least many powerful ones, are already engaged in a war to eliminate whites.
In a previous comment a week ago here I mentioned a discussion I had with an older German woman about immigration of Black Africans into Germany. She completely supported the idea. I believe that many German people are so traumatized or affected by the results of WW-II that they are no longer capable of making rational (i.e. objective or non-emotional) decisions for their survival and that of their nation.
I think the same holds true for the Jews. The thought of 6 million of them being killed in Nazi extermination camps has so affected them that they instinctively fight against any notion of nationalism: on the basis of the Hitlerian dictatorship appealing initially to German nationalism. Thus rather than delve deeply into the causes of anti-Semitism and Hitler’s actions, they use a shallow excuse that all nationalism is evil.
Not to be silly but it’s like Acting Captain Spock in the movie Star Trek (2009). He was removed from his position as Captain as he was too traumatized to make the correct decision. Of course, a movie analogy isn’t necessarily factual but I couldn’t help myself.
“our first instinct is to earnestly answer the question. This is noble and the right thing to do among friends, but we must remember that it’s a big world out there, full of people who are not friends”
At this point, I really need to know how to argue better and know about the classic logical fallacies in arguments. I’m more interested in certain Identitarian projects which I think may be more beneficial to our cause than in arguing one-on-one with POCs. No matter how well-intentioned they may seem.
The Japanese and the Koreans are both native, indigenious Euroasian peoples, Altaic, the cousins of Türks and Mongols, and with big part of Iranoaryan blood. They are noble and brave, even when sometimes brutal people. The Han-Chinese locusts are in contrast the alien invadors from the South-East, possibly form Oceania Islands. The Chinese are not Japhetic/Nostratic people.
When the Japanese and Koreans on one hand and the Chinese on another are “unified” seen as Northeastern Asians, this is geographically correct, but not so correct from linguistic and cultural points of view.
At his now-defunct White Network, Tanstaafl was the first dissident I had come across who actively promoted ‘safeguarding our tribal discourse.’ In the comments sections he’d frequently ask browns or Asians to leave. At first I thought he was closing off the tent, but after a while I realized he was right. On one of his podcast monologues, he framed the dilemma in a way that turned a light on for me: (paraphrased) “Our whole lives we’ve been taught that everyone is us but no one else thinks they are us. So we lose all sense of who we are as Whites and end up giving everything to them.”
Quick illustration. I work in higher education and a few days ago for seminar day we brought in a mediocre Latina activist for the keynote. The entire Powerpoint she blamed Whites for dismal Hispanic performance, and as a solution implicitly suggested replacing all White faculty with Hispanics. So here I sat in an auditorium with an 80% White faculty who have devoted their decades-long careers to serving a mostly nonwhite student population, and this DEI grifter is flown in at lucrative rates to demoralize and diminish us to the benefit of her tribe.
Or for a more coarse example, Norvin Hobbs said as soon as you let in that first half-Jew, he’s going to get upset at your lampshade joke and suddenly your policing your own speech.
Good piece, Nick.
Having read “Culture of Critique” I never quite got the term. Is it based on the “two Jews, three opinions” meme, that Jews are very opinionated?
I’d argue that the very crypsis that the author seems to downplay is what has allowed Jews like Boaz and most recently our Jewish AG with the very WASPy sounding name, Merrick Garland (previously Garfinkle) to get where they are. Then again, the “Europe had moral-based as opposed to kin-based” communities also holds water. So it’s sort of the chicken and the egg. Kevin McDonald makes a good argument on that in pointing out that while Jews were able to do good for themselves in Europe that is not so much the case in the Arab world where things are very tribal. To the point where a Jew converting to Islam would likely be extremely circumspect.
Jews are wont to change their last names, habits, religion, and even get nose jobs to fit in. Sure, sometimes there is a Jewish phenotype, but sometimes there isn’t, and then sometimes there’s a hot Jewess and no matter whose kids she whelps they will be Jewish according to rabbinic law. I forget which SCOTUS judge it was, but he was extremely upset that a Jew was a fellow SCOTUS judge. I don’t necessarily think this judge was an anti-Semite per se, but simply cognizant of the fact this was an outsider who would be having not just a say, but a part of the final say on how the law of the nation is to be interpreted.
I’ve posted this before and I’ll post this again but the crypsis and subversion is alluded to in the Bible when Jacob, the ancestor of the Jewish people, subverts Esau, the ancestor of Rome and Christendom in the Jewish tradition, of Esau’s birthright and blessing. The crypsis of course is seen when Jacob puts on the goat pelts on his arms to mimic Esau’s hairy arms. The modern equivalent of course is an Ellis Island Jew changing his surname from Garfinkel to Garland and a couple generations later the descendent is now the AG and having the FBI raid a former president who is an exaggeration of WASP entitlement and nobility. What else can better exemplify selling your birthright and having your blessing subverted?
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