Fundraiser Update
Happy Birthday to Us!

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It was Twelve Years ago today that Counter-Currents went online. That first month, we had 6,145 unique visitors. Last month, we had more than 750,000 visits and more than 300,000 unique visitors. Since 2010, Counter-Currents has published more than 10,000 articles, reviews, and other items. We have also published more than 80 books.

From the start, Counter-Currents aimed at creating an Anglophone version of the European New Right, but since English is now the lingua franca, our audience has always been global. Our aim is to promote the metapolitical conditions for white identity politics around the world.

Counter-Currents is about everything, from a white point of view. We believe that race-conscious whites are the legitimate heirs of European culture and the legitimate representatives of our race’s interests in the political realm. Thus our field of combat is culture, history, and fundamental ideas, which we bring to bear on the crises of our times. 

It feels like I was writing about our eleventh birthday just the other day. Maybe it is just me, but it seems like time is accelerating. The last twelve years have been a time of enormous growth and opportunities. There’s no question that white identity politics is on the rise.

The Left and the fake opposition, of course, are apoplectic. But their efforts at censoring, containing, and diverting us have failed to stop the spread of our ideas. It must feel bad to control all the leading institutions of society and to still be losing this badly.

Our enemies knew there would be a backlash, which is why they created the false conservative and libertarian opposition to contain it. But it didn’t work too well. They didn’t anticipate Trump. They didn’t anticipate the rise of the online Dissident Right.

Now that the backlash is here, they are unable to stop it, because they are unable to stop themselves. Their response to rising awareness of the Great Replacement is simply to accelerate the Great Replacement. But that is merely accelerating the backlash. You can’t operate a car without brakes. The same goes for politics. But for the Left, it is pedal to the metal, to the end.

This won’t end well . . . for them. But our people will crawl out of the globalist wreckage and start white civilization anew, and our movement will be there to remember and avoid the previous mistakes. Counter-Currents, and the best of our movement, are in this for the long haul. Our plans are measured in centuries, so we need to build institutions that will last for centuries.

Toward that end, since the beginning of 2021, Counter-Currents has made a number of important improvements:

But it all depends upon you, dear reader. Counter-Currents, like all advocates of dissident ideas, depends upon the generosity of readers like you to survive and thrive. If you are a past donor, welcome back. If you are contemplating making your first donation, do it in thanks to the past donors that made it possible for you to find Counter-Currents, and pay it forward so others can experience the same delight in discovery.

Counter-Currents is trying to raise $300,000 this year to sustain and improve our work. We started our fundraiser on March 10th, almost exactly three months ago, and we are already almost a third of the way there, with a total of $93,443.63. Thank you!

To celebrate Year Twelve, we have some new incentives to give, in the form of monthly Giving Circles. 

1. Paywall Insider: for $10/month you will have access to our Paywall, which has three benefits:

  1. Immediate access to all Counter-Currents articles
  2. Your comments don’t need to wait in a moderation queue.
  3. You can edit your comments after publishing them.
  4. Join now, and choose a free Counter-Currents paperback!

2. The 1492 Society, named for a pivotal year in white history, the completion of Spain’s Reconquista and the discovery of the New World: for $100/month you will receive:

  1. A paywall membership
  2. Your choice of one of our limited-edition numbered hardcovers: Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics or Toward a New Nationalism (both autographed) or Francis Parker Yockey’s The World in Flames or The Enemy of Europe.

3. The 1683 Society, named for another pivotal year in white history, the breaking of the Siege of Vienna, which began the rollback of the Ottoman Empire in Europe: for $250/month you will receive:

  1. A paywall membership
  2. A limited edition
  3. All new CC titles as they are published

4. The 1790 Society, named for the first United States Naturalization Act, which opened citizenship only to white people of good character: for $500/month you will receive:

  1. A paywall membership
  2. A limited edition
  3. All new CC titles as they are published
  4. A special Insider newsletter keeping you abreast of what’s happening behind the scenes at Counter-Currents and giving you advance notice of books, events, and programs to come.

5. The Medici Circle, named for the great Florentine patrons of art and culture, the godfathers of the European Renaissance: for $1000/month or more, you will receive:

  1. A paywall membership
  2. A limited edition
  3. All new CC titles as they are published
  4. A special Insider Newsletter keeping you abreast of what’s happening behind the scenes at Counter-Currents and giving you advance notice of books, events, and programs to come.
  5. Twice annual conference calls with the CC Editor and staff, so you can have direct input into CC’s plans and programs

Just grab your checkbook and fill out this E-check form:

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Giving Club — Membership Level

And remember, you can use this E-check form to create your own monthly donation amount as well.

For other ways to donate, check out our Donate [10] page or contact [email protected] [11].

Remember: those who fight for a better world live in it today.

Thank you again for your loyal readership and generous support.

Greg Johnson