The Life & Death of a Patriot:
Personal Reflections on the Great Replacement

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Some say that the Great Replacement is a myth, a feverish conspiracy theory dreamt up by loons and misanthropes. Many fine authors have expended thousands of words attempting to rebut and dispel these claims. At its core, the Great Replacement is a remarkably simple insight: Europeans are being replaced in their native homelands by non-Europeans. To an objective observer in possession of even the most rudimentary demographic facts, this seems an undeniable and obvious truth. And yet despite the best efforts of those with the truth on their side, academic and mainstream discourse largely rejects this theory. How can this be? To answer this question, we must change our frame of reference entirely.

The Great Replacement is not an academic theory; it is not found only in books and esteemed journals. As the Great Replacement’s progenitor Renaud Camus puts it: It is a phenomenon, not a theory. It is not an abstract concept but a lived reality, shared by millions of Europeans in every major city and in every sleepy town. It is not only an objective descriptor of a sociological process in the world, but an emotive expression of resistance and a rallying cry. The reason that the Great Replacement is rejected in mainstream discourse is not because it is untrue, but because it is the key animating nucleus of the Dissident Right’s worldview. All radical politics is ultimately based not on utopian visions of the future but on apocalyptic visions of what will come to pass if we don’t act. For the environmentalists, the planet will burn up. For the Leftists, literal fascism will be enacted, and a second Holocaust will come into being.

As far as the Dissident Right is concerned, if we don’t act now, our entire European race will be lost forever and all our shared history and common reference points will be moot. The thousands of years of collective heritage will be washed away amid a tidal wave of incoherent, hostile, and alien newcomers ushered in by misguided and malevolent elites who are enacting a globe-spanning, psychotically altruistic experiment. The gravity of this situation is impossible to convey through an objective academic theory because it is rests on too many subjective contingent parts. Who are the European people? Why does it matter that they are being replaced? Will it, in the end, really be that bad?

To fight these insidious questions, we cannot simply quote facts and figures. We cannot put rationally quantifiable values on what it means to be European, or why it is important that Western states retain their characters. When the media reports on major crimes, they do not describe them with detachment; they focus on lurid, emotive details. We are a race that is being murdered. We must not simply describe in clinical and sterile language how the process of being murdered happened. To fight the Great Replacement, we must shed our objectivity; we must descend from the mountain top. Throughout history, humans have been motivated to fight and live and die not by dry theories, but by heroic tales, grand stories, and the lived experiences of individuals.

With that noble goal in mind, I am hereby casting my own objectivity into the fire. I refuse to describe the Great Replacement in purely dispassionate terms. For 15 years I have fought against it, with all the depredations, social stigma, and soul-searching that fight entails. I am not interested in regurgitating the tenets of Renaud Camus’ theory and pontificating on its nuances. I am here to convince you to stand up and fight for your embattled people by means of a personal bout of Gonzo journalism. From Bucharest to Budapest, from Riga to Reykjavik, I have devoted my life to getting to know the European people — not as some conceptual oddity, but as flesh-and-blood individuals. My goal here is simple: to convince you, the reader, that Europeans are worth saving and can be saved.

This may seem an incredibly self-indulgent act of preaching to the choir, but the sense of what will be lost if Europeans become a minority in every country on this planet has been remarkably underplayed. If politics is the art of the possible, it is the people who are existent at this moment of time who delimit those possibilities. Simply put, history not only belongs to those who show up, but those who are there to begin with. All political theories, all utopian visions, all systems of government are therefore not works to be considered in some ideal realm, but can only be enacted by the specific and unique people who populate the Earth at this very moment of time.

The loss of the European people will not simply be the transmutation of the consumer class to a darker skin tone, but the wholesale destruction of dozens of unique and irreplaceable national psyches and collective dreams. It will be the final endpoint of an evolutionary process that began in the immemorial frozen North and splintered into the fragile hopes of a nascent race of Faustian visionaries.

This is all very highfalutin talk, but what it means in real terms was revealed to me in a trip to Brussels several years ago. On a blazing hot day in that once elegant and genteel city, not a European face was to be seen amid the squalid market traders who were hawking rotting fruits and vegetables. A giant image of Hergé’s Tintin festooned the city’s central train station. High above the din of foreign tongues and alien faces, Tintin watched over a twisted parody of what might have been a panel from a comic of his adventures in Africa. This is the visceral reality of the Great Replacement, where the haunting theory mingles with a dismal actuality. Despite the crowing by the puppet politicians that the Great Replacement will usher in a new golden age of multi-ethnic prosperity, the reality is that the husk of the formerly glorious European continent will be inhabited by a listless and inchoate mass of displaced persons from the war-torn deserts and sprawling megacities of the world, recreating the only thing they know in the hollowed-out corpse of European civilization.

This highlights a conceptual weakness of the Great Replacement as an objective theory of reality. It was envisioned as a model of prediction: what will come to pass. But it instead belongs to the field of historiography, describing what has already come to pass. The Great Replacement is not a future event, but simply a label to attach to what has already happened. While Europeans remain the dwindling majority in most Western states, they no longer constitute anything close to that in their own movies, advertisements, books, or student bodies. In the near future, the corporate boardrooms and political class will dispense with the window-dressing of European faces altogether and will instead force them to reflect the demographics of the replacers entirely.

It is perhaps simply too narrow to attribute the observation of this seismic civilisational change to Renaud Camus alone, a point he himself concedes. We have been warned of what was to come for nearly a century now, from Lothrop Stoddard to Enoch Powell. In 2010 the leader of the British National Party, Nick Griffin, stood as a candidate in the London borough of Barking and Dagenham. Upon his electoral defeat, he announced that this was the last of London. In the 2011 United Kingdom census, white Britons were revealed to be a minority in London for the first time. The Great Replacement as a theory existed long before its instantiation by Camus, but its advocates and their pronouncements regarding future demographics were dismissed as the rantings of speculative alarmists and paranoiacs. Now the theory has become reality, and the task of reversing it seems too great for us.

In 2017, thousands of those opposed to the displacement of the European people rallied around General Lee and his monumental statue in Charlottesville. That statue will now be melted down and recast as a new monument by an African-American heritage centre. The symbolism is overt: Just as contemporary media will be purged of whiteness, so too will the past.


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My contention is that the Great Replacement, as a purely scholarly theory, has been an infirm grounding for our thoughts and actions. We have yielded the castle walls of our homelands with scarcely a fight. While some believe that 2016 and 2017 represented the apogee of a newly-awakened and demographically aware Right which was manipulating the levers of political power from Trump to Brexit, the results tell a different story. No policy enacted by any Western political figure has reversed our demographic trajectory by one iota. Despite the well-meaning declarations that our movement has never been stronger, its impact on immigration and citizenship laws has been nil. Even within the supposed opposition to our total replacement, the traditionalist, conservative, and Rightist milieu has become infested with false friends from Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk to Eric Zemmour and Jordan Peterson. The groundwork for our physical replacement has been proceeded by our intellectual replacement — and in the battle of ideas in the mainstream, we have already long since been replaced.

We are like Germany’s Sixth Army encircled at the Battle of Stalingrad; our allies have fled the battlefield with no stomach for the fight, and we are totally surrounded by our enemies, confined to an ever smaller and smaller pocket of resistance. We are barraged every day by the mainstream media’s demoralizing heavy artillery. We have been deplatformed from every academic forum, from every popular social media site, from every payment processor. We seem to be fighting on without hope of either victory or relief in sight. A shell-shocked defeatism and resigned acceptance of our fate has set in and entrenched itself in our collective spirit. It seems now inevitable that entire European nations will be hopelessly overrun and that every institutional pillar of our way of life will be vindictively toppled over. We are the last of our kind, looking on as we experience the heat death of our universe, straining our eyes against the terrible supernova of entropy consuming all we love around us. It is our wretched fate to be the last stoic witnesses as the lights of our civilization blink out finally and forever.

Yet, although I have outlined a cataclysmic vision of what may come to pass, I have also had the honor to meet many of those tirelessly working to avert this disaster. In crowded pub cellars and unassuming hotels across the Western world, a vanguard of men and women who are willing to stand up and fight for our collective future are arranging conferences and gatherings despite all the obstacles. A total reversal in our fortunes requires a radical change in our thinking. Our enemies may destroy our states and our statues, but ultimately this is irrelevant. If our governments no longer serve our interests, let them be washed away. If we are too weak to defend the memorials to our former heroes, then these dark times will undoubtedly forge new paragons of our race. Whiteness has not been the organizing principle of this planet for millennia merely due to geographical happenstance or developmental dumb luck. We are a phoenix-spirited regenerative and reinventive civilizational tour de force — a group with an insatiable capacity to remake ourselves and those around us.

If Curtis Yarvin describes the elite apparatus of power arrayed against us as “The Cathedral,” then I declare that our race is our Citadel. Ultimately the quintessential quality of Europeanness, of the hated whiteness our overlords wish to replace, is not found in institutions, architecture, philosophies, or even in the territory of our states. It is an inalienable biological characteristic bestowed upon us when God’s own hammer struck the brooding snow-capped mountaintops and summoned the first fur-clad European hunter-gatherer into being. We are Europeans not because of our passport or economic status, but by virtue of the possession of that divine spark, which glows the brightest in the best of our people. The multicultural meddlers have ultimately given birth to a stillborn vision of the future. The spiteful pygmies melting down our statues have no idea what to do with the raw materials they have gleefully stolen from us. It is not we, the Europeans, who are at a civilizational dead end, but the spiritually bankrupt elites aiming to replace us and their unwitting imported foot soldiers who are doomed to fail.

Ethnonationalists everywhere must now adopt a hard-hearted and unsentimental approach to our survival. Just as the Russians burned Moscow to the ground to deny it to Napoleon, we must accept that many good things will be lost in the struggle to come. The snowfall in this winter of our civilization will be deep indeed, but amid the permafrost we will preserve the nucleus of our race in preparation for a Great Reconquista to counter the Great Replacement. We are all bound together by the invisible bonds of our collective heritage; we are the Great White Tribe who have roamed this earth from Rome to Rhodesia.

If only a fraction of the ingenuity, tenacity, adaptability, and imagination of the Europeans I have met can be brought to bear in the service of our survival, we will not fade from this Earth. Instead, we will together fan the dimming embers of our civilization back into a towering inferno, an incandescent beacon of hope that will shine through the gloom to guide our dispossessed and downtrodden brethren home.

Our existence is resistance, and while we still draw breath, we will never be replaced.

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