1,537 words
My dog Junior is a 35-pound Boston Terrier/Boxer mix with the most consistently sweet disposition of any animal I’ve ever owned. He’s a great little guy, and except for his occasional bouts of gassiness, I can’t think of a bad thing to say about him. Yesterday morning while taking him for a walk through my slowly decaying lakeside Georgia community, I was suddenly forced to risk my life in an attempt to save his.
I wouldn’t do such a thing for many people besides my wife and son. In fact, my wife and son are the only two humans on Earth whom I’d choose to save over Junior. The rest of you are on your own.
About a year ago and a block away, a black family moved into a previously unoccupied house with their three pit bulls, whom they keep chained in the backyard all day and all night, all summer and all winter. Since neither the Homeowners’ Association nor the local police seem to ever do anything about overgrown weeds or garbage strewn across front lawns or dogs who bark as loud as cannons all night long, we’ve had to bite our lips and lose sleep and endure the vibrant enrichment of what sound like howling concentration-camp dogs for a year now because to protest would be considered racist, with all of the risks attendant to being considered racist these days.
Figuring that the trio of canine public nuisances were safely chained in their backyard, I made the intrepid decision to finish my half-hour walk with Junior by taking a homeward course that brought us right past the front of my rude, messy, obnoxious, and inconsiderate neighbor’s house.
I did not expect to see all three pit bulls in the front yard, unchained and ready to strike. There was also a little black girl, maybe eight or nine years old, standing out front with the dogs.
When a black family owns pit bulls, I automatically assume the pit bulls are black, too. It’s one of the most racist things I do.
Realizing I’d inadvertently exposed Junior to a potentially fatal encounter, and also realizing that a pack of pit bulls can smell fear like it’s a bad cologne, I promptly picked up Junior, cradled him in both arms, and started walking the remaining block to our house.
The little black girl tried assuring me that the dogs wouldn’t hurt us. She tried assuring me of this while the dogs were nipping at both me and Junior. I exasperatedly said something like, “Jesus fucking Christ, if those dogs try hurting either one of us, I’ll do everything I can to kick their heads in. You should also know that letting the dogs run free like this is illegal!”
And I was serious. Even though I knew that me and Junior were no match for three pit bulls, I was willing to fight for both of us because fate had suddenly left me no choice. For reasons I’ve never quite been able to untangle, I am psychotically fearless in moments of great danger, whereas most of the time I’m hovering at Larry David levels of neurotic.
Junior and I got home safely and I switched back into neurotic mode, wondering what the girl would tell her father. I’m under the impression that black people don’t like when white people tell them they’ve done something illegal. And I wasn’t being purely paranoid; I had a legitimate reason to worry. In Portland back in the 1990s, a black guy tried (and failed) to break into my car, and when the police came, he lied and told them I’d called him a nigger. Luckily, there were witnesses to corroborate that I hadn’t dropped any N-bombs. But whites currently live under a cultural regime where any kind of self-defense against a black person opens them up to hate-crime accusations. I was faced with such a dilemma one dark night in Brooklyn a few years back when a sketchy black dude walked alongside of me for nearly a mile and wouldn’t say why — while I was worried about being murdered, I was equally concerned about how it might look if I were to defend myself.
So in the current scheme of things, there was nothing protecting me from winding up in the news for being mauled by pit bulls because they got scared when I called a little black girl a nigger. That’s just how the cookie crumbles these days.
It was hard to feel angry at the little black girl, because she’s not responsible for the fact that her dad is a slovenly, child-endangering lunatic. But if I had to rank whose lives mattered most in that situation, it’d be: 1) mine; 2) Junior’s; 3) the black girl’s; 4) the three ghetto pit bulls.
I would have fought to protect Junior, but if those dogs started gnawing at my throat, I’d have to defend myself. And if somehow the pit bulls had killed both the little black girl and Junior in the emergent fracas, I would have felt bad about the black girl but utterly furious about losing Junior. The black girl may be the same species as me, but Junior is a family member.
The entire situation raised the topic of why many people, myself included, respect most other animals more than I respect my own species. And I say “other animals” because I think a primary human delusion is the ditzy notion that we aren’t animals. We are, in many ways, the basest of all animals. People who rank human beings above other animals on some arbitrary moral hierarchy tend to hold human nature in much higher esteem than I do.
I’ve always found animal torture much harder to stomach than the idea of adult humans being tortured because I assume that every last human is guilty of something and at least deserves the punishment on some level.
Sure, animals aren’t capable of doing calculus or writing software scripts or developing vaccines against rabies. But neither are they capable of hypocrisy or guile or self-righteousness, which is why I’ll always consider them to be fundamentally more ethical creatures than the mutant fallen pervert breed known as Homo sapiens.
Apparently, I’m not alone in this sentiment. A recent poll found that overwhelming majorities of all generational cohorts “say they love their pet more than at least one family member.”
The typical reasons offered for this, at least among pet-lovers, is that animals love you unconditionally, no matter how badly you smell or how ugly you are or how repulsive your personality is or how much you hate yourself.
Ehh, try not feeding them for a week and see how unconditionally they love you.
A 2013 study by psychologists at Georgia Regents University polled 573 participants as to whether they’d save an animal or a person if they found both standing in the path of an oncoming bus. Two out of five respondents said they’d save their own pet and let a foreign tourist get creamed by the bus. But when given the choice between saving a generic dog and a generic human, a majority opted to save the human. If given the choice between sparing a close family member and letting an unfamiliar dog get killed by the bus, they’d save grandma every time.
A 2017 study by sociologists at Northeastern University set out to determine whether humans actually feel more empathy toward animals than toward creatures of their own ilk:
In this study, the participants were asked to respond to a fake news story about a victim who was assaulted with a baseball bat, leaving him or her unconscious with several broken limbs. While the story was the same, it differed in one crucial detail: the identity of the victim, which was either a one-year-old baby, an adult human, a six-year-old dog, or a puppy.
Respondents were most disturbed at the idea that a human infant was the crime victim — only a little bit more upset than they were when the victim was a puppy. Pulling in at third in the Empathy Sweepstakes, but still not far behind the infant and the puppy, was the adult dog. Coming in at a “distant” fourth was the adult human.
Researchers concluded that adult humans were the only group not considered entirely helpless and vulnerable. But the fact that infant humans got the most empathy led them to conclude that empathy was based on a victim’s perceived helplessness. And whereas a needy baby, puppy, or dog evoked feelings of compassion, very few people want to be around a needy adult human for very long.
I feel that study confirmed my prejudices: It’s much less unsettling to conceive of a human being getting clubbed with a baseball bat, because at that point in their lives, whether by design or neglect, there’s the nagging sense that they had it coming.
Most adult women are not only needy as hell, they are also guilty as sin. Because of this, in times of danger we need to amend our hoary old cultural tradition of “women and children first” so that the default policy becomes “animals and children first.”
Okay, all animals except those three pit bulls. I always thought they were assholes.
* * *
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Your sentimentality about “the little black girl” is very White of you. Alas.
Several years from now, she won’t be so appealing.
I am childless and my mother is dead so I can state unequivocally that I love my dog more than every living family member, not even a close contest
I recall your pug being mentioned in Chuck Palahniuk’s travel book about Portland. I think he has one too.
That book was written about 20 years ago, when I had a pug and Chuck had two Boston Terriers.
Cookie, whose AKC name was Duchess of Cookwich. I hand-delivered all nine of her puppies and made sure they all got good homes.
“And I say “other animals” because I think a primary human delusion is the ditzy notion that we aren’t animals.”
Off the top of my head, I’d guess that compassion for animals correlates to whether you think humans are themselves animals. Of course, Christians like to imply that “materialists” or “Darwinists” are cruel bastards, but that’s just projection on their part (they’re the ones sending almost everyone to Hell).
Only modern Christians are soft on animals; not only historically (Aquinas condemned cruelty to animals, but only because it made one more likely to develop cruelty to humans), but if you go back to the scriptures themselves, they’re full of sweet little tales about jamming fish hooks into innocent fish, and even extending this to becoming “fishers of men.” And of course, the whole pascal lamb/lamb of God “slain for us” business. Compared to the Buddhist or Hindu scriptures, it’s rather revolting, as Schopenhauer liked to point out.
Of course, this is the Jewish legacy. Again, the scriptures are soaked in blood: only animal sacrifice takes away sin, going back to Abel, who offered “a more perfect sacrifice” than Cain’s fruit and vegetable stand. The temple in Jerusalem was basically a gigantic slaughterhouse; the stench must have been astounding. Demanding kosher slaughter and centralizing the practice in Jerusalem meant you had to bring your animals there to be slaughtered, paying a fee of course (hence the moneychangers in the temple). Hence Jesus and other have to go to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover; the Samaritans had there own temple, so the Pharisees hate them (as does Jesus, who calls them….dogs)
Leprosy? No problem, slit a dove’s throat and swing it around your head, easy peasy.
Of course, this is because Judaism, as Laurent Guyenot has emphasized, is entirely materialistic and unspiritual. Christianity, for obvious reasons, is caught in the middle, somewhat more pacifistic, like Buddhism, but always sliding back into Judaic bloodthirstiness.
The Chinese are another bunch of savage materialists. Again, their scriptures, such as they are, show the same tendency: Chuang Tzu, usually portrayed as a hippie or beatnik, uses butcher’s skill at carving up meat as a metaphor for “following the Tao.”
Of course, the Cartesian philosophers also separated men and animals, only the former had a res cogitans, or soul; the latter, since “Cartesian Dualism” meant there were only two alternatives, were mere things, like tables. They not only endorsed vivisection but demonstrated it, laughing as the beasts “imitated” agony, like those wind=up machines French aristos entertained themselves with’ they were too sophisticated to be fooled, unlike you kindhearted yokels.
In the case of the Jews and Chinese, it’s not so much their being materialists as that they are supremacists: only they are real creatures of value, all the rest of us are slaves or food.
Bloody sacrifices were a mainstay of religion in classical antiquity: the Spartans would not give battle without consulting the gods via a bull’s entrails. As in Jerusalem so in Athens the animal victims were eaten by priests and votaries after the presiding deity had taken his or her part as a burnt offering. Nor were the Jews alone in believing ‘the blood is the life’ — witness the Nekkaia episode from the Odyssey. We should be thankful that those who seek to revive paganism have not yet embraced the hecatomb.
Indeed. Our rude ancestors have much to answer for. A. Jacob observes that
“In his late essay, “Religion and Art,” written in 1880 under the influence of his reading of Arthur, Comte de Gobineau’s Essai sur l’inégalité des races humaines (1853), Wagner traces the history of the Aryans from what he considers to have been their original home in India and posits a gradual migration westwards through Iran, Greece, and Rome. In the course of these migrations, Wagner observes that the race has undergone a weakening of its spiritual force through a gradual conversion from vegetarianism to meat-eating, which latter custom has made the western peoples increasingly more violent in their social and historical conduct.
“Christianity is considered by Wagner to be a reversal of this trend in that Christ enjoined the peaceful cohabitation of peoples devoted to the cultivation of inner spirituality. Unfortunately, its intimate connection to Judaism has transformed original Christianity into a creed of belligerent rapacity and conquest which does not reflect the teachings of Christ so much as the exhortations of the old Israelite prophets to annihilate the enemies of Jehovah.” https://counter-currents.com/2012/09/the-aryan-christian-religion-and-politics-of-richard-wagner/. And see my review of his subsequent book: https://counter-currents.com/2021/09/alexander-jacob-analyzes-wagner/
“Christians like to imply that ‘materialists’ or ‘Darwinists’ are cruel bastards, but that’s just projection on their part (they’re the ones sending almost everyone to Hell).”
Geez, James, what did those priests do to you when you were a young man? You’re one of the biggest anti-Christians I’ve ever seen, and I live in NY. Why do you care if I believe you’re going to hell? Are you under the impression that pagan Romans or Greeks or Germans weren’t sacrificing animals? Didn’t the pagan Germans have a ritual where they burned a man alive in a tree? I know it takes all kinds, but when you insult Christians, you insult the White race that founded, built and thrived under its tenets.
What do we need priests for other than to sacrifice animals? A nice racket, since they’re the ones preaching “no forgiveness without shedding of blood” in the first place. I’m happy to agree that our European pagan ancestors were just as bad: Jewish or Druish, makes no difference. I agree with Wagner (see above), Christ attempted to restore the original Aryan religion, which can be seen in Buddhism (see Evola, The Doctrine of Awakening, and Robert Price’s Judaizing Jesus which has a whole chapter on the remarkable parallels btw the Gospels and Buddhist scriptures). Thus stripping Christianity of its Jewish/Greek/Roman/Gothic crudities is a step toward restoring the true Aryan faith.
A review of R. C Zaehner’s Dawn and Twilight of Zoroastrianism is urgently needed.
In the case of the Jews and Chinese, it’s not so much their being materialists as that they are supremacists: only they are real creatures of value, all the rest of us are slaves or food.
At least the Chinese had the decency to honor humble critters like sheep, roosters, pigs and oxen – without which human history would have sucked all the more – in their astrological pantheon.
Junior’s a good boy! Yes, he is!
‘The black girl may be the same species as me…”
I wouldn’t go as far as that.
What does that have to do with Junior?
Nothing, it’s just a taxonomic point.
“Same species”?
Perhaps in some narrow, strictly taxonomic sense.
Yeah, well, that “narrow, strictly taxonomic sense” is also the dictionary definition of the word, so there’s that. You could define it any other way you’d like, but you’d be making things up and be wrong in a broad, literal sense.
Jim, if you are claiming biological and evolutionary kinship with Lil’ Wayne, Jessamyn Stanley, Darrell Brooks, Lizzo, Darius Sessoms, and Lori Lightfoot, by all means go right ahead and do so.
According to the actual definition of “species”—a group of organisms capable of producing offspring together—rather than some arbitrary definition concocted by people such as you, I’m correct and you’re not.
Maybe you’re conflating genus and species.
German Shepherds and pit bulls have specific DNA markers. They have demonstrably different intelligence levels and temperaments. If they were to interbreed, their offspring would lose several of the traits that make their breeds unique. But they’re all Canis familiaris. If they were simply all Canis but not familiaris, they wouldn’t be able to interbreed. Same goes with Homo sapiens. Why would you even quibble about this?
Whether or not you’re personally repelled by the black people you listed does nothing to change the biological fact that you belong to the same genus and species as they do. But by all means, go bananas and completely alter the meaning of words to suit your feelings. Lots of that going around all across the political spectrum these days. I remember a time not too long ago when denying simple biological facts was the exclusive domain of leftists.
He has a point regarding that Lori Lightfoot.
There are those who maintain Whites and blacks are different sub-species. This is owing to the fact that, prior to modern times, the evolutionary lines of Whites and blacks were separated for well over 100,000 years. While the criteria of being able to produce viable offspring may apply, it is arguably dysgenic.
I’m certainly with you on distaste for pit bulls. Particularly after seeing the immediate aftermath of one destroying an older lady’s pet dachshund on a busy street in Vancouver one afternoon.
“If they were simply all Canis but not familiaris, they wouldn’t be able to interbreed. Same goes with Homo sapiens. Why would you even quibble about this?”
Actually, Jim, the genus Canis can and do interbreed. Witness the Coydog, the Wolfdog, the Coywolf, the Dingodog, the Jackaldog, that chick in that show in Tijuana. It’s all good.
And Canis is not the only genus that has species that interbreed.
Like muh ol’ great grandpappy used to say, “When ya argue with the wiker-paidia, son, the wiker-paidia wins!”
Relating this to humans we can no doubt agree that we are all Homo’s.
I’m a Homo, you’re a Homo, the little black girl is a Homo…Lori Lightfoot is definitely a Homo.
But are we all Homo sapiens?
“The Science™” insists that all modern humans everywhere on the planet, from the most glowing white ass in Svalbard to the blackest pubic headed skull in Africa, are of the same species.
But how credible is “The Science™”? “The Science™” will not even acknowledge the Caucasian Homo’s superior innate analytical skills and fierce sense of style and fashion.
We know from studies of our genome that Homo’s have indeed interbred within our genus. European and Asian genomes contain Homo neanderthalensis DNA. South Asian and Melanesian genomes also contain a fair amount of Denisovan DNA.
Sub-Saharan Africans carry within their genome DNA from an unknown “ghost” species. After this interbreeding took place Sub-Saharan Africans were genetically isolated from the rest of mankind for 70,000 years or more, left to evolve on their own.
“The Science™” insists we must be “necessarily cautious in their conclusions” about the “ghost” species found in Sub-Saharan Africans perhaps fearing the “ghost” species could be as archaic as Homo erectus? (That might help explain the low IQ of native Africans) I suspect “The Science™” would not want such a fact to be generally known because, well, “The Science™” is Homo-phobic!
“Homo erectus? Goddamned near killed us!”
It’s possible that the way “The Science™” uses the term “Homo sapiens” actually describes a genus and not a species, the term “race” then being synonymous with “species”.
Like muh ol’ great grandpappy used to say, “The ability to interbreed does not a species make.”
He said it. But I don’t think he always lived by it.
Ms. (or whatever) Lightfoot doesn’t even look like any Black person I’ve ever seen. She (or?) also doesn’t resemble most people at random I’ve ever seen. But there might be some unknown tribe deep in some obscure part of Africa where her (?) ancestry could be traced. She (?) is truly baffling. And a Democrat to boot. Poor thing.
You left out Stacy Abrams……
Humans and pets have partly co-evolved to be both family and work partners. Dogs still have important roles on farms, security, and policing. And yes even cats are held in esteem for hunting rats and mice in homes, farms and ships. A family pet fulfills part of the human need for love and affection, more so than strangers… So it’s no surprise people will often make an emotional decision of pets over strangers.
My wife tells me she saw our cat playing around with a rat in our backyard. This is night time. I tell her I’ll dispose of the carcass in the morning, and don’t let the cat in in the meantime.
Next morning, I take out my rubber gloves and look for the rat. My daughter comes with me. What we find instead, is a baby rabbit. My kid exclaims ‘oh no! It’s a baby bunny!’ and starts bawling out before running into the house to tell her mother over tortured sobbing.
I know that had we discovered a dead human stranger in the yard, though shocked, my girl would not have reacted with such heartbreak as with the rabbit. She’d probably ask who is that, and what is he doing here, and be perturbed, but no sense of loss.
White people have a peculiar attachment to pets (dogs/cats) because they are either surrogate friends/family (or supplemental) that we also keep inside our homes (and even our beds sometimes), whereas nonwhites only see animals as food, the belonging to the outdoors or for protection, and promptly deride us for it. Animals are just too innocent, adorable and loyal in this era of atomization compared to people these days to feel bad about this attachment.
Hispanics and whites have roughly equivalent rates of pet ownership. Hispanics actually have a higher rate of dog ownership than whites. https://www.avma.org/sites/default/files/resources/AVMA-Pet-Demographics-Executive-Summary.pdf
Mexicans behind me have a rooster that crows all day. I dig it!
Dogfighting and cockfighting seem to be nonwhite pasttimes. Nicolas Wade makes an interesting case for the evolution of altruism in europe. We”ve domesticated ourselves through sexual selection for civility. It was entertaining 1,000 years ago to burn a bag of cats in the town square for example, but now women would kill their husband for joking of such a thing.
Dogfighting and cockfighting seem to be nonwhite pasttimes.
And cat-burning was once a notable European pastime.
Let’s just accept that when it comes to animal cruelty, no group’s hands have been historically clean.
I didn’t want to mention cockfighting but it crossed my mind. My Mexicans also play mariachi music into the wee, wee hours. Comprende el stereotype, amigos?
Dogfighting and cockfighting seem to be nonwhite pasttimes.
The Romans were very merciful towards animals when they tormented them for public spectacles in their amphitheaters.
Bear-baiting, Monkey-baiting, Bull-baiting, ‘bullfighting’, Fox-tossing, Goose pulling, etc. used to be “pastimes” and “entertainments” in European White lands.
Harassing and torturing a bull, which is sheer savagery, is part of “cultural heritage” in the Iberian peninsula, which is very much part of White Western civilization.
Yeah, what’s with Spanish-types and bulls? Bull-“fighting” and that “running of the bulls” somewhere.
You don’t see the Inuit doing these types of things with musk-oxen.
If it was up to me, I’d make it a law that all male pit bulls be castrated when reaching ‘breeding age’. That way, not one dog is ever killed, but the breed would cease to exist. I know that sounds like something out of MK, but some breeds of animals need not to pollute our earth. Indeed, these dogs are so tied into Black culture, for a variety of reasons that most people are aware of, but can’t speak about, and any law ‘against’ them would result in a barrage of shrieks of ‘racism’.
So, as usual, just stay away from the problem as best you can. Put our civilized and loving dogs into the car — they love rides! — and go to a nicer section of town for their walk. I used to walk my Doxie in a church parking lot with trees, in which squirrels were known to inhabit. What fun we had there. And I once ran into Yul Brynner and his wife while walking my dog on Sunset Boulevard in Bevery Hills one Sunday afternoon long ago.
Yes, truly, it is us that have to do the ‘moving’ and ‘avoiding’, but that now has become our only way of preserving our civilization. And it, and our dogs, are worth preserving.
How about just get the hell out of the city?
Pit bulls tied to black culture? There are literally millions of square miles of the US with pit bull being ubiquitous and also where as far as human eye can see no one would know of a black owning a pit bull and think your statement a WTF moment.
Many of you really need to stop with the solipsims. Just like with the “all the women and girls are not getting married” shit. Again, outside of some of the cities, there is a 99.9998 percent chance that any woman or teenager you see is either married or has a (probably long term) boyfriend and is going to marry him soon. Moreover, they all have at least two kids and many of them three or more. And, please, spare me any reciting of statistics. Yes, I know, but I give not a damn that places like New York with its 10 zillion people offset the data since, as far as my world that I live in, again, as far as the eye can see, things are just as I stated. Women and girls in “flyover country” want a ring on their finger, not fuck buddies. Everyone on these frigging sites really needs to start grasping that the stats you all throw around are because of the huge number of people concentrated in some specific, well defined areas and are useless for generalizing the entire country.
Fenton! Fenton! FENTON!!
I don’t know Jim, but I think you might’ve micro-aggressed that sweet ‘lil Black child. You possibly scarred her for life and gave her a bad impression of white people everywhere by not trusting her word at how peaceful her nice dogs were.
You should go back over there and confess your white privilege, your white preoccupation for security, and your holding of malignant anti-Black stereotypes. Possibly with a large bucket of fried chicken to make amends?
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