An Extra 20 Million George Floyds

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On Monday, Politico [2] published a leaked draft majority opinion from the United States Supreme Court that would overturn 1973’s Roe v. Wade decision as well as 1992’s Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which reaffirmed the right to abortion. According to Justice Samuel Alito, writing for the majority:

We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives. . . . Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division.

The core of Alito’s reasoning is that since the Constitution makes no explicit reference to abortion, and since abortion was criminalized everywhere in the USA until 1973, there’s no implied right to have an abortion:

Until the latter part of the 20th century, there was no support in American law for a constitutional right to obtain an abortion. Zero. None. No state constitutional provision had recognized such a right. . . . The inescapable conclusion is that a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and traditions.

Well, sure, but neither does the Constitution mention gay marriage. Or interracial marriage. Or gay rights. Or the idea that a man can become a woman. Or the very concept of hate crimes. Hey, wait just a minute . . .

Suddenly . . . amid all the operatic outrage that the new decision overturned 50 years of legal precedent about a woman’s God-given right to murder her fetus . . . emerged the troubling fact that Roe v. Wade had itself overturned nearly 200 years of legal precedent and national tradition. If legal decisions can turn the clock forward, looks like they can also wind it back.

There’s nothing more frightening to a modern Leftist than the past.

At the news that Roe v. Wade might be overturned — again, it was only leaked as a draft, let’s not have an emotional miscarriage quite yet, shall we? — the sound of 100 million fanged vaginas across the land started barking and howling that women were being stripped of their rights to make their own choices about their own bodies, and who cares whether the father and the baby don’t have any choice in the matter, you woman-hating creep?


You can buy Jim Goad’s The Redneck Manifesto here. [4]

If frantically jumping up and down on their living-room floors didn’t make their unwanted fetus plop onto the groovy new cream-colored shag carpet, this new court decision would force them down dirty alleyways where shadowy men wield bloody coat hangers. Even worse, they may have to resort to birth control methods of the distant past [5] such as swallowing hot mercury, drinking tea made from ground beaver testicles, squatting over a steaming pot of onions [6], or crocodile-dung vaginal suppositories.

They cried crocodile-dung tears about all the unwanted babies from rape and incest, despite the fact that such cases account for only a tiny sliver — about 1.5% [7] — of all abortions. In nearly all cases these days, abortions are for women who were too slutty to keep their legs shut, too careless not to use birth control, too unassertive to insist he wear a condom, and too clueless to swallow a morning-after pill. Or they’re for women who are so dumb, they’re well into adulthood and don’t even know how exactly a lady gets pregnant. When they send girls to abortion clinics these days, they’re not sending they’re best.

The traditionalist and metaphysical-minded Right — at least the strain that exists online — greeted the news that Roe v. Wade might be overturned almost as if it were the fulfillment of a biblical prophecy. They savored the idea that, one by one, every one of Demon Modernity’s false idols — the degeneracy, the promiscuity, the intoxicants, the broken families, the miscegenation, the genital lice, all of it — would fall in a reverse domino effect and we’d return to 1952 or 1303 or whatever year it was right before things started going wrong. Many of them insist that abortion is but one tentacle in the giant Pervert Octopus that’s currently strangling our culture to death.

Those of us who are more concerned about things such as numbers and DNA tests wonder how Alito’s opinion might affect demographics.

Alito mentioned demographics in his draft:

Some such supporters [of abortion] have been motivated by a desire to suppress the size of the African American population. It is beyond dispute that Roe has had that demographic effect. A highly disproportionate percentage of aborted fetuses are black.

And we’re to assume that those piles of dead black fetuses caused him great consternation.

It’s no secret that blacks absolutely excel at getting abortions. Every year in New York City [8], more black fetuses are aborted than are born. As of 2014, an estimated 20 million itty-bitty black embryos had been legally snuffed in the womb as a result of Roe v. Wade. That’s 20 million George Floyds. And again, that was eight years ago — it’s probably 30 million George Floyds by now. According to national stats from 2019 [9], black women accounted for 38% of all abortions — an overrepresentation of roughly 300%. According to 2018 Center for Disease Control statistics [10], white women had the lowest per-capita abortion rate of all racial groups.

In 1970, blacks represented 11.1% of America’s population. After 50 years of Roe v. Wade, and despite blacks’ legendary horniness and fecundity, they’d only managed to nudge up the quotient to 13.4%. This is clearly, undeniably, inexorably, and ineluctably the result of that racist Margaret Sanger’s super-secret genocidal plot to provide free abortions to horny black people.

Check out this map [11] of which states would most likely ban abortion if Roe is overturned. It’s a solid band of blood-red throughout the South, where most of America’s black people have always lived and continue to insist on living. It’s almost like an intentionally drawn demographic Mason-Dixon Line in some odd new genetically-engineered Baby War.

If Roe v. Wade is indeed overturned, and black Americans are mostly trapped in Deep South Red States with no abortion rights, the part of the country that was formerly known and loved as Dixie will have turned every last square inch of its former slave plantations into government-sponsored breeding camps designed to finally create a nation that resembles the nearly all-black America that you see in TV commercials.

Justice Alito and the conservative majority have made the right decision. The only way to save the black race is to outlaw abortion.

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