Abortion & White Nationalism, Again

Salvador Dalí, The Madonna of Port Lligat, 1950, detail [1]

Salvador Dalí, The Madonna of Port Lligat, 1950, detail

1,169 words

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” — Napoleon

Word has it that Roe v. Wade, the US Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion throughout America, may soon be overturned. If it is overturned, this will be the most significant victory by American conservatives in my lifetime. Sadly, it is bad for white people.

If the Supreme Court throws out Roe v. Wade, this ruling means only that the US Constitution says nothing about the legality of abortion, thus the question must be determined by state legislatures, not the high court. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, however, many states will dramatically limit abortion.

I am of two minds about abortion.

On the one hand:

  1. I believe that human life begins at conception, and human beings have a right to life. Having a right to life means simply: Human life is highly valuable, thus there is a prima facie case for preserving it, and you need a really good argument not to do so. Human rights mean that we need to arrange our affairs so that we respect the lives of others, even if it would be more convenient or profitable to rob, rape, or kill them. Fortunately, the world is big and rich enough to ensure every human being has a place.
  2. There are, of course, circumstances in which people lose their right to life. If a man tries to kill you, you certainly have the right to use lethal force to protect yourself. People who commit heinous crimes arguably lose their right to life. Moreover, we should have no compunctions about killing enemy soldiers and spies if they are fighting against us.
  3. But you have to do something to lose your right to life. The only thing an unborn child can do to merit lethal force is to pose a medical threat to its mother’s life, and that doesn’t include merely upsetting her. But such circumstances only account for a tiny percentage of abortions.
  4. Arguments for abortion on demand are a mountain of sophistries, dishonest euphemisms, and emotional manipulation.
  5. Roe v. Wade is a terrible legal decision. Allowing it to stand for nearly half a century is a mockery of American justice.
  6. Abortion advocates are among the most disgusting people in the world [2].
  7. The people who choose to abort their children are generally trash and scum [3]. At the very least, they are weak and selfish.
  8. A decent society would ban abortion “on demand.” Killing human beings is serious. Abortion should be treated as a form of execution. Thus if a woman wishes to seek an abortion, there should be a legal proceeding to determine whether the unborn child has, in effect, committed a capital crime. Both the child and its father have rights and should have representation in the proceeding. Under no circumstances, however, would a decent society treat abortion as merely a personal choice, with no more moral importance than cutting one’s hair or trimming one’s nails.
  9. The pro-life movement should be a model for White Nationalism. Abortion, like white genocide, is a slow, cold genocide taking place in what seems like a normal society. Over 60 million abortions have taken place in America since Roe v. Wade. If a crime of such magnitude can be hidden from most people, then so can the even greater crime of white genocide. The pro-life movement’s most important achievement has been simply awakening millions to the magnitude of the horrors happening invisibly all around us. At the core of the pro-life movement is an enormous moral outrage and urgency. And yet the pro-life movement has been disciplined enough to rein in people who argue that resisting genocide requires acts of terrorism. If your goal is to shine a light on an invisible genocide against the innocent, then terrorist attacks that also inevitably harm the innocent are not the way to do it. They obscure rather than reveal the true crime of abortion, and they render both sides morally equal in the eyes of the public. White Nationalists need to take this lesson to heart as well.


On the other hand:

  1. We don’t live in a decent society. We live in a profoundly sick society, and we face a far bigger problem than abortion, namely white genocide. Because of low white fertility, non-white immigration, and policies that discriminate against whites in favor of non-whites, whites in America are in danger of biological extinction [5]. Because all of these trends are predictable outcomes of social policies and could be remedied by better policies, white extinction is actually white genocide [6].
  2. Legalizing abortion nationwide through Roe v. Wade is one of the few liberal triumphs that actually works in the demographic favor of whites. Currently, about 70% of women who seek abortions in America are non-white. Of the white women who seek abortions, surely some percentage is aborting non-white babies as well. That means that fewer than 30% of abortions are of white babies. Non-whites are massively overrepresented among abortion seekers, while whites are massively underrepresented. If Roe v. Wade had never been passed, there would be more whites and non-whites in America, but the non-white percentage of the overall population would be much larger, which means that the cultural and demographic decline of white America would be far more advanced, perhaps too far advanced to be reversed. Overturning Roe v. Wade while open borders, low white fertility, and anti-white discrimination remain will only hasten white decline and make it harder to regain control of our own destiny.
  3. One argument against abortion is that the people who choose to abort their children are usually trash and scum. But that’s also an argument for it. Since trashy and scummy traits are heritable, giving such people access to abortion decreases their representation in future generations. Roe v. Wade is thus the only liberal triumph that has eugenic rather than dysgenic effects.

What, then, should be the White Nationalist position on abortion?


You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here. [8]

In a White Nationalist society, I would ban most abortions. However, this is not a White Nationalist society, and under present circumstances, we have bigger problems to deal with. Thus, if you think that white genocide is our greatest problem and White Nationalism is the solution, White Nationalists should not spend any of our scarce social, political, and financial capital opposing abortion. To do so is utterly irresponsible. It will simply hasten our own doom.

But if abortion works in our favor, should White Nationalists actively promote it?

Absolutely not.

It goes back to the question of human rights. I believe that White Nationalism is completely consistent with respecting the rights of other human beings. We can’t just murder millions of people because it is convenient. That may be fine for liberals, but the New Right occupies higher moral ground.

By the same token, however, when we see our enemies (Leftists and non-whites) eagerly murdering millions of their own offspring, are we morally obligated to stop them, especially when stopping them hastens white genocide?

Absolutely not.

Saint Augustine famously prayed to God to help him be chaste and continent, “but not yet.” That’s the proper White Nationalist position on abortion. We should end it. But not yet.

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