The Counter-Currents 2022 Fundraiser
TWO DAYS LEFT to Win Jonathan Bowden’s Reactionary Modernism

167 Words [1]

March 29th, 2022 was the tenth anniversary of Jonathan Bowden’s untimely death. To celebrate the life of this brilliant orator, artist, and man of the right, we hosted a memorial livestream [2] and announced the upcoming reveal of the Jonathan Bowden Archive site.

Counter-Currents is unique among dissident right websites for its dedication to preserving cultural icons of the right. We did this with the Savitri Devi Archive in 2021. This year, we are proud to announce the Jonathan Bowden Archive.

Please give today to finalize this project!

As a thank you gift for your generosity, all donations of $120 and above will receive:

This offer ends TOMORROW!

Jonathan’s life was too short, but his legacy can live on forever. That is in our hands now.

Thank you for your dedication,

Greg Johnson

Please mail my copy of Reactionary Modernism to: