Building Institutions
Giving Without Fear

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One of the biggest obstacles to organized, professional white advocacy is fear of charitable giving. Like any well-reared white person, discussing money makes me uneasy. But the most significant contribution I, or anyone else, could give to our people is a thriving philanthropy culture. So, I hope clearing a few things up will make readers more inclined to give.

It isn’t paranoia if they’re really out to get us. However, when it comes to donating to Counter-Currents, your fear is unfounded.

1) Contributions to for-profit businesses like Counter-Currents Publishing Ltd. are invisible to state and federal governments. There are no government reporting requirements on our end or your end, regardless of the donation amount. 

2) To a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit like the Counter-Currents Foundation, donations over $5,000 must be reported by the 501 (c)(3) to the IRS. To receive a tax deduction, donors must also include them on their tax returns. However, there is no example of a donor being audited, harrassed, or doxed by the IRS for donating to white advocacy causes, even when donors have received tax deductions on six-figure gifts. Furthermore, we are not required to reveal our donors to the public, and we never would. 

3) Many whites like to make anonymous contributions to charities, even if they are not controversial. They are looking to help. They are not looking for recognition. To make anonymous giving possible, the institution of the “donor-advised fund” was created. Donor-advised funds conceal the identities of donors while allowing them to take tax deductions. Donor-advised funds have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to white advocacy groups and have simply ignored the impotent screeching of Leftists. You can deduct a whopping 60% of your gross income via charitable giving. Email me at [email protected] [2] if this option appeals to you. 

4) For those who want to make a gift that is completely anonymous, even from your bank, use Monero, cash, gift card, or money order. Monero is probably the best way to move large sums of untraceable cash legally.

Don’t let the tech intimidate you. It’s easy. This article shows you how: [3]

If you take this option, use Kraken, as Coinbase does not permit donations to Counter-Currents.

If you need me to guide you through the Monero process, or any of these four options, please email me at [email protected] [2]

This article is the first of a three-part series. Next week, I will discuss “the motivation problem” and how easy it is to give to Counter-Currents. Finally, I will discuss planned giving and how to leave a white advocacy organization in your will. 

The only way to save our civilization is by creating a thriving philanthropic culture. Thank you for being a part of it. Now and always, we are profoundly grateful to our noble supporters. In this holy war of ours, fear is the mind-killer.

Thank you,

Robert Wallace