True Values Revive & Our Chances are On the Rise

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In his first letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul wrote, “For now we see through a glass, darkly . . .” As with all things in the Bible, it can be interpreted a number of ways. This is mine.

For months, I’ve been writing about the pending Ukrainian crisis. All of my focus has been on how it impacts America’s internal politics. We have a bunch of insane anti-Russians, many of whom are Jewish, at high levels of government, which has destabilized the situation. The American Deep State has behaved so recklessly that I though it likely they would hook America into a war to make sodomy and transsexual perversion legal in Siberia.

Back to seeing “through a glass, darkly.” I cannot emphasize enough that my concerns about the Ukrainian situation were inwardly directed, at America’s policies. I thought that I was stating a great moral truth about this situation. It turns out that I was only seeing half of the situation. I didn’t realize that the Russians — not “the Russians” who “hack” elections, but the real, live heirs of the Soviet Union — would turn over the table.

It turns out that I’ve only been looking through a glass, darkly.

So, in the short term, put on a sackcloth and ashes, reflect on the big picture, and repent. But the time for reforming the dreadful state of America is for later. There is plenty of time for recriminations, the mid-terms are in November, and the primary season for 2024 will kick up shortly thereafter. We still have a crisis on our border, we have the “civil rights” burden, and plenty of other perverse ways that need to be corrected.

Counter-Currents is a website for high ideas. It has become the top clearinghouse for Right-wing thought. Each article is a search for the truth and for an ideal world. But we who search for an ideal world are living in the real world. We are but travelers on the twisting and dangerous road to Jericho. We cannot be like the priest and Levite who selfishly passed by a robbery victim on the road while they split hairs over the meaning of a cruel and obsolete legalism.


You can buy The World in Flames: The Shorter Writings of Francis Parker Yockey here. [3]

I don’t believe that the parts of Ukraine that were captured by the Russians in 2014 were unjustly conquered. I also believe that the American relationship with Ukraine should be one which takes into account the underemployed and deindustrialized heartland of our own vast land. I am still an America First isolationist, but America First and isolationism are separate philosophical things.

And while I don’t side with the extreme version of Ukrainian nationalism, what we are seeing is an unjust invasion of a people in the heart of their own ethnostate. Putin could have left well enough alone. There were many in the United States who understood his point of view and wished that their government would not provoke him. There were no calls for putting American nuclear weapons in Ukraine, even by the insane anti-Russian asylum that is the Deep State. And while the Russian people are not a particularly evil bunch, in the past they have treated the Ukrainians with great cruelty.

Counter-Currents Contributor in Jeopardy 

In recent years, many on the Right have felt oppression. Of all people, an Orthodox Jew who frequently commented on this website was doxed and lost his job. Many others have had personal setbacks and been persecuted for the sake of our cause. But today, as you read this, we have a Counter-Currents contributor in the greatest jeopardy of all.

This writer is under tremendous threat. As I write this, a column of the Russian army that is 40 miles long is headed towards Kiev, so I won’t name her. The Russian military is deploying Chechen units to Kiev as well. As you no doubt remember from the Boston Marathon bombing, the merciless Chechen savages’  [4]known rule of warfare is undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions.

I reached out to this writer, seeking a way to send her cryptocurrency directly and attempting to get an interview. She wrote back to tell me that she “believe[s] that this war will bring a totally new world,” and added that “true values revive, and our chances are on the rise.”

Meanwhile, Kiev has been hit by Iskandar missiles [5] and BM-21 rockets [6]. Since that single e-mail from this writer, it’s been silence, and the neo-Bolshevik noose tightens around Kiev.

I thought I would be heartless and uncaring about this war. It turns out I did not know myself that I look through a glass, darkly. Since 2016, we have fought against the insane asylum in the American Deep State. We’ve been arguing for peace. But for many reasons, America lost the ability to deter.

Now that we have lost our ability to deter, sad, unfortunate changes in policy must happen. We should not start World War III. Instead, white advocates must drop our neutrality and come out for Ukraine. We must implore our government to wisely send aid. On the personal level, we need to send crypto to the people we know there. If we fail to support Ukraine in this crisis, all of our other goals will fall out of reach.

UPDATE: Our writer agreed to go public. Her name is Olena Semenyaka and her organization’s website is Team | Intermarium. [7] She describes herself as a patriot of Ukraine facing the horrors of Russia’s war on the country. She is also the Coordinator of the Intermarium Support Group (a project in support of Central and Eastern European integration) and a Pan-Europeanist. She likewise cooperates with Russian identitarians.

You can support her with crypto currency by using this address: bc1qsfps8k6n6ydgemtqrgfgcxhswqkc0uwg6q4nj6

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