The Counter-Currents 2022 Fundraiser
Update on Our Matching Grant


Franz von Stuck, The Spirit of Victory

721 words

This year, Counter-Currents aims to raise $300,000 to sustain and expand our work. We have raised $10,441.67 thus far. Thank you to all our donors! Last week, we announced a $3,000 matching grant. We are now at $1,532, more than halfway there.  

I do not at all enjoy asking our community for money. But our cause is too important to give in to such feelings. Without a thriving philanthropic culture, we cannot influence politics in America. Thus we must think of charity as a sacred calling.

Greg Johnson is building a staff of seasoned professionals. We have come a long way with dedicated amateurs. Wait till you see what we can accomplish with dedicated professionals.

There is no better contribution to our people’s future than a gift to Counter-Currents 2.0 [2]. We are a mature institution run by capable people pursuing the best possible strategy.

Thank you for your faith in Counter-Currents’ mission to empower white identity politics. Please make a gift between $50 and $500 now [3] to fulfill its promise.

Robert Wallace

Here’s How You Can Help Out

(1) E-Checks

If you are in the United States, E-checks are the fastest and most convenient way to send money to Counter-Currents. All you need is your checkbook.

(2) Credit Cards

Currently, there are only two ways we can take credit card donations:

  1. CashApp as $CounterCurrents [4]! CashApp allows you to make an instant credit card donation without a high processing fee. Plus, it gives us an encouraging mobile alert when you donate! Boost the Counter-Currents staff morale instantly! Donate via CashApp!
  2. Entropy, a site that takes donations and comments for livestreams. Visit our Entropy page [5] and select “send paid chat.” Entropy allows you to donate any amount from $3 and up. All comments will be read and discussed in the next episode of Counter-Currents Radio, which airs every weekend.

(3) Bank Transfers

It is also possible to support Counter-Currents with bank transfers. Please contact us at [email protected] [6].

(4) Gift Cards

Gift cards are a useful way to make donations. Gift cards are available with all the major credit cards as well as from major retailers. You can either send gift cards as donations (either electronically or through the mail), or you can use them to make donations. Simply buy a prepaid credit card and click here [7] to use it. If you can find a place that sells gift cards for cash, they are as anonymous as sending cash and much safer.

(5) Cash, Checks, and Money Orders

Sometimes the old ways are best. The least “de-platformable” way to send donations to Counter-Currents is to put a check or money order in the mail. Simply print and complete the Word [8] or PDF [9] donation form and mail it to:

Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd.
P.O. Box 22638
San Francisco, CA 94122
[email protected]

Thank you, Boomers, for keeping your checkbooks, envelopes, and stamps. There are youngsters reading this site who have never written a check or put a letter in the mail.

(6) Bill Payment Services

If you wish to make monthly donations by mail, see if your bank has a bill payment service. Then all you need to do is set up a monthly check to be dispatched by mail to our PO box. This check can be made out to Counter-Currents or to Greg Johnson. After the initial bother of setting it up, you never have to think about it again.

(7) Crypto-Currencies

In addition to old-fashioned paper donations, those new-fangled crypto-currencies are a good way to circumvent censorious credit card corporations.

(8) The Counter-Currents Foundation

Note: Donations to Counter-Currents Publishing are not tax deductible. We do, however, have a 501c3 tax-exempt educational corporation called The Counter-Currents Foundation. If you want to make a tax-deductible gift, please email me at [email protected] [12]. You can send donations by mail to:

The Counter-Currents Foundation
P.O. Box 22638
San Francisco, CA 94122

(9) Remember Us in Your Will

Finally, we would like to broach a very delicate topic: your will. If you are planning your estate, please think about how you can continue helping the cause even after you are gone. The essay Majority Estate Planning [13]” contains many helpful suggestions.