The Worst Week Yet:
February 13-19, 2022


A new off-Broadway musical called Black No More depicts a machine that turns black people white. Photo credit: Monique Carboni/The New Group

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Liberia Celebrates 200 Years of Magnificent Failure

To assert — as does the entire modern racial-justice-industrial complex without any hesitation or equivocation — that any disparities regarding income, health, and longevity between black and white Americans are due to white maleficence is to ignore how blacks fare when they are entirely quarantined from the foul clutches and nostril-searing stench of white supremacy.

If whites are indeed holding blacks down, then blacks should emerge to fulfill their true potential in areas where there are few or no whites. Yet for a quarter-century and running, I’ve openly challenged anyone on the planet to point me to a black-majority nation where blacks live longer and with a higher economic standard of living than they do in the United States of AmeriKKKa.

The African republic of Liberia [2] started as a mere gleam in the eyes of the idealistic whites who founded the American Colonization Society [3], which operated under the daffy belief that “black people would face better chances for freedom and prosperity in Africa than in the United States.”

Liberia’s current President, a coffee-bean-colored gent named George Weah [4], recently commemorated the bicentennial of the arrival of the first freed black Americans to his nation’s shores in 1822. In 1847, Liberia would become an explicitly black republic — the second in the world after the island oasis known as Haiti.

The best I can say about modern Liberia is, at least it’s not Haiti.

About 85% of Liberians live below the poverty line, with the nominal per-capita yearly GDP a starvation-inducing $704 — less than two dollars a day. Average life expectancy is 54.7 years.

Meanwhile, the average per-capita income of black Americans is $20,226 — nearly 30 times as high as it is for Liberians. Average life expectancy for black Americans is 74.9 years — more than 20 years longer than it is for Liberians.

And as bad as Cleveland and Detroit can be, Liberia’s slums [5] are an open-air toilet [6]. If it’s “racist” to wish suffering upon blacks, the most racist thing imaginable would be to completely remove them from white societies.

Pastor Says He Hopes “Every Single Homosexual Dies” but is Unclear Whether Homosexuals In Committed Relationships Should Also Perish

Anyone remotely familiar with the Holy Bible [7] knows that God finds it detestable for a man to sleep with another man as if he were a woman. Such shenanigans drive the Lord absolutely bonkers, but rather than simply making homosexuality impossible, God allows it to happen, allows the fags to live rent-free in his head yet again, and then eternally punishes the sodomites in an unquenchable lake of fire.

As long as I am not forced to watch nor smell them, I care not what any consenting adults do in the boudoir, but my blood boils when people use imprecise language.

Although he resembles a young Anton Lavey [8] from the Church of Satan, Danil Kutsar [9] is a fundamentalist Christian preacher in Spokane, Washington who recently raised my ire when he seemingly implied that only “single [10]” homosexuals should die:

That’s why a lot of homosexuals, they’re reprobates, they hate themselves, they kill themselves. Why? Because they hate their lives because they rejected God, they know that God rejected them, they know there’s no hope, they know they’re wicked, and they might even hate their lives. And that’s why they commit suicide, which is great. I hope every single homosexual dies.

Why only the “single” homosexuals? What about married homosexuals? What about promiscuous homosexuals? What about homosexuals who are in committed, loving relationships? I mean, if he simply meant “every” homosexual, there was no need to add the unnecessarily redundant word “single.”

When called out for his alleged homophobia — rather than his real crime, which was grammatical imprecision — Kutsar clarified his comments to confirm that he wants every gay person, single or engaged, to die:

I take back nothing, you know. I agree, I still agree, I hope every sodomite dies. I hope every homosexual dies. I hope every faggot dies.

Sheesh, why was that so difficult to say? It’s one thing to wish death upon a whole group of people, but it’s downright cruel to mock those who are lonely and unattached and have no one to text them in the morning, especially during a global pandemic.

Racist White Doctors Claim Black Patients are More Difficult

The semantic genius of terms such as “racism,” “sexism,” and “anti-Semitism” is nestled in their sly implication that non-whites, women, and Jews can’t possibly be guilty of any behavior that may lead someone to dislike them. In allowing a certain kind of deeply unlikeable person to hide behind their alleged oppression due to their status as a member of a “marginalized” group, it shields them from the existential horror of confronting the dismal and unflattering fact that a lot of people don’t like them because they are, at base, unlikable.

So when an article states that “Doctors Describe Black Patients As Uncooperative More Than Others [11],” the obedient modern news consumer has already been trained to rule out the possibility that black patients are more uncooperative than others. When a doctor leaves notes describing a black patient as “non-compliant,” “non-adherent,” or that they “refused” treatment, these derogatory terms will stay on the patient’s medical record and give new doctors “undue assumptions about them before they even start treating them.”

That’s a weird argument, seeing as how the original doctor who left the derogatory notes had no “undue assumptions” about the black patient in the first place besides perceiving them as black, with all the pitfalls that entails.

We also never hear the end of how in schools [12], “black students are more likely to be seen as problematic and more likely to be punished than white students,” a sentence which is never completed with a clause such as, “and this is because blacks misbehave more than white students do.”

It’s also been observed that “store clerks tend to be more suspicious of blacks [13]” for reasons that can’t possibly be related to endlessly bad experiences with black customers.

And the fact that blacks wind up in more violent encounters with police has nothing to do with the fact that blacks commit far more violent crimes on a per-capita basis, nor is it at all related to their tendency to resist arrest [14] more than other groups.

No, it’s all hate. Hate explains everything. Maybe a nation that’s gullible enough to believe such nonsense deserves to be destroyed.

Black Harvard Student Jumps Over Puddle, Injures Foot, Blames White Supremacy

Gordon J. Ebanks [15] is a thoroughly unthreatening-looking black Harvard student. His light skin and nerdy features signal that he clearly has some non-black ancestry, but anyone familiar with the psychology of racial identity can attest that it’s the half-breeds who become the most intensely fanatical and metastasize into the most insufferable purity-spiralers in an attempt to reconcile their own sense of being tainted.

In an essay for The Harvard Crimson titled “White Supremacy and My Broken Bones [16],” Ebanks writes of taking a walk in a snowstorm and how he “broke one of the bones in my feet jumping over a particularly large puddle.”

Okay, so far, no white supremacy detected.

He says he bravely limped along until the next day, when a doctor X-rayed his foot and told him he’d broken a bone. It’s unclear whether or not the doctor was white, and with fanaticism of this magnitude, it’s not important. Ebanks decided that his original stoicism was a result of white supremacy to the point where he even had to mention slave-drivers’ whips and the Tuskegee Experiment:

Black people in America learn from a young age that our pain isn’t real — that however badly we are treated, our bodies can weather it. In the media’s seemingly never-ending loop of footage featuring Black [sic] people being beaten by police officers and dramatizations of enslavers whipping the enslaved, the main takeaway is always our resiliency as a people, the teflon [sic] twin of the American Dream. . . . These biases, which have been immortalized by the barbarism of the Tuskegee Experiment [17]and medical abuse of Henrietta Lacks [18], have no doubt led to thousands of preventable deaths and are felt today in the cruel disproportionality of maternal mortality among Black [sic] women [19]. The tragic irony of these racist lies is that Black [sic] people actually die sooner [20] than white people. . . . The evidence is clear and overwhelming: Black people’s health and wellbeing is not only ignored but attacked in this country because our institutions don’t feel the need to protect Black [sic] lives the same way they do white ones.

Sir, you’re the one who misjudged a puddle.

And it’s pretty audacious to mention black female mortality and “racist lies” right before claiming that blacks “die sooner than white people,” when the fact is that black American women outlive [21] white American men.

Nerdy black Harvard students who insist on being victims of white supremacy rather than their own inability to negotiate tiny bodies of water make me sick.

Nullos: No Dick, No Balls, No Problem

Although self-castration has left a long and bloody historical trail [22], in most cases the act of self-gelding was linked to the religious delusion [23] that a man’s penis is the source of most of his problems rather than one of the few things in life, women included, that provides at least a temporary pleasurable respite from the endless clawing agony and futility that comes from trying to make sense of the savagely indifferent void.


You can buy Jim Goad’s The Redneck Manifesto here. [25]

But traditional religion is on the decline in the modern world, replaced by an anti-white and anti-male folk religion which recasts white men as Satan incarnate. Rather than being a cornerstone of privilege, being white and male now carries a stigma — and it’s the “male” part which likely explains why the overwhelming majority of those who “transition” from one sex to another decide to “become” women rather than men.

The term “nullo” — short for “genital nullification” — refers to a niche group of men who seek to have their penis and testicles removed without having to keep up the tiresome dog-and-pony show of pretending they’ve suddenly transformed into a woman. They simply desire to shed the negative baggage of being a man — as one doctor puts it, they are “individuals who wish to be emasculated but do not identify as female.”

Seven men in London were arrested [26] recently in connection with a group of “nullos” who broadcast their castrations live on a pay-per-view channel. A Norwegian man in his 40s who uses the pseudonym “The Eunuch Maker,” who may be a nullo himself, was arrested for helping to orchestrate the ritual gelding of six other males who ranged in age from their 30s to their 60s.

To date, the most high-profile nullo case involved Japanese artist Mao Sugiyama [27], who in 2019 held a banquet where his recently severed genitals were fried and fed to paying customers.

Some estimate that the global nullo population now sits at around 15,000 — that’s fifteen thousand mother’s sons who get some sort of warped erotic charge at being surgically rendered “as smooth as a Ken doll” down there.

Part of it may be simple Body Integrity Identity Disorder [28], a neurological glitch where someone’s brain tells them that a limb or another appendage simply doesn’t belong there and will cause them unending anguish until the pesky protuberance is removed.

I also believe that part of it is due to the fact that many young men inhabit a world that has brainwashed them into believing that nothing good has ever come from a penis.

A Musical About a Machine that Turns Black People White

While white racists have wasted literal centuries vainly attempting to solve America’s racial problem, leave it to a black musician to come up with a solution lickety-split.

As if the name “Tariq Trotter” wasn’t enough of a racial dog whistle, the lead MC of hip-hop group The Roots [29] goes by the stage name “Black Thought,” a moniker which invites as much mockery as the term “black history.” Trotter is the lead actor and a lyricist in a new off-Broadway musical called Black No More [30]. He portrays Dr. Junius Crookman, inventor of the “Black No More” machine, which will turn any black person white for only $50. Crookman claims “this Black No More device is the solution to race relations in America. I think the line is ‘to solve the American race problem as we know it.’”

Sounds like a plan. I mean, they’re not killing them — it’s more like an upgrade to First Class seats. And remember: It’s impossible to have race problems when you only have one race.

Asian Entertainers Scolded for Acting Black

I remember way, way back in the early 1980s, long before the modern cultural climate of Non-Stop Negro Worship, when most people considered rap music to be an atonal and abominable passing fad, which had proto-wiggers dismissing the “rap is crap” crowd as racist.

Fast-forward 40 years, and anyone who isn’t black yet expresses an unblinking love for black culture and all its childlike goofiness is slammed as a racist cultural appropriator.

You really can’t win with these people. And when I say “these” people, I trust it’s understood that I mean those people.

Nora Lum is a half-Chinese/half-Korean woman born in 1988 on Long Island. Under the moniker “Awkwafina,” she recorded a vulgar hip-hop song in 2012 called “My Vag [31]” where she is essentially an Asian woman pretending she’s a black woman pretending she’s a black man bragging about his dick. Her intonation is entirely ghetto black, and she doesn’t even pronounce “shrimp” as “shlimp” like a normal Asian would. Lum — or, if you prefer, Rum — has gone on to make several hip-hop albums and appear in films such as Ocean’s 8 and Crazy Rich Asians.

But intersectionality inevitably leads to cannibalism [32], so it took several years of Lum taking an all-expenses-paid ride on the yigger (yellow N-word) train for someone to finally accuse her of “cultural appropriation,” specifically in the form of faking a “blaccent [33].” She apologized — sort of — by claiming that she understood that blacks have always been belittled by the “dominant” group in America, and as a marginalized Woman of Yellowness, she sees how it might have been considered crass to amass a fortune of $8 million by pretending to be a subliterate ghetto skeezer.

K-pop, AKA Korean popular music, is a massively lucrative musical genre wherein highly effeminate K-males and thin-hipped, micro-breasted K-girls writhe and flail and attempt to emulate black American dance music in a manner that is as ridiculous as I hope I’m making it sound. K-pop boy band BTS is so effeminate that there have been thousands of documented cases of people who got AIDS merely by looking at their picture [34] (don’t say I didn’t warn you).

Street Dance Girls Fighter [35] is a South Korean reality show/survival competition. One of the dancing crews features a girl named Nain [35], who recently received some kind of insipid social-media shoutout from Jungkook [36], a male closet case, possible molestation victim, and member of BTS. Nain was recently called to task by black BTS fans for sporting some box braids [37], a hairstyle that black fans of Korean groups who shamelessly rip off black music insist is the exclusive domain of said black fans.

If black people were half as smart as their congenital Dunning-Kruger effect leads them to believe they are, they’d quit all the whining and start pretending they’re Korean.

Perv Couple Fed Sperm-Filled Cupcakes to Schoolkids

The most despicable thing about womenkind is not that they are incapable of feats of colossal perversity and howling cruelty, it’s that even when caught red-handed, they’ll flutter their eyelashes and convince officials that a man made them do it. Consider the case of Karla Homolka [38], who gleefully aided her boyfriend Paul Bernardo in the raping of at least 20 women and the murder of three others, including her own sister. Despite the fact that some of their videotaped exploits suggest that Homolka may have enjoyed the violence and perversity more than her beau did, all she needed was to trot into a police station with a black eye and tell them she was under his sinister spell for her to cop a plea. Bernardo is still in prison. Homolka was released in 1992 after only 12 years behind bars. She went on to bear three children.

Former Louisiana schoolteacher Cynthia Perkins [39] is nowhere near as fetching as Karla Homolka, nor as legally savvy. She recently plea-bargained to a 41-year prison sentence — more than three times the stretch that Karla Homolka served in Canada for enabling a rape-and-serial-killing spree — in exchange for her cooperation in testifying against her husband Dennis, a former sheriff’s deputy.

In October 2019, Cynthia and Dennis Perkins were arrested and charged with dozens of counts — first-degree rape and producing child pornography among them. On two different occasions, Perkins also allegedly served schoolchildren cupcakes she’d made that had been laced with her husband’s sperm [40].

Although she reportedly admitted in her plea deal that she assisted her husband in sexually assaulting a minor, in filming a minor as he bathed, and in lacing the cupcakes with hubby’s semen, Perkins is also pulling a Homolka and claiming that her husband was the “mastermind” behind all these nefarious deeds. According to her attorneys:

He is the real monster. That’s what she wants to make clear, it’s not about shifting blame, she took responsibility today, I mean, that’s what she did, but, she looks forward going after the real monster.

Women give men plenty of reasons to hate them, but a rarefied form of misogyny can only come when a female partner in crime runs crying to the cops and blames you for everything. Knowing what that feels like firsthand, it makes the rest of you so-called woman-haters look like amateurs.

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