On the Importance of Recruiting Non-Political Dissidents

[1]2,856 words

There’s a fashion channel [2]on YouTube that Mrs. Jeelvy is fond of watching. I remember once when I was trying to write but was distracted by the things the fashion designer lady on this channel was saying about fast fashion, which is the inadequacy of modern fashion material and the disgusting practices of the globalized garment industry in general. I commented that this gangly French lady was, in a sense, revolting against the modern world almost as much as I am — perhaps even more. After all, as Internet Men of Action ™ have told me that all I do is write and talk, but at least Justine Leconte makes clothes and jewellery.

Certainly, I could be, as usual, noticing patterns where there are none. There cannot possibly be anything linking this French fashion designer with the arch-curmudgeon that is Counter-Currents, except in themost general sense that we are both dissenting against modernity.

We are dissidents from the current political regime in the West. We question the ontological basis [3] on which it bases its existence, and the moral basis [4] of its legitimacy. We want to defeat and replace it with a regime of our own choosing. We are its enemies in the Schmittean sense. For our enmity, the system rewards us with persecution, curtailment of rights, surveillance, infiltration, financial deplatforming, arrest, and ultimately criminal prosecution. We, being dissidents with relatively little power, work very hard on deconstructing its narratives, denying it the ability to hold sway in the hearts and minds of men, skulk around in the shadows pointing out that the emperor has no clothes, and hold out for better days.

The romantic in me visualizes [5] this as the weekly edition of Counter-Currents, printed on stolen government paper with stolen government ink in the government printing house in the middle of the cold Warsaw night, and then bought by dissident readers out of the back of a rickety old Lada Niva with the back seats removed from a shifty-eyed, mustachioed man whose aroma is one part unwashed armpits, one part cheap tobacco, and ten parts poorly distilled grape liquor. You buy it as a package deal with real coffee, real sugar, hookers (his sisters), and plastic jug vodka. (I wrote those words in October 2020 as an exaggeration and a joke. That was before all the shortages and supply chain fuckeries.)

But we’re not the only people dissatisfied with the state of the modern West. Indeed, there’s a whole host of people out there who are, in one way or another, dissenting. Most of them are apolitical or have mainstream political views overall. However, as the regime grows ever more totalitarian — and here I am using the original meaning of totalitarian: demanding total submission in every realm of life, rather than merely political submission –, it will generate a growing body of non-political dissidents. It is these cohorts of people that I’m interested in.

Here are some examples of non-political dissidents. Let’s begin with people who dissent from the regime’s position on sexual mores, which combines promiscuity, anti-male hatred, and puritanism (#metoo). The sexual dissidents would include the manosphere, here including the pick-up artists, the men’s rights activists, and so-called MGTOWs (Men Going Their Own Way), the tradwives and traditionalists more generally (especially those seeking a return to traditional male-female relationships), and finally, TERFs [6] (trans-exclusionary radical feminists), who dissent from the regime’s position on transsexuality.

Moving forward, we have what is possibly the largest cohort: the nutritional dissidents. These are people who dissent from the regime’s position on dietary health. This is also a very wide and diverse cohort, including everyone from anti-GMO activists, organic food enjoyers, carnivore and keto dieters, slow food enthusiasts, and nutritional localists. Many of these people are even Leftists, and some of these dissenting positions are strongly opposed by the philistine section of the mainstream Right. Certain sections of these nutrition dissenters are also racially conscious, having observed racial differences in metabolism and optimal nutrient distribution. The fact that the gut is varies widely across races can prove to be an interesting way of broaching the race issue with them.

Overlapping with the nutritional dissident cohort is the sports and fitness dissident cohort. Since the regime’s position on fitness is that people are “healthy at any size,” anyone who strives to become fitter, stronger, faster, and overall healthier through physical fitness and sports is a dissident from this position. I will also include here all men who seek to practice martial arts and thus defy the regime’s ideal image of the man as a non-martial figure. This may be a smaller cohort than the nutritional dissidents, but it should be theoretically easier to win them over to dissident politics considering that men with high testosterone – and working out increases testosterone levels — tend to be more Right-wing than average. The stereotype of the Right-wing gymbro is certainly borne out in my experience. Gymbro culture has its own problems, but it is nothing that should discourage the earnest dissident from recruiting those muscle-bound freaks to our cause.


You can buy Greg Johnson’s The White Nationalist Manifesto here [8]

A group in which I wanted to classify the fitness dissidents before ultimately deciding against it are the lifestyle dissidents. Here we see the bulk of dissent against the modus vivendi that modern Westerners are propagandized into. As the regime increasingly pushes electric cars [9] on the population, we’ll see a growing body of internal combustion engine enthusiasts. People who revolt against modern pod living or soulless suburbanism by electing to live in rural locales and engage in traditional agriculture or crafts could also be grouped here, as could anyone running away from the so-called Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Related to the lifestyle dissidents and every other group are the health dissidents. Here we can include almost everyone who dissents from the mainstream position on the coronavirus vaccines, especially people who refuse to take them for medical reasons (while excluding people who refuse to take them on political grounds). Other people also belong to this category, including healthcare and pharmaceutical industry skeptics, psychopharmacology skeptics, dissenters from psychological and psychiatric consensus, people who are fighting and trying to mitigate the opioid epidemic’s effects in the US, as well as those fighting for wellness in the face of ubiquitous pharmacological escapism, people concerned about excessive medication, and the medicalization of societal ills. The latter particularly oppose the pathologization of dissent as well as any other group which, for whatever reason, distrusts the medical and pharmaceutical establishment, also including the regulatory agencies. This group necessarily include many doctors, and these doctors should always be treated with respect and reverence, since they’ll undoubtedly be facing harsh repercussions for daring to speak out against institutions as powerful as Big Pharma and Big Psych.

There are also economic and technology dissidents. These could be open source programmers and hobbyists who remember the hacker ethos of the ‘90s, before the government colluded with Big Tech to strangle innovation in that field with onerous intellectual property laws. There are also those who respect the industrial base and would prefer prefer that Western countries have control over their own production lines rather than outsourcing them to hostile and incompetent countries in Asia; and finally, technology skeptics and Luddites who may not be happy with our ruling elite’s runaway technomania and neomania.

The next group I will name as dissidents is probably going to cause controversy. I call them cultural dissidents, and they include everyone who dissents from the regime’s cultural positions. These would be people who oppose the war against white people in media, video games, advertising [10], and all other cultural realms. Here we have the old Gamergate crowd, as well as the Critical Drinker [11] and other critics of modern Hollywood. But I’m going to make some waves here and include hipsters and fashionistas like mademoiselle Leconte in this group. Hipsters may look like the foot soldiers of globohomo, and they’re certainly very involved in its political side, but they are also for the most part white and dissenters from the regime’s approved music [12] and fashion styles, which tend towards black. At some point in the future, hipsters and fashionistas will be forced to choose between Stuff White People Like [13]and Mulatto Perm culture. Even erstwhile, liberal-minded fashion designers like Justine Leconte will have to either resist the negrification of fashion or remain true to their art. This is the toughest crowd by far, but the one with the most potential, seeing as these people are already a sort of elite-in-waiting (many are part of the second echelon elite already) and have what is necessary to participate in high culture [14].

Let me finish my short list with the hated and scorned Karens, white women who demand that service personnel be held to standards of behavior typical of civilized societies. I classify them as behavioral and etiquette dissidents, and this group includes anyone who still cares about politeness, respect, and good manners as opposed to the regime’s preference for rudeness, disrespect, and profanity. As someone who’s no stranger to crude language myself, I find myself baffled by just how often the words “fuck” and “fucking” are repeated in mainstream speech. It’s a strong curse, and to be used sparingly, but everything nowadays is fucking this and fucking that and fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuckaroo until it no longer signifies anything, least of all fornication. Then there’s the rudeness of young children and their enabling parents. Our civilization is crumbling, and the behavior of the youth (and increasingly, the elderly) reflects this. Whoever dissents from this state of affairs is a behavioral and etiquette dissident.

This list is incomplete, of course. As I said, because we live in a totalitarian society, the regime seeks total submission, and therefore every aspect of life has to be regime-approved, which will create dissidents in all walks of life. All of these people will have a measure of distrust for the system. It is up to us to nurture this distrust and use it as a handle to pull them into political dissent. The following is how I envision that can be done.

The first message that must be imparted to the non-political dissident is that there are no non-political solutions to their problems. This might be counterintuitive, coming from a movement that often claims that there are no political solutions, but what needs to be understood is that we don’t mean political in the sense of day-to-day electoral and party politicking but political in the sense of the state’s constitution and its ruling class’ composition. No amount of self-improvement will secure access to the reproductive line for the beta male (here I use beta as a descriptive term rather than as an insult given that the vast majority of men are betas, meaning followers); only a society which enforces patriarchal rules and uses the full force of secular and religious law to control female hypergamy can do that. No amount of independent farming can stop Monsanto and other Big Agribusiness monstrosities from inflicting their mutant GMO crops on the world; only a strong state which breaks the back of these anti-nutritional calorie purveyors and particularly their stranglehold on proprietary seeds can ensure the future of organic and ancestral foods. Gymbros and fitness enthusiasts must be made to understand that without serious and focused physical education of the youth, as well as a crackdown on anti-fitness cultural mores, we’ll be forever playing catchup rather than producing consistently fit men and women, and so on and so forth. All categories of political dissidents can be persuaded that by joining our coalition and helping us win, they can then use the power of the state to ensure the achievement of their desired goals. Since we intend to construct an illiberal state when we win, we’ll be much freer in using state power for our stated goals than our enemies.

The second step that must be taken is to deconstruct the racism narrative. Since we are ethnic and racial nationalists, whichever non-political dissident we approach will have to accept us as such and, if not reject the egalitarian frame, at least learn to live with us as non-egalitarians. To this end, we must relentlessly deconstruct, mock, and counter-signal the racism narrative to the point where the non-political dissident no longer believes it, or at least no longer believes in it strongly enough that they have an allergic reaction to racialist thinking.

The third act, and one that will synergize with the second step, is to demonstrate to the non-political dissident, using evidence and argumentation, that their desired goal would be more easily achieved in a white ethnostate, that their non-political dissident movement is already overwhelmingly white (this is true in almost every cohort enumerated), and that their own form of non-political dissent is a form of implicit white identity politics — or at least a phenomenon found among uppity white folk [15]. Rather than fret, as the Left wants them to, that open-source coding and powerlifting are too white, they should accept that these are white people things (dare I say, stuff white people like) and work at them with renewed focus. How much wasted effort could be spared if people would only accept that nothing is going to get blacks interested in organic food or anti-GMO activism?

The most important reason that I think we should start courting these non-political dissidents, however, is because they have already internalized the idea that the system — or at least one part of it — is lying to them or is in some other way hostile to them. In my experience, this is the hardest barrier to shatter in the so-called normie; they implicitly trust society’s institutions, whereas the non-political dissident distrusts at least one of them. Obviously, non-political forms of dissent cluster with each other and with political dissent. I know many gymbros who are also nutritional dissidents, culture dissidents, and techno-economic dissidents. Many are full-blown ethnonationalists. The owner of my favorite artisan chocolaterie is a handsome, friendly middle-aged woman who’s also a fitness freak, a stickler for etiquette and a fierce opponent of our government’s anti-Macedonian policies. You’ll have more success winning over someone who’s dissenting on more than one count, and political dissidents who are also strong non-political dissidents are less likely to give up the struggle when the going gets tough.

Courting non-political dissidents likewise gives us access to those real-life infrastructure and networks that they have already formed, as well as their contacts, and if we successfully manage to bring them into our coalition, the resources they command as well. For this reason, we should target prominent non-political dissidents who can use their sway and authority to bring greater numbers of their followers and respecters into our coalition. Unsurprisingly, non-political dissident leaders are often the most open-minded of non-political dissidents, and since they know the kind of adversity a dissident experiences, they can empathize with political dissident and admire our courage (insofar as we show it) even if they do not initially agree with our positions.

While the ideal is to eventually unite all dissent against the regime under the political dissident banner, we must start with the leaders of non-political dissidents and those non-political dissidents who are most dissenting. The organic food-eating open source programmer gymbro who defends The Lord of the Rings against diversification and turns away from the degenerate sexuality of the modern world is a better candidate for political dissent than an otherwise normal person who’d prefer culture to go back to the way it was in 2006.

My final comment on non-political dissidents is that they must not be allowed to co-opt the White Nationalist movement for their own ends. This should be a natural corollary to the first rule, that there are no non-political solutions, so that all focus is on seizing political power — but it has to be reiterated very forcefully, for reasons outlined in Greg Johnson’s “Against Right-Wing Sectarianism [16]” and elsewhere. They will follow our lead. They have an agenda, while we hold the key and know the way to that agenda’s fulfillment. This sets the political dissident above the non-political dissident in the coalition’s hierarchy, because we can implement the ethnostate without their agenda, but for the most part they cannot achieve their goal without first establishing the ethnostate.

With that, I give you this mission. Seek out the malcontent, the dissenter, the refusenik, the gymbro, the hipster, the masculinist, the organic food lady, the arthoe girlfriend of lore. Tell them about how good it could be if there were only white people around. Tell them of their chance to break their corporate enemies’ backs, and ask them to envision a world of good food, fit men, and women producing children, as well as of dynamic technological development unrestrained by the greed and power-lust of IP rentiers like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. Preach not to the normie who accepts negrified culture and calories posing as food, but to those who are halfway to enlightenment already and who doubt the ruling class and their lies. Lead them to a full understanding of the world and allow them to take part in our struggle. They will thank you for it.

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